Finn d'Abuzz wrote:JustanObserver wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
So if the kid was suspended for repeatedly yelling in the Library, would his right to free speech have been violated.
Are you kidding me?
You need a serious refresher course in what constitutes the First Amendment.
Particularly "Time, place and manner restrictions." Here ya go:
"Time, place and manner restrictions"
So, in other words, you believe that a kid suspended for repeatedly yelling in a school library has had his First Amendment rights violated?
Ok Finn, you wanted the attention, so I'll make you happy and clear you up on something. The two parts that I bolded are why I didn't bother to give much of what you say any weight (and still don't).
First, you said "So if the kid was suspended for repeatedly yelling in the Library, would his right to free speech have been violated." That you actually made that comment shows you either didn't know or didn't understand the concept that there are certain allowable restrictions to free speech.
I thought you might want to inform yourself on it so you don't make that mistake again, so I linked you to some information that addresses that issue in particular.
Since you seem to be incapable of looking at it and only pay attention to what I say to annoy me, I'll first post a bit of
some of the relevant information from the site you refused to read, and then explain it for you, ok? Now, considering whether you argue a library is a "Public forum" or "Limited Public Forum", this is what could apply:
Quote:Limits on the Exercise of Free Speech and Assembly Based Upon Forum Type
1. Public Forum:
Expressive activity in an open public forum may not be suppressed, controlled or excluded unless it is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest, and is narrowly drawn to achieve that end. A compelling government interest means an interest of the greatest importance, such as protecting the health, safety and welfare of the community. However, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions may be used if applied neutrally to all similarly situated parties.
2. Limited Public Forum:
A University setting most often fits into this category (but is not exclusive of this category) because it contains public buildings and property whose primary purpose is to provide education, but is often designated to allow access to the public at times when the property is not being used for its primary purpose. The uses of the property may be limited to those designated by policy, and reasonable time, place and manner restrictions may be imposed, but each must be exercised neutrally among similarly situated persons.
Now now, don't go nuts yet, I'll explain it for you. What you just read (along with some more stuff from the site that you surely haven't) says essentially that your First Amendment rights are protected, but when you are in certain places, there are
justifiable limits to such free speech.
Applying it to your "repeatedly yelling in a library" example would mean this: The library can restrict people from creating a nuisance by repeatedly yelling, since they aren't restricting
what is being said. Instead they are restricting people from creating a disturbance in a location that is supposed to be used for a particular purpose.
Ok, still with me? Here is where I come off with the "I shouldn't waste my time with you any longer" comment.
AFTER I provided you with a link that addressed your comment, you
THEN said:
"So, in other words, you believe that a kid suspended for repeatedly yelling in a school library has had his First Amendment rights violated?"
This comment
CLEARLY showed you didn't read the link. Or that you read it but didn't understand. If you had read it/understood what it said, you would not have made that asinine comment again.
As you said, "Any idiot can say "You're wrong man! I know you're wrong because I'm right!" Which is why I tried leading you to a source of information that could set you straight on the matter. You didn't even try. THAT is why I don't want to spend more time on you. Because it's a waste. Trust me, when I'm confronted with someone who does MORE than just make stupid ass inflammatory comments or pretends they know what they're talking about when they clearly don't, I'm happy to engage them. You've already won in the sense that you got me to waste this much time on you.
And I don't have a "true identity." I'm Superman
all the time.