It is completely irrelevant if he's cheating on you. You've already discovered that he's a lying bastard that talks cruelly about you behind your back. What more do you need to know??? Dump his ass.
Note that I said "is" rather than "is being" because you can't change this about him.
""I can't quite understand while she keeps returning to A2K. Perhaps she's reaching a point where she wants sensible advice rather than vacuous validation. ""
or stirring the drama pot.
Noddy24 wrote:I can't quite understand while she keeps returning to A2K. Perhaps she's reaching a point where she wants sensible advice rather than vacuous validation.
Or perhaps not.
Or trying to float her version of events by us to test for credulity before convincing herself of it.
Do you think in real life Diana wears a T-shirt that says "Hurt me and I'm Yours Forever"?
I don't know, but I think that she doesn't like herself much and sees no reason why someone else should either.
Most people put their best face forward when dating and don't reveal the worst of themselves until further into the relationship. Judging by her past situations, it appears that she believes her best quality is her ability to have sex and her worst is her insecurity. So all relationships start with mucho sexo and end with accusations of real or perceived cheating. Then, in order to make herself feel better about the whole thing, she recreates the events in her mind in a way that makes her look good (by being the victim) and convinces herself of this alternate reality. Problem solved, on to the next disastrous pseudo-relationship.