neologist wrote:I am not able to parse the intent of your citations
The citations are not 'mine' - these are texts from the Scripture: 1 to 1.
neologist wrote:You seem to have included statements about Jesus with statements applying only to his father.
By Father you mean God the Father ... or Joseph. This is not so important.
The real study that has to be done is to define Who/What is God ... and what is the whole story all about.
Case 1: God is our intelligence at a higher level (personal perception of the things). In this case the texts of the Bible should be interpreted from this point of view.
Case 2: God is another Intelligent Life Form (most probably the ILF before us) and this direct memory access communication with the prophets is some kind of psychotronic connection, sending messages to our ILF. (It is not obligatory for the communication to be in real time. The messages might have been sent million ... and even billion years ago ... and having reached us in the end).
Case 3: God is the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, and if the Supreme Intelligence has decided that we are in a big trouble and should consider the things seriously ... most probably it is so. If God has decided to send us emergency messages this means that we have no time (just don't ask me for what) and there are things of top priority concerning all of us (not personally one-by-one, as is the usual interpretation).
Case 4: God does not exist (neither as common space of our own intelligence, nor as an objective presence outside our conscience). In this case the texts of the Bible are result of the slack imagination of the prophets and misuse with prophecies ... and should be reconsidered from that point of view.
Case 5: God is something else that our conscience does not have even access to ... and hence we are unable to understand at the current stage of development of our mind.