Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 04:16 pm
neologist wrote:

neologist wrote:
The name Jehovah literally transcribed means "He who causes to exist".
InfraBlue wrote:
That's one possible meaning, dependent on the inflection of the verb root HWH.

It may also mean "he who is, or he who exists" using another inflection of the verb.
Actually, I prefer "He who causes to become"
neologist wrote:
Jehovah further explains at Exodus 3:14 "I will be what I will be"
InfraBlue wrote:
According to your own source, the most basic translation is "I am that I am," and can also be translated as "I will be what I am."
Or "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be." To paraphrase the Cable Guy: "Get'erDone! or Nike: "Just do it!
InfraBlue wrote:
The name doesn't appear in Isaiah 55:11.
No, but few would deny that Jehovah is the one speaking.

This openness to preference belies the idea of the exactitude of the Bible.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 01:53 am
I did not come about my 'preferences' in a vacuum.
Indeed, my understanding is consistent with the Bible's message.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 03:38 am
When somebody joins an Organised Religion or cult such as Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, JW's, Rapturists, Moonies, Pentecostalists, Fatalists etc, they "sign over" their brains to them because they have to fall into line with its laid-down rules without question.
In short, they let the Org Rel do their thinking for them and as a result they're like shackled members of a chain gang and their brains turn to mush because they're never used.
Beats me why anybody feels the need to run with an Org Rel anyway.
Jesus said:-"You have one teacher, me" (Matt 23:10)

I belong to no cult, never have and never will, and therefore have a Free Brain to think whatever I like, nobody owns me..Smile

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 07:29 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
When somebody joins an Organised Religion or cult such as Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, JW's, Rapturists, Moonies, Pentecostalists, Fatalists etc, they "sign over" their brains to them because they have to fall into line with its laid-down rules without question.

That's an assertion Romeo. And it is a convenient strawman which you have erected in order to knock it down with very little effort.

Org Rel does not do their thinking for them. To assert that it does very sweetly allows you to feel superior to them on the back of another assertion that you have a Free Brain. An assertion sufficiently daft to make a psychiatrist's cat laugh.

What is required is that they act in public as if the Org Rel does do their thinking for them. Chin wagging and gossip being what they are in social intercourse, it would not do to act as if we do their own thinking. Things would degenerate pretty rapidly I should have thought if we did.

I was once in the backroom of a ladies' fashions outlet listening to the sales assistant flattering and grovelling to a posh customer and she came into the backroom to get something and produced a series of vigorous V-signs at the wall the other side of which was the customer. The customer left thanking the assistant for the pleasant service.

You are too eager to present yourself in the best light I fear. Or taking the piss.

Had you lived in Northern Ireland you would not have got a job from either side of the religious divide and they decided who got jobs. Especially the best ones.

Do you think that military uniforms and drill produce men who don't think for themselves simply because they look like they don't when on public view?
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 08:38 am
Spendius said:
@Romeo- You are too eager to present yourself in the best light I fear.

I've already said more than once that I'm an ex-convict, how does that present me in a good light?
that dull thud was the last thing you heard before hitting the canvas flat on your back and lapsing into unconsciousness, but full marks for daring to trade punches with me..Smile

PS- you seemed to be defending Org Rel; your profiles blank so just for the record what are you, a Mormon, Moonie, JW, Fairy Queen Worshipper or what?
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 09:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
I've already said more than once that I'm an ex-convict, how does that present me in a good light?

Because you made the crass error of signifying that it was for vigilantism. Nelson Mandela was an ex con. 3 months, with time off for good behaviour, is "nowt".

No shop lifting or robbery on the highways for Romeo. He's been jailed for his principles.

That's why. Some call vigilantism a socially acceptable form of bullying. A desire to lynch someone who few will defend.

My profile says all there needs to be said about me. I don't know what saying that one is a Mormon, Moonie, JW, Fairy Queen Worshipper or what, is meant to convey.

"Me", of course, meaning my cyber self.

It can be dangerous to be subjective when rationality is in play. It has limits which one dares with some risk. A fairly neat explanation of that can be found in Chapter III of Muriel Spark's essays on Emily Bronte who did dare it.

I was defending Org Rel and I gave reasons. Perhaps you will address yourself to those.

That I am flat on my back and lapsing into unconsciousness as a result of your powder puff waving is a fanciful product of your own imagination and, as such, consistent with your self image.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 10:59 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
When somebody joins an Organised Religion or cult such as Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, JW's, Rapturists, Moonies, Pentecostalists, Fatalists etc, they "sign over" their brains to them because they have to fall into line with its laid-down rules without question.
In short, they let the Org Rel do their thinking for them and as a result they're like shackled members of a chain gang and their brains turn to mush because they're never used.
Beats me why anybody feels the need to run with an Org Rel anyway.
Jesus said:-"You have one teacher, me" (Matt 23:10)

I belong to no cult, never have and never will, and therefore have a Free Brain to think whatever I like, nobody owns me..Smile
How do you obey this?
" And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10: 24, 25) Emphasis mine

Shall I discuss with you the standards set for congregation servants?

It is no coincidence that Satan's promise to Eve was that she would have a free brain to think whatever she might think; do whatever she might do.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 12:40 pm
Spendius said:
Some call vigilantism a socially acceptable form of bullying. A desire to lynch someone who few will defend.

For a long time I turned a blind eye to the drug dealing that went on at a nearby house, but when kids from the school across the road began drifting over to it in their lunch hour I decided to step up to the plate like the Lone Ranger.
So I repeatedly tipped off the police and the school principal but they did absolutely nothing, so i kept watch on the drug house with binoculars, taking notes of licence plates and getting up local anti-drug petitions.
The drug barons (who incidentally were black) didn't like it and they used to wave machetes and threats at me when they saw me at my window, then they complained to the police that I was "harassing" them by watching them, so the coppers swung smoothly into action and arrested ME, and I got 3 months in the slammer..Smile
What do you think Tonto?
"Me think coppers were in pay of drug dealers kemosabe!"

Would I do it again to try to protect kids from drug dealers? You bet!
But I'd play it differently by videoing everything that went on as evidence and keeping copies of my tipoff letters. Then if the coppers tried to collar me I'd feed the story to the media..Smile
It'll all be in my autobiography of course, and I may even sell the film rights to Hollywood, who do you think should play me, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Al Pacino, Van Damme?
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 12:49 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Wally Cox
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 12:57 pm
Romeo proclaimed- "I belong to no cult, never have and never will, and therefore have a Free Brain to think whatever I like, nobody owns me"

Neologist replied:
How do you obey this?
" And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10: 24, 25)

Most Org Rels and cults are rotten to the core, so why on earth should we want to hang with them? Check it-
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Provs 13:20)
"Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Cor 15:33)
"Keep away from profane babblers" (1 Tim 6:20/21)
"Don't sit with vain hypocritical evildoers" (Psa 26:4/5)
"If you hang around with losers you become a loser"- Donald Trump
“Associate yourself with men of good quality,for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company"- George Washington

Remember, just because somebody belongs to an Org Rel or Cult it's no guarantee they'll make it through the pearlies..Smile
Jesus said:-"Not all who call me "Lord,Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven. Then I'll tell them plainly, I never knew you, get away from me" (Matt 7:21-23)
Romeo: he shoots, he scores!
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 01:10 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
So, you don't associate with any others?
Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires; He rejects all practical wisdom. (Proverbs 18:1)
Even Jesus had more than one disciple.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 01:46 pm
Neologist swung with:
So, you don't associate with any others?
Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires; He rejects all practical wisdom. (Proverbs 18:1)
Even Jesus had more than one disciple.

Would you like me to post my long list of fan mail from my own "disciples" again?..Smile
I select my friends carefully, they have to be made of the same steel as me, so what on earth could I possibly learn from numbnut Org Religionists and Cultists?
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17)
This is the logo of my wargaming team-

Incidentally I invited a "christian" woman round for tea a few years ago but it turned out she was a Rapture-cultist, boy was she soon out on her butt!
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 02:21 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
So, when do you and your disciples meet for encouragement?
Have you had any problems implementing 1Timothy 3, requirements for elders?

BTW, I've been through your list of fans .. ... Smile
Partly, I must admit.
Not impressed
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 02:27 pm
neologist wrote:
You are missing the point. If you pick and choose what you want from the Bible, you no longer have a source "beneficial for teaching" (2 timothy 3:16)

I am not cherry-picking through the Bible if you are saying this. I just set aside the texts that are at the level of the Word of God and ignore the Aboriginean stories about the creation of the world ... and the stories with the donkey trails at the local pub.
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 02:35 pm
Are you criticizing God for not providing reliable scripture?
Perhaps you have simply not made the effort to reconcile what has been provided.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 02:45 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
What do you think Tonto?

I think you must have gone somewhat further than keeping watch on the drug house with binoculars, taking notes of licence plates and getting up local anti-drug petitions.

The point remains that your confession of being an ex-con does have the effect of representing yourself as an admirable person and as a substitute father and headmaster and policeman (Superman in other words) to kids whose fathers, headmaster and policemen were a bit unfit for their roles. As a do-gooder. And brave too. A victim of a sick society.

You had hinted that your status as an ex-con showed that you would own up to a fault, unlike the rest of us, but it turned out it was a feather in your cap.

who do you think should play me, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Al Pacino, Van Damme?

The chap who played the father of the three sisters in Ecstasy Girls.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 02:48 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Have you read Frank Harris's book My Life and Loves.

That's the definitive example of the sort of autobiography I suspect you are thinking of bringing forth. Leaving out the intellectual stuff I mean.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 04:51 pm
Neologist said:
@Romeo- So, when do you and your disciples meet for encouragement?

You may need "encouragement" mate, but I certainly don't, i graduated from that learning stage many moons ago..Smile
My fans drop me an e-mail now and again and I'm glad to encourage them, check a few examples-
Spannerose - "Mick, I would like you to know that the result of reading your posts I am left with the desire to pick up my bible for the first time in years"
ChildofLight - "So good to read your responses Mick, some are quite witty and made LOL"
Happysandyh - "welcome Mick, welcome welcome!"
HenryS - "You are brilliant Mick in finding appropriate phrases. Another one of your superb emails to store"
Firebrand - "Amen and welcome Mick"
Coconut - "Whew! Thanks for sharing Mick"
Sarah4Jesus - "Listen to Mick in Plymouth, he is a great teacher"
Cathie - "Very wise advice Mick, thanks"
Kierri - "That was one of the best explanations I've ever heard! Yay for Mick in Plymouth"
Haimehenmmli - "I LOVE IT MATE!!! I'm going to put it into my files, with some of my other favorites, from you"
Evachrst3 - "Right on, Mick, I couldn't agree more.Thank you for defending the faith so eloquently".
Devilmademedoit2 - "I love this! Thanks, Mick!"
SweetSummer96 - "Wow. That's a cool story Mick."
Vespasian052 - "Wow! Mick,what an awesome tale.."
Beekpr9 - "Amen to all you have said, Mick!"
Saipan1777 - "Spot on Mick bravo"
Duke Tinn - "Thanks again Mick. Great Stuff"
Tahella - "Welcome Mick!"
Ainglkiss - "Mick what a wonderful story. You write so well. Keep up the great work"
BlessedOne - "Glad to have you here Mick! Jesus is the way!"
MonkGirl - "Wow, thank you Mick! That is really comforting...and all I really needed to hear!"
WOFman - "Welcome Mick!"
Nottonguetied - "I loved those stories from Mick"
Honeybearx - "This was very good reading thank you Mick"
Megan - "Mick, I just wanted to tell you that I loved this story, it was very touching"
Benjoman - "Your one of the only ones from the singles board that I still love Mick"
Allisoneness -"You are the one true Christian on here, keep up the good work and praise the Lord"
Sherry Anne - "Mick i love your posts"
Antipas - "Brilliant yet again Mick"
Easynote - "ROFL Mick you are pure class, another of your timeless classics!"
Kermit - "I love Mick. He is so, how shall I say it, RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND FUNNY, TOO"
Kermmiekr - "How uplifting Mick, and so very true"
Chrysalis55- "Just want to say, I love your posts and your messages not only insprire me, sometimes they make me laugh
because you are able to get your point across in such a great way. WAY TO GO waymarker!!!"
Evenflow- I just LOVE this post You have made me smile BIG TIME this morning. Good for you and what a great attitude you have to life xx
Apple Pie - "Really good to see you, Mick. Come on over to 4church, we could do with your input and your humour"
Lillian - "Mick please come's nice having you on the board"

Romeo- "He doth bestride the narrow earth like a Colossus" (Shakesp's J Caesar, Act 1 Sc 2
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 05:01 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Oh, so Romans 10:12 does not apply to you. "Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall"

You keep posting the same list. Have you never wondered if someone might Google the names?

You didn't address the question about elders
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 05:42 pm
Neologist pouted:
@Romeo- You didn't address the question about elders

I don't give a rat's ass about your JW interpretation of the scriptures mate, you think Jesus was crucified on a stake, and you think church spires, christmas, easter, birthdays,national flags and blood transfusions are evil, blah blah, (yawn)..

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