@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:I can only understand scientific theories stated in very simple terms. The following article is one of those.
You are not reading scientific theories. You are reading scientific (and pseudosicentific) articles with opinions and hypothesis and comments on other comments ... and eventually on scientfic theories ... without any verification and validation of the statements.
The scientific theories are read in original.
First you read the definitions of the terms used there:
tangent vector, tensor, metric g, parallel transport, torsion, Riemann curvature tensor, Einstein's tensor, Ricci tensor, raise an index, Ricci scalar, stress-energy tensor, and Einstein's equation.
Then you read the math:
w' - w = -ε2R(u,v,w)+terms of order ε3 (1)
g(v,w) = gab va wb (2)
R(u,v,w)a = Rabcd ub vc wd (3)
Rbd = Rcbcd (4)
Rad = gab Rbd (5)
R = Raa (6)
Gab = Rab - (1/2)R gab (7)
T(u,v) = Tab ua vb (8)
G = T (9)
Gab = 8 π k/c2 Tab (10)
.... and hardly after that, and not before, you may go reading any interpretations and comments.
Otherwise you may end up knowing all the comments without having the vaguest idea of what the theory is all about.