@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:Metric expansion is a key feature of Big Bang cosmology and is modeled mathematically with the FLRW metric. This model is valid in the present era only on large scales (roughly the scale of galaxy clusters and above).
I am incompetent to comment the physical interpretation at that level, but may I ask you s.th. about the math.
Quote:Metric expansion is a key feature of Big Bang cosmology
1. FLRW metric is one solution of the Einstein's field equations of general relativity. It is math solution and you don't know whether it is the only solution and whether it depicts and/or represents anything in the physical world. It might be for example simply some math solution without physical interpretation ... because to the imperfection of the math model.
2. FLRW claims homogenious, isotropic expansion and contracting of the universe, where the key word is 'and contracting' ... which means that the universe is not only expanding (with acceleration) ... but is some kind of a pulsar (contracting as well).
3. 'Homogenious' supposes 'of the same kind everywhere', and the key word here is 'everywhere' (throughout the universe) ... and this everywhere does not exclude the Earth, for example. Where can you observe the things you are talking about here down on the Earth? The homogeneous expansion for example.
4. Dark energy means 'unknown energy' ... in other words there must be some energy X here ... to fix the equations.
Quote:valid on large scales
5. What does that 'valid on large scales' mean? Perhaps the claim is that the laws of physics ... and mathematics are scalable and might by valid with some scales ... and might be invalid with some other scales? What are we supposed to do now - maybe to put some fuzzy logic in the validation of the math and physical laws?
6. You are very good in changing the topic, but the main theme here was the Definition of God (not the physical models of the universe) ... and the point of divergence was at the CO2 math. Do you have the math of CO2 ... or we will continue changing the topics?