@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:The Spanish Inquisition is child's play compared to individuals who were treated poorly by others.
We are all 'treated poorly by others' ... not only by the Spanish inquisition and by the self-seekers and the place-hunters of the psychotronics.
Let's take for example a simple everyday operation - buying roast chicken. Do you know what you are buying? How can you be sure that some folks under the influence of greed, arrogance and stupidity, have not put there some excititoxin, like for example MSG (monosodium glutamate) ... to 'improve the taste'.
If you wonder how does God supply the MSG to the chicken - without any problems. There is dark web for the purpose (multibillion dollar market), dark web trafficking (of any kind) and here comes the best part - the closer the MSG comes to the customer along the supply chain, the safer and more innocent it starts looking ... somehow.
With the producer it is 'not entirely safe' product.
With the wholesaler it is 'food additive that might have some undesirable ingredients' (whatever this might mean)
With the retailer it is 'food additive to boost the sales' (that can be interpreted in different ways)
... and with the client it becomes 'flavor enhancer' ... and with the doctors it is simply called excitotoxin (overstimulating the cells to death) that may cause everything (depending on the tissue into which it falls).