Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 02:59 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa said re harsh OT verses:
But Jesus told us that he was not here to change that stuff.
You cannot get around that, Romeo.

Nice try mate but no..Smile
When high jumper Dick Fosbury first demonstrated his fantastic 'Fosbury Flop', he didn't then embark on a campaign demanding that all the old coaching manuals be burnt, he simply carried on jumping his way and left it to people's free will to decide whether they wanted to follow his example or stick to the old obsolete way.
Same with Jesus, he left it to people to decide whether they wanted to do old nasty stuff like killing witches or to follow his new enlightened way..Smile

Nice try yourself, Romeo, but:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."
Matthew 5:17ff

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:00 pm
neologist wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
Eating an apple can't possibly be the "sin." If sex is the sin, then god made man in his own image with a penis. Where does god get his "sexual" satisfaction? If he doesn't require sex to have a son, why did he make man and woman require sex to have children?
I wrote:
Where did you get the idea of an apple? Eating the fruit was a sin because of what the act represented, namely choosing to reject God's authority and take upon themselves the knowledge of good and bad.
Frank Apisa wrote:

Why do you keep ignoring that important detail?
Because it represents the most important issue in the universe. God's right to set standards for his creation.

C'mon, Neo.

You keep ignoring the fact that Adam and Eve did not know there was anything wrong with disobeying.

Your god punished them for disobeying...but your god withheld from them the knowledge that there was anything wrong with doing so.

Stop digging.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:02 pm
Herald wrote:

"If a man has a stubborn and unruly son who will not listen to
his father or mother, and will not obey them even though they
chastise him, his father and mother shall have him apprehended
and brought out to the elders at the gate of his home city, where
...his fellow citizens shall stone him to death."
Deuteronomy 22:18ff

There is no way for this to be the Word of God. It is so selfish, so barbarian and so primitive, exhaling from malice and stupidity, and such petty thinking focused around the egocentrism of the elders that its objectives are showing through thousands of miles.
The most probable interpretation of this is that the elders seeing that the Word of God has power have decided to falsify the original Word of God (that might have been everything) and to strengthen their dominance over the young generation. If this is the Idea of God it should be going through the whole Bible on various occasions ... but there is nothing of the kind.
Let's take another example by analogy - the Spanish Inquisition. Can you tell me where exactly God gives instructions and directions to the Spanish Inquisition to execute tortures of any kind on whatsoever occasions.
These cases are obviously 'local deviances' and are designed and developed by local retards, greedy for money and power ... everything that the Word of God is not about.

More than likely the passage is the work of a human...or the combined effort of several humans.

But that merely shows that some of the Bible is the work of humans...and then the problem becomes: Which do you claim is the work of humans...and which of some god of yours?

Big problem.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:05 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It's only a problem if the individual sacrifices their common sense and logic. Beyond that, there's nothing that can be done.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

It's only a problem if the individual sacrifices their common sense and logic. Beyond that, there's nothing that can be done.

Well obviously I was saying it is a "big problem" for the people who suggest there are god given truths revealed in the Bible.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:11 pm
@Frank Apisa,
"God given truths" is an oxymoron. It has no basis in fact or evidence.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:12 pm
Frank Apisa swung with this Jesus quote:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true." Matthew 5:17ff

Think it through mate..Smile
The old law said-"..the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10)
But Jesus RESCUED an adulteress from the fundy mob, so what conclusions do you draw from that?
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It's not a big problem for me.

And why weren't unruly daughters threatened in the same way?

You are taking advantage of a lower middle class horror of stoning when it was standard practice in those days to rid themselves of people they saw as a threat to the survival of the tribe and were stubborn about it. Human sacrifice, with torture, was in the memory if not actually happening.

And stoning is not just cheap. It might be humane if one heavy stone is used. As humane as the chair at least. Probably moreso,

We not only have the luxury of tolerating a certain amount of unruliness in our sons but it provides a fair number of jobs in certain professions which are funded by you know who.

You're being hopelessly and idiotically anachronistic.

In the Roman state fathers had the power to kill their "unruly" sons, daughters, wives and slaves themselves. There are records of it happening. Have you any records of any stonings to cite?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

"God given truths" is an oxymoron. It has no basis in fact or evidence.

There are lots of things wrong with the expression "God given truths"...but being an oxymoron is not one of them.

Anyway, I was not actually talking about "god given truths"...I was talking about people who consider that the Bible contains god given truths.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:46 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa swung with this Jesus quote:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true." Matthew 5:17ff

Think it through mate..Smile
The old law said-"..the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10)
But Jesus RESCUED an adulteress from the fundy mob, so what conclusions do you draw from that?

I draw the conclusion that I should ask people who call that to mind if they are are calling Jesus a liar...or a hypocrite.

Oh...I did do that.

Have you answered that question for yourself, Romeo?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:47 pm
spendius wrote:

It's not a big problem for me.

Sorry Spendius...but I thought this month you were being an atheist. So...obviously it would not be a big problem for you.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I asked you--" Have you any records of any stonings to cite?"

You have not answered. And you said you answered questions which, I know, is only intended for new readers here.

Compared to the questions raised by a parson's young daughter in Wuthering Heights, and other poems, you look to me like a kid on the beach building a sandcastle whilst imagining himself Napoleon.

Really. You are not even in the game. Your naivete is of the baby's pram variety. Every year, year in year out, thousands of well-to-do Americans make pilgrimages to the graveside of Emily Bronte.

I am Emily Bronte. I am Jane Austen. Like Flaubert's "Madame Bovary est moi".

We know what you are at. Shagging on the cheap. Yellow stickers.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:50 pm
spendius wrote:

I asked you--" Have you any records of any stonings to cite?"

You did??? I must have missed it. Please link me to the question so I can see the context.

You have not answered. And you said you answered questions which, I know, is only intended for new readers here.

If I missed it...I sincerely apologize. Please link me to your question so I can see the context.

Compared to the questions raised by a parson's young daughter in Wuthering Heights, and other poems, you look to me like a kid on the beach building a sandcastle whilst imagining himself Napoleon.

Thank you for sharing that.

Really. You are not even in the game. Your naivete is of the baby's pram variety. Every year, year in year out, thousands of well-to-do Americans make pilgrimages to the graveside of Emily Bronte.

And for sharing that.

I am Emily Bronte. I am Jane Austen. Like Flaubert's "Madame Bovary est moi".

Ummm...I'd say "Be careful of the edge, Spendius"...but apparently you have already fallen off.

We know what you are at. Shagging on the cheap. Yellow stickers.

I am sure that means something to you...and I hope you are delighted with that.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 06:01 pm
Frank Apisa keeps swinging in the sandtrap with:
...Jesus... a liar or a hypocrite....?

Somebody once asked Isaac Asimov-"What would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object?" and his answer was-"The question makes no sense and therefore requires no answer".
Same with your question about whether Jesus was a liar or hypocrite, it makes no sense whatsoever..Smile
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 06:19 pm
Thanks for that, oh militant rodent.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 06:37 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa keeps swinging in the sandtrap with:
...Jesus... a liar or a hypocrite....?

Somebody once asked Isaac Asimov-"What would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object?" and his answer was-"The question makes no sense and therefore requires no answer".
Same with your question about whether Jesus was a liar or hypocrite, it makes no sense whatsoever..Smile

But wrote:

Frank Apisa swung with this Jesus quote:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true." Matthew 5:17ff

Think it through mate..Smile
The old law said-"..the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10)
But Jesus RESCUED an adulteress from the fundy mob, so what conclusions do you draw from that?

The question makes sense...plenty of it.

Why not answer it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 06:57 pm
Hi, neologist! Smile

I wasn't being critical of any member of this board. As for me, I'm actually a militant moderate, one who would not be appreciated by either side of the political spectrum. The heavily armed gopher (?) was intended to be humorous. (OmSigDAVID appreciated it.) But I've gotten tired of it and may replace it soon.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 07:48 pm
Frank Apisa said:
The question makes sense...plenty of it.
Why not answer it?

I already have -- 3 times-- (and you know it) but you're still stuck in the sandtrap..Smile

Hey, try asking your mate Neologist or anybody else to answer it and maybe they'll have better luck helping you get back onto the fairway.
(Or better still join a sunday school class but don't let on you think Jesus was a liar and hypocrite or teech will make you sit on the naughty step)..Smile

Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 09:51 pm
However, without a strict law, Jews would never have been able to identify the Christ.

Have you paid attention to what you are talking?
Let's make contemporary interpretation of this story. Suppose the elders are working under DOS (... still), and I appear on the Council of the Elders with iPhone on Android or some PDA on Windows Mobile or something.
The elders order to me to throw this away immediately without asking any questions ... and to take out of the wall the good old computer rack (under DOS naturally) and to start working like 'the normal people'.
I disobey to this order and the Council decides to expel me through the city gates and for the population to stone me for not obeying the wise advise of the elders. Words fail me!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 10:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
The Spanish Inquisition is child's play compared to individuals who were treated poorly by others.

We are all 'treated poorly by others' ... not only by the Spanish inquisition and by the self-seekers and the place-hunters of the psychotronics.
Let's take for example a simple everyday operation - buying roast chicken. Do you know what you are buying? How can you be sure that some folks under the influence of greed, arrogance and stupidity, have not put there some excititoxin, like for example MSG (monosodium glutamate) ... to 'improve the taste'.
If you wonder how does God supply the MSG to the chicken - without any problems. There is dark web for the purpose (multibillion dollar market), dark web trafficking (of any kind) and here comes the best part - the closer the MSG comes to the customer along the supply chain, the safer and more innocent it starts looking ... somehow.
With the producer it is 'not entirely safe' product.
With the wholesaler it is 'food additive that might have some undesirable ingredients' (whatever this might mean)
With the retailer it is 'food additive to boost the sales' (that can be interpreted in different ways)
... and with the client it becomes 'flavor enhancer' ... and with the doctors it is simply called excitotoxin (overstimulating the cells to death) that may cause everything (depending on the tissue into which it falls).
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