@Frank Apisa,
Quote:I understand you cannot acknowledge that, because of your fear of your god.
No problem.
You really are very fond of that type of condescending sarcasm. Not unlike a tolerant psychologist patronising a recalcitrant youth.
I understand your constant reflexive recourse to marking your own exam papers. It is due to progressive, child centred education being fashionable in American schools, and here to some extent, and at the zenith of its power during the 40s and 50s when you were trapped in one of its incarceration units.
Anyone even casually attentive to the works of John Dewey, which provided the main justification for progressive education, will be easily aware that his works were a very long-winded version of MYOEP.
In view of that it is not easy to see how you could have avoided escaping from that nasty mental disease and the inability to even recognise that you have developed a rather virulent form of it.