neologist wrote:Not really. He was asking about your inscrutable answer.
The 'inscrutable answer' is after the question, and not before. There is no way to ask a priori about the answer to your own question.
Yet, I can give you some answer but there is no guaratee that you will like it.
Let's make a simple validation test of the general claims of the church.
1. Our Soul is immortal.
2. The Soul exists after our death.
3. The Soul will go straight into Hell (without asking questions) if we do this and this during our lifetime.
4. The Soul will go into Heaven if we give all of our money to the church board while still alive, etc.
Validation Test:
If the Soul exists after death it should be one of these:
Case 1: the Soul is material (some vibration string or whatever).
In this case it should be able to be detected by physical tools and it should exist in some material space (... & time eventually, notwithstanding the immortality) -> Nothing of the kind has been detected so far by any science (medical science, astrobiology, etc.)
Case 2: the Soul is immaterial.
- It exists somehow in any immaterial hyperspace and we cannot detect it. If this hyperspace is immaterial the temperature is irrelevant to it, hence it doesn't matter whether the surrounding material world is Hell (boiling lava) or Heaven (parradise with rivers and singing birds) -> hence Heaven and Hell make no sense to this immaterial world. (Contradiction No.1)
- If the Soul cannot die it cannot be borne as well, hence the birth and death of the soul is irrelevant to our personal birth and death, hence it doesn't matter what we are doing during our lifetime (if we follow the classical interpretations and understanding of the church) (Contradiction No.2)
- If the Soul cannot die but could only be borne, very soon the space will be jammed with overflow of ethernal souls (incl. from other intelligent life forms as well). Where is all this ... and how can we detect it? (Contradiction No.3)
-> hence the interpretation of the events around 0 A.D. has nothing to do with the marketing developments of the church on the TV ... and in the distributed 'church' books, and the religious presentations on the stadiums, etc.