you see..my point was that whatever we call "God" (I have a "mathematical" perspective of God I call it "Unity") God is nonetheless for us...there is no interest in talking about God if God is just unknown...so what is it that being so general can be said about it with property without engaging in story telling and phantasy worlds ??? For me it can be traced back to that sense of what is greater then me...that which justify me and all that I see...Unity !
...God it is no thinking being, but that which justify s incomplete searching thinking beings...God is not process but that which justify s process, the unmoved mover...God has no power, its not an active entity, but that which justify s power and change and action...the source and end of all things..Unity !
Logos is not what we think it should be, but rather what is, the only way, the path of reality...in there yesterday, today, and tomorrow are a written story without a writer...eternity !