@cicerone imposter,
Interesting how atheists say pretty much the same exact friggen things over and over man...really...it is so mentally draining to read it over and over...
Quote:interesting that god can create evil, but don't take responsibility for it.
This is just a subjective belief that you have...and is nothing else, whether truthful in actuality or non-truthful in actuality...
Quote:if humans create evil, they spend eternity in hell.
This is just a subjective belief that you have...and is nothing else, whether truthful in actuality or non-truthful in actuality...
There is nothing wrong with this at all...but how about we start calling a spade a spade? What is the big deal? And who are we trying to impress or fool?
This is what I believe...God did not really create evil, however he knew that it was going to exist...I do not think he created a Devil as in an entity that could withstand such profound perfectness of just ways, and would be destroyed instantaneously the moment it was created...If it did exist, it would seem it would be surviving under the authority of God somehow...and is either allowing it to exist to make it suffer forever, or can choose to destroy it at anytime...I will admit that it is possible that God is allowing it to exist, just to make it suffer forever for its actions...but then I think that there are more questions down that road, then there may have been before...I think that this may be where the first ever atheist came from...etc...and I think it is because of one who convinced another how God was wrong, but just did not get the big picture...I think that God gave humans a free individual will like he never gave anything else...I think he wants everyone to not suffer because of our actions, but in a part of being so great, entails us having these choices to make to show God and others that we appreciate the free choices we do and why, because humans understand what it means to freely do something because we want to do it, and are not instinctively compelled to do anything we do not wish to do upon our own...or have no choice...as in being sick, that is different than a freedom of choice...and I think that God said the ones who are born this way, and suffer this way, will be rewarded in ways that no one else simply can be...
I think that God has, and will take responsibility for it in ways that people can not even imagine...but to be simple for now, I think that God became a man, to understand what the nature of sin actually is...so that it knew and could empathize with why we fall short and sin and make wrong choices, and that is why he drank from the cup to save us all, and why he died to save us all, and why he said the penalty of sin is death...why he destroyed death and raised, and why people would want too...and why he descended into Hell...(his own grave, no reflection of conscious thought, for 3 days, and rescued people who were trapped in that world) and will come again to save mankind...
I think if humans created evil as in their own free option to doing what is morally correct, then I think that they can always be saved from their grave, and be with God if they also freely want to do it...and will not freely want to suffer forever, but only as long as one wishes to personally reject what they know is now true, and would want to see, and be free from, and be perfectly clean all over forever...
and once everyone is saved, and this evil nature is all gone, it will be destroyed so that it is never seen again...
What lies ahead and will we be happy? I am not really sure, but I would say that it is notions so much more beyond what we think is "fun" that we do not even understand we do not need a free individual choice to do morally wrong itself, opposed to just things in order to experience eternal beauty, forever and when we let go of this thinking, are existence, afterlife is limitless and infinite...in ways that no one can simply dream of...but people constantly keep trying to define this...because it is proof that they do not understand, and are not there yet, and only comes when one is ready for it...
That not even God himself is willing to alter...