bcs question is more complex than answer.. A lots questions in the world r waitng for answer for centuries
Kev, do you believe the nature of God may be understood only by the intellectual or academic elite?
No Neologist.. most of the us are ordinary people. So Paradise is not only for elite people... ooo all the you r right. O.K. you r right again.. I accept. ic what u told
Paradise is for everyone. [/i]
Smart, dumb, rich, poor--fat, thin, blonde or bald.
One condition: one must die in this plane.
queen annie wrote:One condition: one must die in this plane.
What other "plane" would we die in?
Well, yeah. That's one thing I always disliked about heavenly rewards.
You had to die first! Bummer!
The angels were willing to defy God in order to live on earth. What could possibly be wrong with where we are right now?
Now I am translating what you r saying.. You r afraid of death... lol..
Neologist.. believe best Angel takes souls.. Be calm..lol
kevnmoon wrote:Neologist.. believe best Angel takes souls.. Be calm..lol
If we were created to live in heaven, why were Adam and Eve not told so?
Kev, you will be hard pressed to show that the bible supports the concept of an immortal soul.
Would you like to try?
Some thoughts..
''if anyone studies his own life and self, he perceives an immortal spirit. Indeed, in the course of occupying its body for a number of years the spirit causes the body to change considerably, yet the spirit self-evidently remains constant. In which case, although the body is ephemeral, it does not affect the spirit's permanence, nor spoil its nature, even though the spirit is completely naked at death. However, in the course of life, the spirit gradually changes its body-clothes, and at the time of death, it is suddenly undressed. It has been established through certain conjecture, indeed, through observation, that the body subsists though the spirit; in which case, the spirit does not subsist through the body. Rather, since the spirit subsists and is dominant of itself, the body may be dispersed and gathered together again as it wishes; it will not infringe the spirit's independence.
In fact, the body is the spirit's house, it is its home; it is not its clothes. What clothes the spirit is a subtle, fine sheath, something which may be likened to a body, which is to some extent constant, and is ethereal and appropriate for the spirit. At the time of death, then, the spirit is not completely naked, it leaves its home dressed in its body-like sheath.'' BSN
and also Neologist...
''Can it be said of an All-Wise One of Glory, an Imperishable Preserver, Who includes and preserves in the tiny dot-like seed of a mighty tree the programme and law of its formation, which to some degree resembles a spirit, "How can He preserve the spirits of the dead?"
and also
''For example, should a fig-tree die and be dispersed, the law of its formation, which is like its spirit, will continue in its tiny seeds; it will not die. And so, since even the most commonplace and weak commanding laws are thus connected to permanence and continuance, the human spirit must be connected not only with permanence and immortality, but with all eternity.'' BSN
Neologist, One time I said; "God is truth" A very short response in another thread. You responded. I did not respond back but I read what you said.
God is truth and everything there is to know. God is the knowledge of right and wrong. God is the travel through infinity and time all at once at will.
''For example, the day, year, lifetime of man, and revolution of God's great clock known as the earth resemble the dials of a weekly clock of ours that tell the seconds, minutes, hours and days; each the forerunner of the following, they give news of one another; they turn and function. Like they show morning after night, and spring after winter, they intimate that after death the morning of the resurrection will appear from that instrument, that vast clock.'' BSN
Amigo wrote:One time I said; "God is truth"
God is truth and everything there is to know.
I think there is a base, a root perhaps--something which remains when all the rest (illusion) is stripped away. This 'thing' has an utterly pure nature that is understood/experienced on several levels: Light, love, truth, mind, thought, energy...
These things are part of every human. But I feel they are 'God.' These are that which 'will not be moved.'
Amigo wrote:Neologist, One time I said; "God is truth" A very short response in another thread. You responded. I did not respond back but I read what you said.
God is truth and everything there is to know. God is the knowledge of right and wrong. God is the travel through infinity and time all at once at will.
OK; but I can't find your post in search.
I believe it is impossible for God to lie. And I believe he has made his purpose and intentions understandable to even the least sophisticated among us.
That is why I constantly ask those who are intellectual among us to prune their posts for clarity.
kevnmoon wrote:''For example, the day, year, lifetime of man, and revolution of God's great clock known as the earth resemble the dials of a weekly clock of ours that tell the seconds, minutes, hours and days; each the forerunner of the following, they give news of one another; they turn and function. Like they show morning after night, and spring after winter, they intimate that after death the morning of the resurrection will appear from that instrument, that vast clock.'' BSN
This is what Solomon had to say in Ecclesiastes 9:5,6:
"For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun."
How does this fit with your understanding?