Well, the appeal for a 'stay' was denied, and it looks as if he will be executed on schedule. May God have mercy on his soul.
I hope there aren't any violent riots, and I also hope I can be spared the gloating of those who are convinced his death is a good thing.
I can't say that I'm surprised or even dissapointed, but I do hope sincerely that nothing bad happens because of this, because it would be a shame!
Arnold has yet to speak, but . . .
You can bet Tookie has killed far more people then he's ever been convicted of weather he's a murderer is not really the point.
The point is do we spare the life of a murderer that has been truly redeemed. A higher law will spare him if he is truly redeemed. The executioners might have something to worry about.
But it don't matter. They can't kill him now anyways they'll only make him a martyr.
Did anybody see the plea by other gang members that promise to turn in a bunch of guns if the Gov spared Tookie? I saw just a short clip on the news and wanted more info.
9 children books doesn't make up for 4 lives.
Just for the sake of discussion, Finn - is there a circumstance when you could imagine paroling anyone convicted of murder - or put another way, is there a circumstance you could imagine yourself considering a murderer having paid his debt to society without being killed?
I realize you were asking Finn, but I'll tell you this much from my perspective, each case would have to be reviewed individually on its own facts and circumstances, but I would not imagine paroling anyone convicted of murder who did not show remorse for their actions. This makes it difficult for Tookie who refuses to admit he is guilty.
dagmaraka wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:9 children books doesn't make up for 4 lives.
and executing him does?
No, it doesn't. Neither does incarcerating him for life.
i'd opt for the latter anytime without hesitation.
Tico -- you say that killing him does not make up for four lost lives. Neither does lifetime incarceration, you say. Then what does? And, further, if nothing is gained by the execution, then why perform it?
Merry Andrew wrote:Tico -- you say that killing him does not make up for four lost lives. Neither does lifetime incarceration, you say. Then what does? And, further, if nothing is gained by the execution, then why perform it?
I didn't say nothing was gained by the execution. I simply said it doesn't make up for the lives he took. And nothing will.
It is my opinion that retributive considerations govern the punishment of criminals, and I also believe that the principle of proportionality between punishment and offense supports the death penalty under certain circumstances. Capital murderers ought to be punished as they deserve -- that is the essence of justice: treating a person according to how they act.
The ultimate justification of any punishment is not that it is a deterrent, but that it is the emphatic denunciation by the community of a crime: and from this point of view, there are some murders which, in the present state of public opinion, demand the most emphatic denunciation of all, namely the death penalty. -- Lord Denning
me too, dag...
I certainly hope no one says this is a happy day.
I think their making a big mistake in every way. I think people will live to regret this. Especially if he is executed maintaining his innocence which I think he will.
Information will come out after his death that will put focus on why their wasn't a stay thus Supporting the argument against capital punishment, painting an even worse picture for the Conservatives as callous and blood thirsty alienating them farther from a larger group of people.
I think their desperate for a victory and revenge for the way things have been going for them and this is just another mistake. It's sad.
Tookies hasty execution will spark empathy with the people that will start a movement.
okay i've seen somebody post "the cops should just shoot all looters on site" ... what makes you think the crips aren't thinking to shoot police officers on site ??? man, i honestly think their will be rioting, but not just idiotoc rioting, yet riopting against the authorities which ARNOLD governs, i.e. the police, congress people, public buildings, etc...
Well that's one less slime ball in the prison system that our tax dollars have to support. What gets me is why it took over 25 years? I can't believe people are actually crying over this guy. They never cried over his victims. People are really morons. No, the police shouldn't shoot any looters on site, but she shop and home owners definitely should! And any looters definitely deserve to get the crap beat out of them by the hands of the police.
Amigo wrote:I think their desperate for a victory and revenge for the way things have been going for them and this is just another mistake. It's sad.
Tookies hasty execution will spark empathy with the people that will start a movement.
Get a grip. This has been 24 years coming. Hardly "hasty."
There already is a movement, Amigo. That's why there was any debate at all.