joefromchicago wrote:Obviously, the 86 or so countries that have ratified the CCW think that there's a difference between incendiary and non-incendiary weapons, and decided that burning someone to death is, all things considered, worse than killing them by some more conventional method
I wonder where thermobaric weapons fall in this classification system. We used those at Fallujah as well.
For the record, thermobaric weapons mix (comparatively) slower-burning fuel in with high explosive. The warhead has a lower explosive force because the fuel has displaced some high explosive, but the burning fuel continues to add energy to the blast wave as it expands, causing it to maintain its strength instead of diminishing.
Reportedly the burning fuel also makes things rather intense within the fireball after the shockwave passes you by.
On the other hand, the whole process happens a lot quicker than a normal burning incendiary.