D'artagnan wrote:To the ACLU critics here:
Foxfyre, you repeatedly refer to yourself as a fomer ACLU member, and the implication is that the organization has changed. Could it be that your world view has changed?
cjhsa, do you really expect the ACLU to fight for your right to bear arms? That's never been their agenda. There's a group that does that, as you well know. The NRA...
Everybody's world view changes D. As we live our lives, experience consequences for choices made, become better informed, better educated, better at critical thinking, and have more time and opportunity to observe, only the most rigidly partisan could fail to change their mind about many things.
I have not revealed my vote in this poll whatever assumptions have been drawn by some as to my motives and intent in raising the issue at all. When I got active in the ACLU, it was mostly due to an important issue they were supporting and I wanted to be a part of the effort. At the time all the emphasis on all issues seemed to be in the right direction at least from my perspective. I achieved some status and was applauded as a 'rising star' of sorts, though I think any prestige I achieved was due to my particular occupation at the time.
But then came two back to back cases in which I thought the ACLU to clearly be on the wrong side of the issue. When I spoke my opinion, I was advised to back off and shut up; my participation was unwanted. And since I felt I could not in good conscience stay if there was no room for debate on the issues, I left.
Now admittedly this was one local group and may or may not have represented the entire organization at that time. Since that time I have watched and appreciated the ACLU's participation in several issues in which I thought they were right on target. And I continue to believe them to clearly be on the wrong side of other issues.
I think it is dangerous to hold up any organization as the paragon of all truth and virtue and never question their policies, procedures, or activities. Considering the power wielded by the ACLU, I think they should be subject to scrutiny and criticism if warranted.