And, Dag, check your PM. I asked this of Slappy a few months ago.
Slappy doo hoo, Your inductive reasoning, using examples of stupid women drivers, has very little weight. I'll take statistics over examples anytime.
Female Drivers
Contrary to popular belief, women make about the same number of car insurance claims as men. However they tend to be involved in less serious accidents causing less damage. The smaller claims involve less cost for the insurance companies therefore smaller premiums for female drivers.
The female driving style is the main reason women tend to be involved in less serious accidents than men. Men generally drive faster and in a more reckless fashion than women who tend to be more careful when behind the wheel.
Dag...all set? I don't know of a lot of places, I told K about one a while ago. Brentwood Motors in Brighton. They're pretty fair and seem knowledgable. And I've never heard of Kokos.
yeah, we'll check it out. they seem awright. Koko's does not. It can't be, with such name.