Yep. E.G. was like that when he was a kid, too.
Did some adenoid research, evidently they're at their largest at around age five, and have atrophied by seven or so. Also it seems like a big reason to have surgery is snoring/ sleep apnea -- sozlet sleeps really well and doesn't snore.
So I'm hopeful that this will be a matter of waiting things out.
By the way, I realized that I have skipped over some things since I've been in "keeping a record for myself" mode. So a brief recap:
- The winter of 2004-2005, our first year here and her first year of preschool, sucked. Totally. She had several ear infections and several long horrible illnesses -- fevers, vomiting, total wet noodle for days at a time. These were so frequent that I was totally wiped out by the time spring rolled around, like dangerously so. Since then, have been focused on avoiding a repeat.
- The winter of 2005-2006 was much better. She had one set of ear infection (both ears, within a couple of days of each other), and a couple of barfy-type illnesses. All illnesses were brief, if intense. She was congested for a lot of that winter but not all of it. It wasn't clear if the congestion was a series of colds or allergies or something else -- her pediatrician has thought it was allergies for a long time.
- Summers are always fine.
- We went to Colorado at the end of July, in the mountains, where it gets down to 40 degrees at night. There were also a lot of kids who were in varying degrees of health. During that trip, she became congested again. That has gotten better or worse, including disappearing for a couple of days right before school started, but has been pretty much continuous since then. It doesn't affect her much -- her energy is good, sleeping well, appetite is good, etc.
- At her pre-kindergarten check-up about a month ago, her pediatrician said that he was virtually certain that the congestion was due to allergies and set up allergy testing. He also strongly recommended decongestant; I said I would talk to the ENT about it, since the ENT had previously warned me off of it in terms of increasing risk of ear infections. Pediatrician reluctantly agreed. Spoke to ENT via email (
love this guy), he wasn't dogmatic about it but reiterated that he'd recommend saline + immunity boosters (plenty of fresh fruit + veggies + sleep, etc.), and that's all. Have followed his advice. Do saline (bulb syringe + home-made saline) in morning and evening, sozlet's fine with it, works really well. She's complained of ears popping and there is definitely fluid in her ears (there was at the last ENT appt. in early July), but ears are fine thus far, hearing is good, etc. (Knock on wood.) (By comparison, last year the pediatrician recommended decongestant in similar circumstances and within a week or so she had a couple of terrible, eardrum-bursting ear infections.)
- Her best friend in kindergarten got sick about 3 weeks after school started. Sozlet got sick shortly after, similar symptoms. High fever and short (for her) bout of vomiting -- about 2:00 PM to about 3:00 AM in one day. Fine after that. Didn't seem to be any connection to congestion per se.
- Allergy tests are done -- no allergies at all. Allergist suspects large adenoids are the culprit. Will follow up with ENT on October 2nd. Until then, will continue saline + immunity boosting and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Er, not so brief.