I was actually a little relieved right at first -- nobody was really taking her knee pain seriously (there wasn't a specific injury that caused it), and so it was kind of nice to be able to tell the coaches, see, she has a DISEASE, with a fancy Anglo-Germanic name and everything.
But it's really pretty sucky. She's very, very active, and she doesn't do well when she needs to cut back on the activity. Doesn't focus as well, moodier. And it looks like the only "cure" is to rest her knees. (Although that's not actually recommended either, as lack of muscle tone can make the problem worse in general.)
We'll be seeing a sports doc and will be doing PT and can probably look into things like swimming that don't stress the knee as much.
And it's not permanent. That's huge.
But the next three years or so are pretty big in terms of sports. Aside from the activity component per se, there is staying with her peers so she can play on middle school and high school teams, and the whole social aspect.
She's currently one of the top five or ten female athletes in her grade (and one of the very few who is at the top in three different sports at once), and I'd really hate to see her lose that.
I mentioned something about it on Facebook and a friend of mine whose son plays soccer at an elite level says that his son was just diagnosed too, and with stretching and PT is managing it pretty well. So it might end up not being a huge deal. Fingers crossed.