Atheists... Your life is pointless

Wed 27 Mar, 2013 11:46 pm
No not true literally.
Also not true alegorically.

In keeping with my attempt at humor (by allegory).
Moral compasses are innate.
It ain't the size or shape that matters. It's the way you use it.
At least that's what the ladies tell me.

Religions should defend their case (if they want to take the moral compass tract) by demonstrating that their teachings are moral ones.
This seems difficult for a "literal" interpreter of "The Bible". That ship is so easily sunk, I won't insult you by listing the absurdities.

If one tries to get too "philosophical" in their understanding of Christianity, one often ends up in the same position as the Greek philosophy which was "borrowed" by early "Christians".
Making the pagan accusations remarkably ironic, at least in terms of moral philosophy.

Christians particularly seem to be very resistant to thinking people can be good. Born in sin etc.
Self-hate is of course sad... hating one's self is not evidence that others are hateful.
Wed 27 Mar, 2013 11:49 pm
That ain't the way my daddy told me
Wed 27 Mar, 2013 11:51 pm
Obviously Laughing
0 Replies
Wed 27 Mar, 2013 11:58 pm
Thanks for the compliment FBM Smile
Knowledge is no one's to own.
That term didn't originate with me.
I picked it up after talking with Fresco and being prompted to research some of Wittgenstein's work. Frank Apisa also inspired some exploration of that with regards to epistemology.
The concept predates Wittgenstien (I think he would agree).
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 01:03 am
How typical of you. Because an atheist does not believe there is a god is not evidence that they have no moral system. Because an atheist does not profess the moral system you prefer is not evidence that they have none.
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 02:38 am
Say what? How does anyone know that they believe anything? It's a report on the thoughts that go through one's head. How do you know that you believe what you believe?

The secular world has moral norms, mores. Compliance with them is secular morality. No divine source required. I don't kill because I don't think killing is right. I don't need a book of myths to teach me that.

I also don't make up fantastic stories that tell people that they're dirty sinners from birth even though we haven't done anything wrong, and the only way they can redeem themselves is to come to church every Sunday and give me 10% of all their earnings. $$$$$$$$ Cha-ching! Wish I could say the same for theism...

How can you prove that any of this is true if you do not believe it is?? And have never experienced that this is empirically true by killing another person to validate these concepts??? Game, set, match...rack 'em up FBM...

You say you do not need a book to teach you that right? OK...but do you believe that this book is teaching you this? Or do you believe that this book is not teaching you anything new that you had not known before? If it is the latter, then can you "prove" to me how you can "prove" this is true, and do not believe it is, and reject that it is?

How do you know that you believe what you believe?

How do you know what you reject or what you do not believe?, if you do not have beliefs about what you reject or do not believe?

How can you prove what you reject or do not believe, if you do not believe or reject that you believe these notions are true? Is there any such way whatsoever to try to validate any such rejection of a belief?? Or must one always come to grips with what they do believe, and why, and then try to validate these views they have? Rather than reject them? Do you believe it is possible that people are born with empirically knowledge? Can you prove it for me so that I can stop believing?

BTW...I do not base my faith around giving 10% of my tidings either...
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 02:43 am
MattDavis wrote:

Thanks for the compliment FBM Smile
Knowledge is no one's to own.
That term didn't originate with me.
I picked it up after talking with Fresco and being prompted to research some of Wittgenstein's work. Frank Apisa also inspired some exploration of that with regards to epistemology.
The concept predates Wittgenstien (I think he would agree).

But there's nothing wrong in being grateful to one's personal source. The earliest version I can think of is the Buddhist concept that evolved into the 'skill in means' expression in Mahayana. But it always sounds cool to mention Wittgenstein, so...thanks. Wink
0 Replies
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 02:47 am
How typical of you. Because an atheist does not believe there is a god is not evidence that they have no moral system. Because an atheist does not profess the moral system you prefer is not evidence that they have none.

I guess I must reject, or do not believe that this is true...However, if you can "validate" this assertion for me so that I can see exactly what it is that you do believe, based upon what you do not believe or reject...Then I will be able to believe it, and it will be "proven" for me also... Razz Wink Very Happy
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 02:49 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Say what? How does anyone know that they believe anything? It's a report on the thoughts that go through one's head. How do you know that you believe what you believe?

The secular world has moral norms, mores. Compliance with them is secular morality. No divine source required. I don't kill because I don't think killing is right. I don't need a book of myths to teach me that.

I also don't make up fantastic stories that tell people that they're dirty sinners from birth even though we haven't done anything wrong, and the only way they can redeem themselves is to come to church every Sunday and give me 10% of all their earnings. $$$$$$$$ Cha-ching! Wish I could say the same for theism...

How can you prove that any of this is true if you do not believe it is?? And have never experienced that this is empirically true by killing another person to validate these concepts??? Game, set, match...rack 'em up FBM...

You say you do not need a book to teach you that right? OK...but do you believe that this book is teaching you this? Or do you believe that this book is not teaching you anything new that you had not known before? If it is the latter, then can you "prove" to me how you can "prove" this is true, and do not believe it is, and reject that it is?

How do you know that you believe what you believe?

How do you know what you reject or what you do not believe?, if you do not have beliefs about what you reject or do not believe?

How can you prove what you reject or do not believe, if you do not believe or reject that you believe these notions are true? Is there any such way whatsoever to try to validate any such rejection of a belief?? Or must one always come to grips with what they do believe, and they try to validate these views they have? Rather than reject them?

Word salad. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/airwank.gif One does not need an external source to know what one believes or disbelieves. I know I don't believe in supernatural beings because those are the thoughts that go through my own head. No one else is capable of telling me what I believe or disbelieve because the source of that belief or disbelief is my own mind. I don't actually know what you believe; I only know what you report to me. No one else is privy to your subjective experiences.
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 02:55 am
You're really not very bright. I can have "moral values" (as it happens, i prefer a functional ethos based on a social contract) which is not based on your Big Sky Daddy fairy tales, and which is also not based on refusing to buy the Big Sky Daddy bullshit. You're incredibly narrow-minded, and you're trying to project it onto others. You may base what passes for morality at your house (such as saying that atheists cannot recognize injustice, or are the moral equivalent of Satanists) on your preferred superstition. That is not a basis upon which to assume that one can only base morality of their perferred superstition, or must necessarily base morality on the "rejection" of said superstition. You completely lack imagination. You're getting as bad with that "rejection" bullshit as Frank is with his "guess" bullshit.

You really need to get out in the world more, with an open mind--you might discover that there is far more going on than you have hitherto been aware of. As the Bard has it: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:00 am
One does not need an external source to know what one believes or disbelieves. I know I don't believe in supernatural beings because those are the thoughts that go through my own head. No one else is capable of telling me what I believe or disbelieve because the source of that belief or disbelief is my own mind. I don't actually know what you believe; I only know what you report to me. No one else is privy to your subjective experiences.

(Quote minus the stupid word salad part)....Yup, you got it! Now does this mean that what you do not believe or reject is a belief that you have? Or a rejection of a belief? How is it a lack of a belief or a rejection of anything else that you believe or do not believe?
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:07 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

One does not need an external source to know what one believes or disbelieves. I know I don't believe in supernatural beings because those are the thoughts that go through my own head. No one else is capable of telling me what I believe or disbelieve because the source of that belief or disbelief is my own mind. I don't actually know what you believe; I only know what you report to me. No one else is privy to your subjective experiences.

(Quote minus the stupid word salad part)....Yup, you got it! Now does this mean that what you do not believe or reject is a belief that you have? Or a rejection of a belief? How is it a lack of a belief or a rejection of anything else that you believe or do not believe?

You're still dodging. It doesn't matter what I believe or disbelieve; I know it because it's first-hand experience. Just like what you believe and disbelieve. It's just as valid a source of knowledge as what you experience. No external source required. You put your foot in your mouth and are trying to dishonestly dodge that fact. This is the reason I rarely bother to engage either you or spendius: intellectual dishonesty. The not only willingness but eagerness to engage logical fallacies to foist your babble on others.
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:07 am
Nope...I guess it is you who did not understand me...but I will refuse to engage in all that non-sense you claimed about me being not so bright...(which of course is a subjective belief and no rejection) my point was that just because you are an atheist and feel these ways regarding morality, or this "Magic Sky Daddy" does not mean that you can validate it is true...Just like you often ask theists to do about their own assertions...because as you have told me many times before it is not about beliefs but rejections....and "proof"...So if this is true, then validate what you have said above...So that one can see it is not because you believe it is true...but can prove it...
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:15 am
You're still dodging. It doesn't matter what I believe or disbelieve; I know it because it's first-hand experience. Just like what you believe and disbelieve. It's just as valid a source of knowledge as what you experience. No external source required. You put your foot in your mouth and are trying to dodge that fact.

No, I have not because you can not "prove" to me that what you believe, and what I believe are based upon rejections, Or evidence...etc...but on beliefs of knowledge of first hand experiences...Whether or not you want to claim it is God or not God because you believe or do not believe this is so...is entirely up to you if you wish....but only you know why you believe this is true...and no one could validate it or anything for you or anyone else who asks others to do it for them...because they claim to reject that this is true...and do not believe it is...
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:17 am
I have never told you that "it is about rejections." This is some fantasy bullshit that you've cobbled together in your pea brain. You completely lack imagination. You are deficient the the traits that have made humanity so successful. I don't need your Big Sky Daddy to tell me that murder is a bad idea. I have sufficient imagination to understand the likely consequences of my actions. If a murder takes place, it ruins the lives of all the loved ones and acquaintance of the murderer. It ruins the lives of all the loved ones and acquaintance of the murder victim. Anyone who needs to be told that murder is a bad idea is defective in their understanding.

I don't need a Big Sky Daddy to tell me to "do unto others what you would have them do unto you." I have sufficient understanding to realize that as i make the world a pleasant place for those with whom i live, it will make it a pleasant place for me to live, too. You are so totally devoid of understanding and imagination that you cannot see that people can make valid moral choices based on a realistic projection of consequences without the aid of superstitions that are thousands of years old and were created to restrain the lusts and willfulness of selfish, childish egotists.

You're making a complete fool of yourself with latest silly know/believe mantra. Your "epistemology" (such as it is) is a sad joke.
Frank Apisa
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:24 am
That is not a basis upon which to assume that one can only base morality of their perferred superstition, or must necessarily base morality on the "rejection" of said superstition. You completely lack imagination. You're getting as bad with that "rejection" bullshit as Frank is with his "guess" bullshit.

Another attempt by a sad, angry, disgruntled, mean-spirited, petty individual to instigate trouble and probably then sob his sob story about how others are being snide and snearing at him.

What a funny guy. Wink Wink Wink
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:25 am
I have never told you that "it is about rejections." This is some fantasy bullshit that you've cobbled together in your pea brain. You completely lack imagination. You are deficient the the traits that have made humanity so successful. I don't need your Big Sky Daddy to tell me that murder is a bad idea. I have sufficient imagination to understand the likely consequences of my actions. If a murder takes place, it ruins the lives of all the loved ones and acquaintance of the murderer. It ruins the lives of all the loved ones and acquaintance of the murder victim. Anyone who needs to be told that murder is a bad idea is defective in their understanding.

I don't need a Big Sky Daddy to tell me to "do unto others what you would have them do unto you." I have sufficient understanding to realize that as i make the world a pleasant place for those with whom i live, it will make it a pleasant place for me to live, too. You are so totally devoid of understanding and imagination that you cannot see that people can make valid moral choices based on a realistic projection of consequences without the aid of superstitions that are thousands of years old and were created to restrain the lusts and willfulness of selfish, childish egotists.

Do you believe that this is all true? Or do you reject this? If you reject this, can you "prove" how it is true for ones who believe? 2 Cents

BTW...I did not say that I do not morally agree because I know what I believe is proof for me...I have never killed anyone...and never plan too...I just decided to play your childish game of how knowing something is not "proof" of evidence...It is just a belief about beliefs..."whether it is universally accepted without this "magic sky daddy" to you or not, which again can not be proven"
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:34 am
You are totally clueless. This "childish game" you ascribe to me is in fact what you have been prating about for weeks. I have never told you or anyone else that he or she need prove to me what they believe. If someone tells me what they believe, i take their word for it, because no one other than that person can know.

I did not say that I do not morally agree because I know what I believe is proof for me

I didn't say that you said that. You're sinking into incoherence, as usual. I also did not say that anything was universally accepted. I also did not make any statements about "rejection," other than pointing out that you've got this wild hair up your ass about "rejection" lately.

Come back when you develop some imagination and learn to write coherently in the English language. You're a rhetorical train wreck.
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:36 am
@Frank Apisa,
Another attempt by a sad, angry, disgruntled, mean-spirited, petty individual to instigate trouble and probably then sob his sob story about how others are being snide and snearing at him.

It certainly is...all I did was attempt to challenge what he has alleged...and all of the sudden I lack imagination, am a sad case...and am just not too bright...

He seen me repay him with "his own coin" the other day...He was being nice, so I told him he was being courteous...He is not being courteous right now...and I am explaining how he is not...
0 Replies
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 03:41 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

You're still dodging. It doesn't matter what I believe or disbelieve; I know it because it's first-hand experience. Just like what you believe and disbelieve. It's just as valid a source of knowledge as what you experience. No external source required. You put your foot in your mouth and are trying to dodge that fact.

No, I have not because you can not "prove" to me that what you believe, and what I believe are based upon rejections, Or evidence...etc...but on beliefs of knowledge of first hand experiences...Whether or not you want to claim it is God or not God because you believe or do not believe this is so...is entirely up to you if you wish....but only you know why you believe this is true...and no one could validate it or anything for you or anyone else who asks others to do it for them...because they claim to reject that this is true...and do not believe it is...

You made the distinction yourself: "knowledge of first hand experiences." Not belief. Knowledge. Your own words.

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