Setanta can neither disagree with my arguments nor attack them izzy. He is frightened of them so he ignores them providing the lame excuse that they are drivel. So he doesn't consistently attack people's ideas as he claims to do. He attacks ideas he can score off. That's why he is a bully.
For example--he attacked someone on the grounds that Christianity had not eradicated injustice from the world after 2,000 years of operations in order to prove that the person's adherence to the faith was an idiocy and that his belittling of Christianity is justified.
My response, which showed what a silly idea he had deployed, he spared himself having to deal with simply by not reading it. Thus he still believes, presumably, that the continued presence of injustice in the world is proof that Christianity is a failure which is a belief no educated person could possibly embrace.
Not only that but he actually boasts about not reading my posts as if that is somehow a superior attitude in a discussion and something to be proud of when it is nothing but intellectual cowardice.
Thus he spared himself my invitation to atheists to justify bringing children into a pointless world in which the pleasure/pain calculus is heavily weighted towards the latter.
He has obviously become carried away by too warm a sense of personal excellence and is a classic example of the adage that a little education is a dangerous thing.