Atheists... Your life is pointless

Sat 23 Mar, 2013 01:23 am
@reasoning logic,
I would not worry about votes down or up if I were you. The highest rated thread in this forum is this one that I know of. Do you think that we should use this as a guide to truth or moral truths?


I agree with what you have said...but I think you may have missed my point...My point was not that I am worried, or that the voting system is indicative as to what has validity or does not...I was saying that based upon the voting system...I think it should just be removed...because the votes do not have any meaning, and it is often used to try to offend people...Or it is easily manipulated by a consensus in the current thread at that time...And it serves no purpose...Or the purpose it was intended for, is not how it is being used...And I think that it is just a nuisance that doesn't really do anything worthwhile, and creates more animosity among members...then it serves to give a valid interpretation as to how others feel...Which is what I assume it was actually created, and intended for...
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 01:24 am
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 01:29 am
Good morning mate! Wink Very Happy
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 01:42 am
Good morning Spade.
Or late night from my perspective. Very Happy
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 01:57 am
I just wanted to say before...That my grandmother was the most influential person I have ever met in my entire life...

I can totally empathize how you felt about your Grandmother...

She seemed like she really cared about you...And helped shape who you are...I am truly thankful that she had...Or we probably would not be having these conversations right now...Wink Very Happy...Just like I would not be here, if mine had not done the same for myself...
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 02:02 am
Thanks Spade. I appreciate our conversations as well. Very Happy
I am glad you had the grandmother you had. Very Happy

My grandmother and I actually did not know each other terribly well when I was young.
She came off as a little intense and scary then. We became closer when I was older. She was a single mother of 4 sons. My father being the 3rd son.
I spent a great deal of time with her as she was dying.
I am grateful for that. She is missed.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 02:09 am
@reasoning logic,
Defects of memory, just as the common defect of ignorance, can be cured by reading. When IGM accused me of being a perpetrator of war crimes, or at least of having guilty knowledge of war crimes, that was no freewheeling intellectual exchange. If you can't see the spirit of vindictiveness in such a remark, i have to wonder if you know what vindictive mens.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 02:25 am
I am grateful for that. She is missed.


Here is a video I think you may find an interest in...It says that it is over 2 hours long...But it is all summed up in about 45 minutes...

Sat 23 Mar, 2013 04:50 am
You bring it on yourself Setanta. No one is more vindictive than you, or as quick to throw out the insults. Next time you disagree with someone, try attacking the argument, not the person.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:00 am
Oh piss off, you silly little Saxon bitch. You don't know what the **** you're talking about, as usual. You just saw a chance to snipe at me. I don't follow people around this site looking for opportunities to get nasty with them, the way so many here do . . . you know, people like, say, Izzy the Putz?

I consistently attack people's ideas. However, if they get nasty with me, i get nasty right back, such as you with your hysterical and utterly false charges that i was promoting stereotypes about the Irish troubles. If someone does get nasty with me, then i have the pleasure of attacking their ideas, and pointing out that they're ******* idiots . . . like you.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:15 am
You are so predictable it's amusing. That's the only way you could have reacted, with denials and insults, that way you can avoid facing up to the truth. Something's definitely missing, and it's not my fault, nor IGM's nor Spades's. Have a word with yourself.

Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:31 am
You're pretty predictable yourself. You come in here and fling insults at me, and then attempt to castigate me for being insulting. What's missing here is the truth in anything you post.

Take this thread, for example.

In my post #5026664, i wrote:

Setanta wrote:
By the way, there definitely is a pro-British slant to news about Ireland in North America, and it's even more pronounced in Canada than it is in the United States. The alleged crimes of Republicans are news, the alleged crimes of the SAS, the RUC and various Unionist paramilitary organizations are not.

To which, in his post #5026897, Izzy the Putz wrote:

izzythepush wrote:
I know, Set it's so bad for you. How can you ever move on?

You like to dwell on our historical crimes without giving us any credit for moving on. It's almost as if you resent the peace process. How will you spend your days without a good reason to hate the British?

Interesting how George Galloway was banned from your shores just because he tried to help the Palestinians. So much for free speech. perhaps it's alright to persecute people as long as they're Moslems.
Anti-war MP George Galloway has been banned from Canada, it emerged today.

A Canadian spokesman confirmed that the Respect MP had been deemed inadmissible on national security grounds and would not be allowed into the country.

Galloway today branded the ban "idiotic" and vowed to fight the ruling with "all means" at his disposal. He is due to give a speech in Toronto on 30 March.

Earlier today the Sun said border security officials had declared Galloway, 54, "inadmissible" because of his views on Afghanistan and the presence of Canadian troops there and would be turned away if he attempted to enter the country.


At the end of the day I'm not particularly bothered what you think over there. I'm more concerned with what the Irish think. And if you actually bother to listen to whats happening now other than your own prejudices you might discover that relations between Britain and Ireland have never been better.

Britain loaned vast amounts of money to Ireland to stop their banks collapsing, Ireland was one of the few countries that voted for Englebert Humperdink in the Eurovision song contest, and many Irish still volunteer to serve in the Royal Irish Regiment.

The relationship between our two countries is very nuanced. The young Irish jobseekers would rather come to Britain than anywhere else because there is very little culture difference, unlike your side of the Atlantic where the difference is huge.

Green beer is a brilliant symbol for how much you really understand the Irish culture.

Nothing in that post "dwelt" on anyone's historical crimes. It's part and parcel of the hysteria into which you fall at the drop of a hat. I've never drunk "green beer" in my life, that's just more of your typical nastiness.

So, in my post #5026901, i replied:

Setanta wrote:
I have no problem moving on, you're just constructing a straw man. There is no reason to assume that i resent the peace process, and there is no reason to assume that i hate "the British." I'm glad that people of my ancestral homeland have peace, an outcome in which, by the way, Americans have taken an important part. I've only pointed out that the North American media have shown a bias.

Remarks about the Palestinians and Galloway are red herrings. You know nothing about my attitudes toward those issues, and were you paying attention to anything other than your own irrational hatred, you'd know that i have been uniformly critical of Israeli government policy.

You only make the comments about my Irish heritage because you hope to construct a barb that will sink in. Too bad for you that you know so little about me--as it happens, i don't drink beer of any kind, at any time, with or without green food coloring. It's pathetic how eager you are to distort what i write in the hope of bringing me into disrepute. What's even more pathetic is how eager you are to find a means of angering me with insults. Being the low life you are, you attempt to do so by a racist means. I'm not at all surprised.

This is how you responded:

izzythepush wrote:
You're angry with everyone. You use insults more than anyone else.

I think that this hopeful and really think we should look to the future. People like you prefer to dwell in the past and brood over past injustices.

You'd be less of a hypocrite if you spent as much time and effort looking at the way your country has acted around the world, and towards its own indiginous population.

You've made plenty of anglophobic comments in the past. If you read my posts you'll see that I have Irish heritage too. Although I prefer not to wallow in self-pity and cast myself as the constant victim.

Galloway was not a red herring, it pointed out the way your country of residence is quite happy to turn a blind eye to oppression when it suits it. Oppression which is still going on by the way, whereas we're actually trying to do something about our injustices.

It was the British Government that commissioned a report into the Bloody Sunday killings which did not make comfortable reading. We're coming to terms with the bad things our country has done. A similar period of introspection wouldn't do either of your countries any harm.

If you want to see what a low life racist looks like, take a look in the mirror

So i responded:

Setanta wrote:
I insulted no one with my post. That's what you've been doing.

But i'm sure you're right, Bubba. You're always right, huh, Bubba?

And this is how you responded:

izzythepush wrote:
I wasn't specifically talking about that one post when I mentioned your prolific use of insults, but you knew that.

You've got a bit of a brass neck accusing others of using the 'straw man' tactic.

In any event, your opinion is largely irrelevant, you don't know what the situation is like in Ireland today, you're talking about some idealised myth.

In this matter I'd rather talk to actual Irish people as opposed to pseudo Irish like yourself. At least they know what they're talking about.

I won't be talking to you about this any more, so you can get the last word in.

I made a comment about the news media in North America, and nothing else, and you used it as a springboard to make personal remarks and insults, and a whole whack of unfounded accusations. That's your style. That's all you've got. What's missing is the truth.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:44 am
I disagree.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:44 am
Setanta can neither disagree with my arguments nor attack them izzy. He is frightened of them so he ignores them providing the lame excuse that they are drivel. So he doesn't consistently attack people's ideas as he claims to do. He attacks ideas he can score off. That's why he is a bully.

For example--he attacked someone on the grounds that Christianity had not eradicated injustice from the world after 2,000 years of operations in order to prove that the person's adherence to the faith was an idiocy and that his belittling of Christianity is justified.

My response, which showed what a silly idea he had deployed, he spared himself having to deal with simply by not reading it. Thus he still believes, presumably, that the continued presence of injustice in the world is proof that Christianity is a failure which is a belief no educated person could possibly embrace.

Not only that but he actually boasts about not reading my posts as if that is somehow a superior attitude in a discussion and something to be proud of when it is nothing but intellectual cowardice.

Thus he spared himself my invitation to atheists to justify bringing children into a pointless world in which the pleasure/pain calculus is heavily weighted towards the latter.

He has obviously become carried away by too warm a sense of personal excellence and is a classic example of the adage that a little education is a dangerous thing.

Fil Albuquerque
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 06:02 am
An excellent video but I am afraid it carry's no novelty for me..."pick your metaphysics gentleman" is a sentence that I stumped into long ago, and that was why I moved ever since for a logic explanation of what a "God" must be and what it can't be...I've gone about it for years, and there is nothing, not a scintilla of "evidence" for a mind like God...Minds are incomplete searchers, processors of information, computing machines...a true all powerful all encompassing "God" is neither a mind nor an intelligence...it does not move, it does not grow, or shrink, it does not dictate or create or bring about anything, it cannot invent what other then itself as everything he already is...there is no time in it...no motion...no project...IT IS REALITY and yes, a LOOP of information where time and space, matter and energy like frozen frames themselves are contained ! The problem with this video central idea is that it all addresses the idea of motion of process without questioning what is its "origin", or to put it more smartly, what contains motion which does not move...I don't need nor I can see any rational explanation for a personal God other then our inner self centered desire of getting one...what we look for without knowing, what we ever looked for, was for Unity inside motion...and that is why we came to think of a "God" in the first place. But that God is just a bunch of numbers, a string of information which assembles the idea of a processing and moving machine inside the very own eternal all encompassing "unmoving program" that itself is...yes numbers with phenomena attached to its ratios...nothing more.
0 Replies
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 06:29 am
You really need to get a life, do you think dredging up old posts is a productive use of your time?

Although it's pleasing to know I got under your skin when I pointed out how much of a plastic paddy you are.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 06:34 am
spendius wrote:
Not only that but he actually boasts about not reading my posts as if that is somehow a superior attitude in a discussion and something to be proud of when it is nothing but intellectual cowardice.

Not only that he claimed ignorance of other's posts that mention you. That's taking ingoring to a whole new level.

Spendi wrote:
He has obviously become carried away by too warm a sense of personal excellence and is a classic example of the adage that a little education is a dangerous thing.

a time-pleaser; an affectioned ass,
that cons state without book and utters it by great
Frank Apisa
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 06:44 am
@reasoning logic,
I would see that the alligator has many teeth and that it is a killer but do you think I need to believe this or could I see by my observations that it is true?

OK...Now once you can see this and observe it as a fact...Would you then believe it is true? Or would you reject that you believe this is true? And then freely decide if you wanted to do this, or freely not want to do this?

This is one of the problems with the word "believe" in this context, Spade.

RL would NOT have "believe" something he sees and "by his observations" sees to be true.

One does not have to "believe: an alligator has lots of teeth" once one has seen an alligator.

Sat 23 Mar, 2013 07:05 am
I have nothing to hide in my PM's to Matt he also PM'd me (first as I recall but I haven't checked). As RL said they were private for a reason... one is more direct in PM's. This all seems to have started when Matt PM'd me to ask me to his latest 'tribe' thread and I gave reasons why I may or may not take part.

The problem is that Matt has implied that if they were published then everyone would see that Matt's attacks on me were justified. The compromise is that I will publish 'all' of my PM's to Spade in a PM if he will agree and then people who are interested (why they would be is beyond me and another reason why to publish them publicly would be ridiculous).

So, I will send my PM's to Spade if Matt and Spade agree and others can PM spade to ask what his opinion of my posts are and if (which I didn't) he could infer from my posts that I would follow him (Matt) around A2k thumbing him down. Again... why does he care? If it's about his nursing posts then he must have a really low opinion of me if he thinks I would harm people who want help from a nurse... that's what really surprises me and my PM's do not show that at all.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 08:55 am
See, there ya go, calling me a plastic Paddy. You are a nasty, racist little ****. I "dredged" those up to show just how quickly you descend into hysteria, and just how prone you are to be the one who starts the accusations and name calling.

I've got a life. It doesn't involve following people around online in order to attack them.

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