You're angry with everyone. You use insults more than anyone else.
I think that this hopeful and really think we should look to the future. People like you prefer to dwell in the past and brood over past injustices.
You'd be less of a hypocrite if you spent as much time and effort looking at the way your country has acted around the world, and towards its own indiginous population.
You've made plenty of anglophobic comments in the past. If you read my posts you'll see that I have Irish heritage too. Although I prefer not to wallow in self-pity and cast myself as the constant victim.
Galloway was not a red herring, it pointed out the way your country of residence is quite happy to turn a blind eye to oppression when it suits it. Oppression which is still going on by the way, whereas we're actually trying to do something about our injustices.
It was the British Government that commissioned a report into the Bloody Sunday killings which did not make comfortable reading. We're coming to terms with the bad things our country has done. A similar period of introspection wouldn't do either of your countries any harm.
If you want to see what a low life racist looks like, take a look in the mirror