Is life, being what it is, worth having, Setanta? Was it ever?
Life is brought forth in evolution by an automatic process. It does not matter whether such life was or was not worth living. The subject is not considered.
But science and intelligence demands that the question is considered before human life is brought forth. It is a mark of civilisation that it is considered. The least civilised of societies consider the question least.
As an avid student of history you will know that the Emperor Augustus cajoled, bribed and threatened the higher classes to get them to have more children. And despite the extent of his powers he failed and it is possible to argue that the decline of the Empire began at that point.
Two or three of those popular heresies which were put down with savage force declined sexual activity. I assume they did so because life was to them a nightmare which they didn't wish to inflict on others who were not yet here. Many go childless today for the same reason.
Basically, your expression " Life is" is a voice from the animal side of things.
You need to justify life being worth living as an atheist. And in a civilised and intelligent manner.