Atheists... Your life is pointless

Sun 23 Dec, 2012 09:29 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, this topic has been a sideline and I don’t get to look at it every day. It moves so fast that I often have to go back four or five pages to locate my last post so I sometimes miss responses.

Frank, like I said in another post I have not been completely comfortable with the term atheist in 20 years. I am more comfortable with the term agnostic. The term atheist is an absolute and we are told to stay away from absolutes as there are exceptions to most things. But that being said I am comfortable in saying that organized religion is dated to man’s knowledge thousands of years ago. Man’s knowledge has been going at a geometric rate for over 2,000 years but religious knowledge has stood still for 2,000 years.

If and just if a god existed I believe that he would not be a he, god would be more an amalgamation of all that is. In a way of thinking you would be god and I would be god as well as Adam Lanza and the 27 people he killed but that would be in the same way that a single molecule is us but not the total us that we apply the concept I to. Even though we are granted the illusion of separateness we remain a part of all that is. Our death is only the death of an illusion. We live in a sea of air molecules the same way a single blood cell lives in a sea of blood cells. We must take the sea of molecules with us to travel in space. Each person, indeed each animal, even insect or microbe is a cell of intelligence that makes up the consciousness of all that is. One Indian chief said it well, “The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth.”

Frank, in Korea recently they claim to have actually discovered a unicorn lair under a double rainbow maybe that can be added to the bible.

If life evolved on earth it is quite likely it evolved on other planets but if god was responsible then life will be confined to earth.

The fact that there are things we do not know does not breathe life into everything and anything we can imagine. Can you even imagine all of the imaginary creatures that could be granted existence if imagining was the only prerequisite for validity. Life would be an absolute nightmare with all different people running around telling us this imaginary creature told them to do this and others claiming their imaginary creature told them to do that. Wait a minute isn’t that what is going on now? Suppose one imaginary creature told his followers to hijack planes and fly them into the World Trade Center wait a minute that actually happened. If you invite madness into the world it will come.

Frank at least with “all that Is” we can see and touch at least part of it that is more than we can say about other imaginary gods throughout history.

I still like to play the devil’s advocated an it is easy to take the atheist side because as far as most people in this country are concerned you are an atheist if you do not believe in their god.

In Carlos Castaneda books Don Juan personalizes his death and sees it stalking him all the days of his life, always waiting for the opportunity to strike. Don Juan keeps his death at bay with his magic, his religion. Most Americans go through life like Don Juan using magic to keep death at bay.
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 09:46 am
This is off-topic, so I won't go into it, but: http://io9.com/5964879/no-the-north-korean-government-did-not-claim-it-found-evidence-of-unicorns
0 Replies
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 10:10 am
I too believe that shooting in schools is because some idiot claimed that God was offensive to him or her...It could not hurt to have God in there to protect, even if you believe he is not...Or do not believe he exists...

Only an idiot would not realize this...

That if you believe he is not, cool, you don't have to take it serious...Take him out, and he is real, he will be pissed...Way to tricky of a gamble to make...

In any event, it is not offensive...People need to learn how to have thicker skin...Not everything in the world is about them...

Just like the dude who wanted in God we trust off of money...How is it offensive to him? I mean really?

If it said, A nation built without the existence of a God...Is that offensive to some? Yes, it is...But people want what they want...And have no consideration for others...

I had to learn about evolution in the 6th grade and I did not cry about how it offended me...

And you don't see atheists trying to get schools to allow their children to go to schools on religious holidays...How come?

If America tells God to kiss his ass, we will be divided up among other nations...no doubt...

I think there is a very high possibility that if he was a church goer, he would not have done that...

I heard a story once, that a person went into a church to shoot people...And a young girl stood up to him, and said do whatever you want to me, but then execute my body, and her sister stood up, and said after you are done with her, do the same to me, and then execute me, and he turned the gun on himself and killed himself, without hurting anyone else...The power of Christ compells....
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:11 am
Thank you for your response, Zardoz.

Just one point I would like to discuss if you think it worthwhile.

You wrote:

If life evolved on earth it is quite likely it evolved on other planets but if god was responsible then life will be confined to earth.

Couple of questions arise.

Why would you think that IF there is a GOD...the GOD would confine life only to planet Earth? I cannot see how "lots of life throughout the universe" would have any impact on the question of whether there are gods or not. Can you explain why you think otherwise?

And if life "evolved" on planet Earth...why are you supposing that would mean there are no gods...or no GOD? Couldn't there be a GOD that decided to "create" a world...and just see what happens? I used to mix chemicals from my chemistry set as a kid (many, many years ago) JUST TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED. Why couldn't a GOD do that same thing? Versions of my earlier question might be:

Do you think it impossible for a GOD to exist...and for life to have evolved the way it has?

Do y0u think it impossible for a GOD to exist...and for the GOD to have "created life" in lots of places besides planet Earth?

By the way: I am assuming from your lengthy response that you answer to my question, "Is it impossible for a GOD to exist?"...is "NO, it is not impossible."

Allow me to point out that many of your responses seem to discount that possibility...or to give it such short shrift as to discount it.

Not really a good idea.
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
I would have to say that the possibility of a God existing is much lower than things happening how ever they happened and the reason I say this is because a God seems like a more complex thing to take place than things just randomly happening by chance.
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:35 am
@reasoning logic,
I see it the complete opposite...When you start talking about all the things that would randomly have to take place for us to be where we are...It is easier to think a God has a reason to do it all...Rather than everything that ever has been and will be just randomly happening so that we are...where we are...

I will give you an example...

I talked to someone once who was a quantum physicist...And he was studying the string theory...And I asked him if he believed in God...And he said no...

So I learned about the String theory...a bit...And then I came to the conclusion...Why does he not believe in a God?, Because when you come to things such as quantum physics, it is so small and miniscule...That there is even less evidence or faith to believe that that is true than for a God to even be real...But yet people take leaps on that...But not on a God...
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:46 am
I see it the complete opposite..

I am glad you responded to this because I think we are getting to the core of our differences. Give me a minute and I will try and explain.
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:51 am
@reasoning logic,
I want to say one more thing about it...

A man I pay attention to and give a lot of respect too...Mr father Robert J. Spitzer...A physicist, and Meta...said that the odds of life springing from nothing are roughly 1^123...

Or a number like this...1 in a 1,ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chance....

And he said that no credible scientist would back that, and I agree with him...Let alone people writing like Shakespear, or creating the internet....
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:52 am
When you start talking about all the things that would randomly have to take place for us to be where we are...It is easier to think a God has a reason to do it all..

OK lets do just that. What are the things that would have to take place for us to randomly exist?

Now what are the the things that would have to take place for a God to randomly exist?

Which one of these things would be the most complex? Us just existing with all of our imperfections or an all knowing God who can create anything he can dream up?
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:56 am
A man I pay attention to and give a lot of respect too...Mr father Robert J. Spitzer...A physicist, and Meta...said that the odds of life springing from nothing are roughly 1^123...

I personally think that your father is wrong and the chances of it happening are far less likely than what his math can reveal but none the less we are here. Shocked
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:57 am
@reasoning logic,
If a God exists mate it is a 1 in 1 chance...And if he does not it is a zero chance...

He claims he always was...So there is no random odds of him creating himself...
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:58 am
@reasoning logic,
Well no disrespect, but I do think he is more educated on the subject than both you and I are...But if that is what you think it is your opinion...
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 11:59 am
If a God exists mate it is a 1 in 1 chance...

Can you show me the math and the difference between him being 1 in 1 and everything you see being 1 in 1?
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:01 pm

Well no disrespect, but I do think he is more educated on the subject than both you and I are...But if that is what you think it is your opinion...

Are you suggesting that your father knows everything there is to know about how all of this came about?
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:03 pm
@reasoning logic,
No, I am saying I am more inclinded to believe his math, than what you or I think the math may be...

What would you say the odds are?
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:04 pm
@reasoning logic,
I can't show it to you, because I can not create life, or existence...From nothing, Or by my will...

But if I could do it by my will, it would be easier than from nothing...Idea 2 Cents

Because I am here first...And am not nothing...
reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:09 pm
What would you say the odds are?

Didn't I just give you an idea that it is probably way less likely than what your father predicted. It may be a trillion times more unlikely but we are here. It maybe that it is extremely likely and unstoppable but we will probably never know.
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:10 pm
@reasoning logic,
Can you give me a ballpark number rather than "way more likely"?
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reasoning logic
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:11 pm

But if I could do it by my will, it would be easier than from nothing

What we call nothing may very well be something.

Sun 23 Dec, 2012 12:12 pm
@reasoning logic,
If it is a trillion times more unlikely and no credible scientist would back 1^123...Then there is something seriously wrong with atheists embracing science...When scientist do not even use science to do what atheists do...
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