Bennet as we delve further into the field of Artificial Intelligence we realize there are more similarities than differences. A philosophy is simply the interface that lets us interact with physical world, a program if you will. It allows us to proses data from the physical world and output suitable actions much the same way a word processor program allows us to interact with the paper (physical world). If we see a speeding truck coming down the highway (input) our philosophy tells us to stop and not cross the street (output). In a word processor when we hit a string of characters on a keyboard (input) we can print out that string of characters on paper (output).
Bennet your point about different processors is well taken, I have many programs that are not compatible with my newer computers. So I will grant you that point and will change my analogy to all the same model of computers running compatible programs. Now does that make you feel better? We will assume for purpose of this analogy that human brains are all the same model processor.
Religion is a special subset of philosophy relating to the supernatural world, there are numerous variations. If you chose to load and run one of these programs and many people do, it changes how you interact with the world. These programs contain divine language that overwrites all other programs including the innate morality program that has evolved thru evolution. In the mind of someone running a religious program divine knowledge trumps everything else. Gods and religious programs like everything else have an innate drive to survive and religious ritual is designed to keep the cult strong.
The knowledge of 2,000 years was very limited and that is reflected in the religions of that time period. Man’s morality has evolved since that time. The keeping of slaves was a common and accepted practice during biblical times; several of the main biblical characters keep slaves. In fact we still have people who keep slaves to this day at least until law enforcement finds them. Slavery has disappeared from most of the civilized world but it is still alive and well in the religious programs.
It seems ignorance can be preserved in fact it can be made immortal in a religious program. Bad line of code can be deleted from a word processing program but divine knowledge cannot be deleted.