Atheists... Your life is pointless

Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well--I can't imagine somebody under a poverty vow going into a casino never mind placing bets.

I will acknowledge any mistake. I have done. Recently. Show me a mistake you think I made and I'll either explain why it wasn't a mistake or acknowledge it.

Evelyn Waugh said that what he liked about Americans was them being so polite that they didn't expect you to listen to anything they said. Aldous Huxley said something similar and Mr Chruchill said that they believed everything they said on the evidence that they had said it.

A lifetime in that sort of company easily explains how someone can talk to themselves reassuringly for ever and ever without fear of contradiction.

What accusations have I made that are completely false?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:23 pm
It's all over the news here. When something like that happened in Dunblane we introduced very strict gun control laws. Until you do the same this sort of thing will keep happening.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:27 pm
Then it will keep happening because there is no chance of our gun laws being introduced in the US.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:05 pm
Well--I can't imagine somebody under a poverty vow going into a casino never mind placing bets.

Let's assume there is no satire involved here: Can you tell me when I made the vow of poverty...and when I went into the casino?

Do you think the order in which I did those things might be important to what you are saying?

What accusations have I made that are completely false?

Plenty...but you did it in your usual sneaky way...pretending the comments were made "in general”…like you did with the “man up” remark.

But you wrote:

Frank uses such expressions to imply that he is manned up. It's a two-step version of marking his own homework. That gambit was so common on the evolution threads that I gave it a name. The RIC. The reverse invidious comparison.

Saying I am drunk implies the speaker is sober.

Saying I am stupid implies the speaker is intelligent.

Saying I don't know anything about evolution implies the speaker is familiar with evolution.

And so on and so on without any need to demonstrate sobriety, intelligence or any knowledge of evolution. What a deal eh?

I never ever called you a drunk.

I never ever called you stupid…or questioned your intelligence.

I have never said that you know nothing about evolution…and actually defended you in some threads on the issue.

You are wrong here...so demonstrate that you can acknowledge it.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:05 pm
@reasoning logic,
Reasoning Logic what’s a matter did Obama take you off his Christmas card list this year?

No self-respecting atheist would not waste years of his time in church listening to something he does not believe in. The political reality in America this day and time would require at least a feigned belief in the Christian cult. Thomas Jefferson would have no hope of being elected President today. It is very hard to judge a man’s private beliefs from his public persona. But this would require that Obama knew he wanted to be president from an early age and spent decades feigning belief to support a political career.
reasoning logic
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:19 pm
But this would require that Obama knew he wanted to be president from an early age and spent decades feigning belief to support a political career.

What makes so sure that he spent decades feigning belief? I at first was not sure than I became ill and started to have some belief but the more I read the more I became an atheist.

He could be a believer or he could have once believed, he could possibly even see a political advantage or maybe a moral advantage to Christianity. He may have not done all the research that you or I have done but that does not mean that he is a believer or not.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 10:06 pm
Spade Master the world is made up of leaders and followers and there are many more followers than leaders. I do several trail runs a year a year and sometimes the trails are not well marked and it easy to get off the trail. If I miss a marker and I have missed a few often the runners behind me will follow me. I have seen some groups run an extra 3 miles before they realized they were off the trail. Religion is much like that one person will go off in the wrong direction and others will follow.

Belief in itself entails that one stop critical thinking, when you believe in the supernatural the laws of nature simply do not apply any longer. The tests one would use to determine what is true and what is false cannot be applied to supernatural thinking.
“What is so positive about creating your own religion? God? Or philosophy?

Spade Master

Religion is evolving. As man’s knowledge expands the supernatural world shrinks. At some point in time quantum physics will rob the supernatural world of its last vestige. We live in an illusion of our own making and man seems to prefer the illusion to reality. We cannot live a lie and pretend we are looking for the truth. Religion claims to have all the answers and if one accepts that there is no reason to continue to look for the truth. It is organized religion that holds one back from looking for the truth.

The post that I wrote about creating a new religion was in meant to be sarcastic. But I believe that is the path we will take in the future because it is the path we have followed in the past. From the many gods who inhabited Mount Olympus to the monotheistic religions the number of gods grow less. The progress is slow but Christianity is dying a slow death from the ignorance it strives to keep alive.

Spade Master, beliefs and gods are the problem. If you had a computer program that was flawed every computer it was run on would have a problem. If you replaced all the computers and ran the same program on the new computers you would still have the same problems. Religion is like that computer program trying to blame the people in religious cult is like blaming the computers
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 10:54 pm
Do you think that it is possible that some people need to stumble in order to know which path they want to take? And why they want to take it?

Do you think that once religion is just about all gone...Cause I do not agree it will all be gone...everywhere...But once it almost is...Do you think that people will know when they stumble? Since they do not want morality? Do you think that non-believers will be desensitized and be incapable of knowing what path they are on? And how they may be stumbling? What are your words of wisdom to them when they read this, say in 500-1000 years, or more? Can you say that you are positive this is the best thing, when you are not the one who will be living in that society? What will you say to them in case you are correct? And what will you say to them in case you are incorrect?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:10 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Spade Master, beliefs and gods are the problem. If you had a computer program that was flawed every computer it was run on would have a problem. If you replaced all the computers and ran the same program on the new computers you would still have the same problems. Religion is like that computer program trying to blame the people in religious cult is like blaming the computers

I would like to take apart that analogy to see if it makes sense.
When we look at a piece of software, it simply consists of collections of bytes, with each byte consisting of a set number of altering ones and zeroes. A machine with a processor is made to interpret the strings of altering ones and zeroes in a specific way. With a different processor, the data would be interpreted differently on the assembly level, thus the output will not be desirable. In other words, software and hardware compliment each other. So simply, when you run the software on every computer, and an error is the output, it doesn't necessarily mean that the software is flawed, it could be the hardware. It doesn't matter how new a computer is, if the software was designed to work on a certain processor, until you find that specific processor, the software won't yield the a working result that you're looking for.
Either the software has to yield and be edited to run on the "new" computers, or the hardware (computers) have to yield, and the processors be redesigned to process the software. Neither the program nor the hardware is a static entity, thus it's all relative to each other, in the sense that they both must compliment each other for a successful integration.
So I don't see how this analogy will work if you say that the supernatural world is like the software and the physics of the world is like the hardware. By your analogy, either the supernatural world must change or be diminished for there to be a better integration with the physics of the world, or the physics of the world be changed or be diminished for there to be a better integration with the supernatural world, all this change so that the world will be less "ignorant." Since the physics of the world can't be changed to be integrated with the supernatural world, that is where I honestly think the analogy fails. The analogy also fails by your assumption that the supernatural world has to be diminished, instead of being complimented with the physics of the world (unlike the computer software connection) for the world to run smoothly, or as how you put it, for the world to become less "ignorant".
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:10 pm
It's all over the news here. When something like that happened in Dunblane we introduced very strict gun control laws. Until you do the same this sort of thing will keep happening.

Very, very sadly mate...I would have to say in the honest side of me, that this is probably a very accurate statement...I would love to say that I disagree and why...Or try to find a reason just for comfort...But I can do no such thing cause I do not believe that that is the truth...
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:17 pm
The analogy also fails by the assumption that the supernatural world has to diminish, instead of compliment with the physics of the world (unlike the computer software connection) for the world to run smoothly.

I am not sure how many current world religions may do this one day...If any...But I do believe this is a good point...

If you are ever looking to hear what a physicist has to say, who is a believer of God...Listen to a man named Robet J. Spitzer...

He has a book called New Proof for the Existence of Gods...

He is very interesting...And my opinion is he uses science, or physics to explain how he thinks a God or Gods exist...And compares it to the thinking of some great minds such as Hawking...
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:19 pm
@John Creasy,
Well, atheists are correct, despite Gods do exist amongst earth.

The universe does not question us, though overall its study is given in questions... bi-proxy, That is not actually God. Only the ponderer of itself, magnificent or not. Which is why choice functions, no choice need be removed when death cures all, though when use is discovered, of any interest in possible futures, alternatives are preferred to the death only route. Though God will not really be there, if that would be your version of God, by design, you will just survive.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, please do me a favor...Can you please send me a PM...?
0 Replies
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 04:31 am
If I miss a marker and I have missed a few often the runners behind me will follow me.

Blimey Zardoz !! Are you actually equating world religions to you missing a marker on a trail run?

As man’s knowledge expands the supernatural world shrinks.

It is the precise opposite.

At some point in time quantum physics will rob the supernatural world of its last vestige.

Will you explain what you mean?
0 Replies
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 05:00 am
@Frank Apisa,
You had said--

I decided early on not to concern myself with wealth or things.

I took that to mean that the poverty vow predated the casinos visited.

I had to stretch my credulity to accept that you had actually made a poverty vow and had not just invented it on the spur of the moment to justify being a male semi-pauper after 76 years in the most economically dynamic system that has ever been known during the period of its maximum growth. Your share of the national debt is far more than $5,000 so you have been given that amount, and more, by the government.

But if the poverty vow was after the betting, and you still bet you said, then I sincerely apologise for my mistake.

I asked you--

What accusations have I made that are completely false?


Plenty...but you did it in your usual sneaky way...pretending the comments were made "in general”…like you did with the “man up” remark.

fails to answer the question. And you started the "man up" ****--not me. It's an expression I would never think of using.

Frank uses such expressions to imply that he is manned up. It's a two-step version of marking his own homework. That gambit was so common on the evolution threads that I gave it a name. The RIC. The reverse invidious comparison.

Saying I am drunk implies the speaker is sober.

Saying I am stupid implies the speaker is intelligent.

Saying I don't know anything about evolution implies the speaker is familiar with evolution.

And so on and so on without any need to demonstrate sobriety, intelligence or any knowledge of evolution. What a deal eh?

That does not say that you called me a drunk or stupid or ignorant of evolution. It is an exposition of the RIC. Which is a trick you do use.

I have nothing to acknowledge.
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 05:49 am
Very, very sadly mate...I would have to say in the honest side of me, that this is probably a very accurate statement...I would love to say that I disagree and why...Or try to find a reason just for comfort...But I can do no such thing cause I do not believe that that is the truth...

You could say, Spade, that you are inured to collateral damage to the innocent where drone strikes take place so the collateral damage from the NRA and its agents is simply a case of business as usual.

The US also has a culture in which predatory violence is admired. NFL players and commentators exude violence. The crowds bay for it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 06:23 am
@Frank Apisa,
You had said--

I decided early on not to concern myself with wealth or things.

I took that to mean that the poverty vow predated the casinos visited.

I had to stretch my credulity to accept that you had actually made a poverty vow and had not just invented it on the spur of the moment to justify being a male semi-pauper after 76 years in the most economically dynamic system that has ever been known during the period of its maximum growth. Your share of the national debt is far more than $5,000 so you have been given that amount, and more, by the government.

But if the poverty vow was after the betting, and you still bet you said, then I sincerely apologise for my mistake.

I asked you--

What accusations have I made that are completely false?


Plenty...but you did it in your usual sneaky way...pretending the comments were made "in general”…like you did with the “man up” remark.

fails to answer the question. And you started the "man up" ****--not me. It's an expression I would never think of using.

Frank uses such expressions to imply that he is manned up. It's a two-step version of marking his own homework. That gambit was so common on the evolution threads that I gave it a name. The RIC. The reverse invidious comparison.

Saying I am drunk implies the speaker is sober.

Saying I am stupid implies the speaker is intelligent.

Saying I don't know anything about evolution implies the speaker is familiar with evolution.

And so on and so on without any need to demonstrate sobriety, intelligence or any knowledge of evolution. What a deal eh?

That does not say that you called me a drunk or stupid or ignorant of evolution. It is an exposition of the RIC. Which is a trick you do use.

I have nothing to acknowledge.

Like I said...!
0 Replies
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 08:27 am
I cannot believe no-one nit picked me on that... Like, for the percentage angle RE: death etc.

God does not care for you, only those happy enlightened souls care that your misery suketh a hole in their day.
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 08:50 am
I cannot believe no-one nit picked me on that.

How could I? It was incomprehensible to me.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 15 Dec, 2012 09:37 am
I gotta agree with Spendius on this one, Mr. Do.

Your original post was beyond comprehension. It made no sense.

Re-post whatever thought you were trying to share...and we all will be happy to nit-pick it to death.
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