Atheists... Your life is pointless

Fri 14 Dec, 2012 03:16 am
@Frank Apisa,
reasoning logic wrote:
Oh I see you have a belief in your understandings about your opinions and your belief is that your understandings and opinions may be more correct sometimes and less at others or am I incorrect in what I believe?

Frank Apisa wrote:

Mr. Green Mr. Green

I must say, I did need to read that again...And I am not laughing at anyone...Because I know my grammar sucks...Or ways of explaining this to people is not clear at times...But I do think that Logic may be finding his way...
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 03:26 am
I don't look at it as my duty to convert them...But to help them find their ways...

I slept earlier...mate...I am good...I am not going back to bed for awhile...

So 14 hr's ahead? That is crazy to think about isn't it?

Do you think if time travel is possible, It is possible to do by traveling in the opposite direction of the Earth's path? By going faster than the speed of the Earth? Or roughly faster than 1,000 mph?

Or to make it easy to understand....Do you think it would be possible to time travel if you went 2,000 mph in the opposite direction as the Earth?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 03:33 am
@Frank Apisa,
I'm still on the easy and moderate ones myself, but they're still bloody tricky.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 03:44 am
@Frank Apisa,
When you do have money Frank...Do you go to Atlantic City? Or do you not gamble?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 03:49 am
Hey mate...How are you?

Preaching or preachers?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:09 am
I'm very wet right now, it's pissing it down.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:24 am
Mr. Green Mr. Green

I am sorry mate...But I am not sure I fully understood...I think I understand you are saying you are drying off...But I am not sure what the pissing means?

I do apologize mate...You know me very well...I try not to be extreme but I do think I am pushy at times...And should not be...And haven't found a good way to articulate my disagreements...with everyone...Or I like to think I can't be wrong, at times...

Hit me up when you get some time...To explain what the pissing means...mate...Cause I would actually like to know for future references...Thanks mate...

0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:36 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I don't look at it as my duty to convert them...But to help them find their ways...

This looks suspiciously like equivocation. What's the difference between helping them find their way and converting them, if you assmume that converting to belief is equivalent to finding one's way?

Yeah, 14 hrs time difference. It takes some getting used to, but that's the way physics works, so nothing particularly surprising about it. I just have to deal with jet lag from time to time. No biggie. After a dozen or so trips around the globe, you get used to it. Wink

There's speculation in physics about the possibility of sub-atomic particles traveling backwards in time. Feynman pointed this out with his formulae and diagrams several decades ago. It's not my field, though, so I suspend judgement on that until more empirical data comes in. And I'm not a Superman fan. Smile
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 04:51 am
I think that some people who want others to convert may not really care about the ways to think...Or are not interested in helping them learn prudence...Or challenge what they believe...Do not believe...

I think that some, have a better understanding of these notions while not polluting others own thinking...and caring about these people...To help them learn

It does not matter who I am...Or why I may chose to conceal myself or not...

0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 05:22 am
The way I see it with that link you gave me about anatta...Is that I do believe there is a soul...Do I believe that Siddhartha Guatama...was saying there is no soul because he thought there is none in existence? Or do I believe he was saying it because he was saying the only way to prevail, is to recognize it exists but reject this notion? Because it is real, or can be defined in a way? And be about other people...Or this oneness and not self? I would have to say with what I think about Gods...And theologies...And Buddhism...That it is the latter of the 2...Though Buddhism may not even claim this...And I can't say I know what S. Guatama meant...Because I do not know enough about Buddhism...And I could still be wrong about what he meant...

And it just may be my own thinking about that...

Please explain something for me...How do Buddhists who believe in a God claim that their is oneness? And an existence? Appossed to anatta? Do they explain it similar to what I have said? Or do they incorperate anatta into that, in a way I did not mention?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 05:49 am
I don't know how you got some of those ideas from what I linked to. If you're not a native speaker of English, then I recommend you work on reading comprehension. I'm not being sarcastic or insulting. I've been teaching English as a foreign language for 14 years in Korea. I'm just speaking as a professional educator there.

Here's anatta in short form: Look for a soul in yourself. Can you find it as part of your body? Can you find it as something separate from your body? Siddhartha said he couldn't find it anywhere he looked. Whether it's your body or your mental states and experiences, there's nothing to be found that survives unchanged from birth to death. The definition of a soul includes that it is identical to (inseparable from the identity of) the individual from birth to death and (perhaps) beyond. But nobody has ever found a soul or a soul-substance. At least, no one has ever presented any such thing for others to evaluate.

Universal one-ness isn't Buddhism. It's Hinduism.

I don't know of any Buddhists who believe in God, but to be precise, the Buddha put that sort of question aside and refused to answer them. It's got nothing to do with what the Buddha was teaching, because it does nothing to help one achieve the goal he was pointing at.

The concept of anatta is not nihilism. Nor is it eternalism. It's a middle path between those extremes.

But I'm tired of these red herrings. You can't produce any reason for belief in your god, can you? You believe it because it makes you feel good. Am I right? You have no evidence and no argument to support your claim that either souls or this magical, supernatural, invisible, undetectable super-Santa exists. I don't know if you're really as incompetent in reasoning skills (no offense intended, just an observation from someone educated in reasoning skills and critical thinking) as your posts suggest, but if you're incapable of comprehending, yet alone constructing, a basic hypothetical syllogism, then we're not going to make much progress in this discussion. Sorry. That's just the way it is.
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:25 am
SpadeMaster, I have tried very hard to show you respect...and I think I have been much more respectful to you than many others here with whom you engage.

But since I find your posts extremely incoherent and confusing...and since it is my opinion that you do not adequately comprehend most responses made to you...most of the time I simply must show that respect by leaving you be...by not responding or reacting to your posts to me or to others.

I am not even going to attempt to deal with this last post of yours. It is a rambling mess that does not even come close to the reality of what I have said or inferred.

If you can put any of your thoughts into a coherent, short paragraph, I will give it a shot. Otherwise I'm just going to let you do whatever it is you are doing here.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:26 am
But he did say this correct?

Thus," replied the Buddha,
"the Tathagata knows the straight path
that leads to a union with Brahma.
He knows it as one who has entered the world of Brahma and has been born in it.
There can be no doubt in the Tathagata." [30]

For those not familiar with these terms:

Tathagata: The 'mind of clear and pure reflection,' or 'reality + mental body in various state of mind. The Buddha mind-nature hidden within every being.

Brahma: The creative force of Brahman.

Brahman: The trancendent absolute being that pervades and supports all reality." Another definition of Brahman is that which is Absolute, fills all space, is complete in itself, to which there is no second, and which is continuously present in everything, from the Creator down to the lowest of matter. It, being everywhere, is also in each and every individual.

In the ancient Vedic religion, God was described as having three attributes. Creator, preserver and destroyer. Over time these three attributes were personalized and became known as the Gods of Brahma (creator) Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (destroyer).

By Buddha claiming to know the path to Brahma he was also claiming to know the path to Brahman. Another way to understand the teachings of Buddha is that he taught that there are twon realms. One is the Created Realm and one is the Uncreated


Nevermind the language...

So you never heard of Buddhists that believe in a God? And it is my lack of language skills?




If you don't agree with what I have said...That is cool...Or what others say...Please don't act like I have 5 eyes...
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:34 am
When you do have money Frank...Do you go to Atlantic City? Or do you not gamble?

Okay...this is a fairly clear post from you, so I will give it a shot, although I dread where this probably will go.

I have money all the time--albeit very little of it. My total worth is less than $5000. I own my golf clubs and my cloths...and nothing else.

I've been in Atlantic City once...and I only went into a casino there because I had to pick someone up.

I gamble, but I think AC would be a mistake. When on-line poker was legal, I played lots of poker with the small stake I was able to muster. I love poker...I play a $1 Nassau almost ever time I play golf...and I make small, occasional bets on football.

Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:38 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

But he did say this correct?

Thus," replied the Buddha,
"the Tathagata knows the straight path
that leads to a union with Brahma.
He knows it as one who has entered the world of Brahma and has been born in it.
There can be no doubt in the Tathagata." [30]

For those not familiar with these terms:

Tathagata: The 'mind of clear and pure reflection,' or 'reality + mental body in various state of mind. The Buddha mind-nature hidden within every being.

Brahma: The creative force of Brahman.

Brahman: The trancendent absolute being that pervades and supports all reality." Another definition of Brahman is that which is Absolute, fills all space, is complete in itself, to which there is no second, and which is continuously present in everything, from the Creator down to the lowest of matter. It, being everywhere, is also in each and every individual.

In the ancient Vedic religion, God was described as having three attributes. Creator, preserver and destroyer. Over time these three attributes were personalized and became known as the Gods of Brahma (creator) Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (destroyer).

By Buddha claiming to know the path to Brahma he was also claiming to know the path to Brahman. Another way to understand the teachings of Buddha is that he taught that there are twon realms. One is the Created Realm and one is the Uncreated


Nevermind the language...

To the contrary. The language is precisely the issue. The words "Brahma" and "Brahman" have different definitions in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it refers to some sort of ultimate being or essence. The individual atman is identical with it and the realization of it leads to liberation, the soteriological goal.

In Buddhism, it's ultimate truth in whatever aspect it manifests itself in that leads to liberation, the teaching of that truth, or one's awareness of that truth. There is no creator god taught or worshipped in Buddhism.

So you never heard of Buddhists that believe in a God? And it is my lack of language skills?




Yes, it's your language skills. Or lack thereof. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Carefully, this time. Rolling Eyes

Enough red herrings. You have absolutely nothing to support your belief in a god. Man up. Admit it. You believe it the way a kid believes in Santa; it just makes you feel good to think that you're going to get some goodies in the future.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:46 am
@Frank Apisa,
You don't get it Frank...I am not trying to explain what you have said...But am giving my opinions of what I think about what you say, and have said...To me and others...

If you disagree with me that is cool...You have no obligation to think I am correct...

But I still have the right to think you are saying something...In my own relative terms...In which I can ask you if that is correct or incorrect...And why...

It is the same exact thing as reading a book...And putting it into your own words...And then asking the author how he may agree with that interpretation or not...

I am saying that (in my opinion) I think you are...being disrespectful, and don't know you are...I think it is messed up for you to go and tell other people that you have no beliefs...Then ask them theirs...Then say that you think they are right or wrong...When you claim you have none...

That is my own opinion of what you are doing...And it is mine...I never said that you thought you were doing it...Cause I think if you knew that, you would stop doing it...

But regardless, if you disagree with me that you are doing it...It does not mean that my opinion is not my own...

I will give you an example...

You just said that by what I say I am incoherent, And have given you less respect than you give me...Well, I disagree with those statements to say the least...But reagardless it is your opinion of what I am saying...And doing...And it is yours alone...You are not defaming me, just giving me your opinions...With which whether I agree with you or not...It is your own opinion...Or what you think of me...

I am not trying to say you have said or done things you have not...

But I AM giving you my opinions of what you are doing...Just like you give me yours of myself...And others...Our own opinions are ours...

Of ourselves, and everyone else...

Cool Frank...We agree...I have no problem ignoring eachother about philisophical discussions...
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:51 am
I don't need to man up...I know what I believe and why I believe them...Even if I was to show you what I believe and know, it would not have the same effect on you, because we are different...And God knows each one of us for the person we are...You can't find God thru me...No matter how much you want me to try to show you him...

If you believe, then you do, if you do not...Then you won't...Unless you want too
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:56 am
@Frank Apisa,
I was aking you since you live close to it...Or atleast in the area...

I have never really hit for much...But I am close to poor like we have said before...

But I have seen people hit for alot there...Much more that Foxwoods (TM) or Mohegein (TM) Have you ever been to those 2?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:56 am
Siddhartha said he couldn't find it anywhere he looked. Whether it's your body or your mental states and experiences, there's nothing to be found that survives unchanged from birth to death.

How you assess your own reasoning skills and critical thinking FB, and how you apply those strange entities to the reasoning skills and critical thinking of others, is your affair, but modern science cannot escape the conclusion that there's nothing to be found that survives unchanged from moment to moment and unchangedness is a function of a static whilst life is a dynamic.

Siddhartha was, understandably, too crude in his comparisons. He lived long before the Christian era of the differential calculus without which your flights around the globe are impossible as are also the bulk of your other activities.

A reasonable reason for believing in the Christian God is that that is what it took to get to the magical mathematics of the Christian era. For better or for worse.

When one's reasoning skills and critical thinking conclude that one is a superior person imbued with much excellence then the whole edifice of modern science is impossible and I assume, though I don't know, that the strictest Buddhist monks eschew all manifestations of it.

Despite being asked, twice, to provide a developmental route from atheism or Buddhism to modern science, you have failed to even recognise the point which leads me to think that your position is something of an affectation.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 07:01 am
To the contrary. The language is precisely the issue. The words "Brahma" and "Brahman" have different definitions in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it refers to some sort of ultimate being or essence. The individual atman is identical with it and the realization of it leads to liberation, the soteriological goal.

In Buddhism, it's ultimate truth in whatever aspect it manifests itself in that leads to liberation, the teaching of that truth, or one's awareness of that truth. There is no creator god taught or worshipped in Buddhism.

This is all that you had to say about what you believed or were taught...? Was any of that language or man up garbage ness.?
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