Quote:Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5193886)
I don't know whether you are getting up the noses of others with this damn fool question of yours but you're starting to get up mine. I've answered it three times.
What would you like me to say? Give me what you think are my alternatives for an answer that will satisfy you. I know gods don't exist.
Keep asking me the question is a mere gambit designed to give others the impression that I have continually avoided answering it and thus am running away from your superior wisdom.
What does exist mean? Matter is dynamic.
Sorry about your nose, Spendius. But since the question could have been answered with a simple "yes" or "no"...and since you really have not done that prior to this last post...you are the problem, not I.
So...you KNOW gods do not exist!
That is an impossibility, Spendius...so it is nonsense.
If you had answered that you KNOW gods exist...I could not be so certain. If gods exist...they could reveal that no matter how unlikely it appears.
But there is absolutely NO WAY to KNOW gods do not exist.
I'll give you a second shot at it.
Do you KNOW if gods exist or not?
Do you KNOW if gods exist or not?