That's rather a large question aspy. Which women in China? In what period?
Ibsen woman is not "mother" but companion and thus free from biological urges. She has become a problem of mentalities. As Shaw said--" unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself."
An attractive prospect to the woman of the urban intelligentsia. Woman as comrade, as heroine in literature, as business partner. Inner conflict replaces children. Her relationships are crafted in aid of mutual understanding as if understanding is possible between the ****** and the fucked. She belongs to herself.
Heterosexuality diffusing into homosexuality. Only inward migration can solve the resulting decline in population as the Romans discovered. It was certainly nothing new.
I wouldn't know what to say about the relative receptivity in Japan to that of China and the West.
Joyce elaborates on it all in the last chapter of Ulysses. And many others since.
The lover as hero and the husband as mistake. Boylen/Bloom.
Shaw was, reputedly, in a white marriage with a rich heiress. A Fabian. As he said somewhere--we shatter marriages and create suffragettes.
I've no idea really. I take what comes. My experiences tell me to beware of Ibsen woman. I'll take the common slags anytime. Their intelligence is innate and cannot be measured by nerdy IQ tests designed by men to flatter themselves.
It is all very entertaining though.