SpadeMaster, Hitler said:
“The receptivity, of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power for forgetting is enormous.”
Do you not remember the many reference to slavery in the bible? Slavery is treated in the bible as it is normal, that there is nothing whatsoever wrong with slavery. Is it any wonder that slavery was adopted in the old south and justified by the bible?
One woman I know spends most of her time at church and at church functions with her family. She confided to me one day that she and her boyfriend spent Saturday nights out beating up homosexuals. A few years ago one of the homosexuals in Huntington was beaten up so bad that was severely brain damaged for life. The hate speech and teachings from the bloody pulpit are directly responsible for most of this violence. When you spend your Sundays listening to hate speech that vilifies homosexuals as perverts and sinners the violence is sure to follow like Mary’s little lamb.
The Christian stand on abortion that has become fashionable in the last few decades has led to murders and bombing as Christian cult members try to impose their religious cult views on others through murder and violence. There is no difference between the Taliban imposing their religious cult view on others and how the religious right tries to impose its views with bombings and murder.
Breeding with your slaves? There is another word for that it is called rape. Many of the southerners did in fact breed with their slaves quite frequently, including Thomas Jefferson. Do you believe the slaves in the biblical times were not beaten and raped? When you literally own another human being you are free to treat it like your cattle.
The bible not only preserves the ignorance of 2,000 years ago it imbues it with supernatural power and justifies it because god doesn’t make any mistakes he is a perfect supernatural creature.
Until future generations decide that Christianity is no different than any other mythology that predated it will continue to do untold harm. Much of the bigotry and ignorance in America is directly traceable to the prince of peace himself.