Quote:Why do you think that you have no impact upon what a life after this one can be?
I said I do not know if there is a life after this one…and if there is…then there is. If there is not…then there is not.
What is…IS, SM.
I have no reason to suspect I can impact upon whether there is or is not an afterlife...and I have no reason to suspect I can impact on any afterlife that might exist. But if I can…then I can...and that is what IS.
SM, you stated unequivocally that "no one will ever know this answer."
Now I have asked you if you KNOW that "no one will ever know this answer"...or if it is a guess.
And you are answering that you are not sure. So...you are not sure if you know it...and you are not sure if you are just guessing it.
I guess the follow up question would be...since you do not know for sure, why are you stating it so positively?
Quote:Do you think you are learning new things about yourself?
On the subject matter being discussed...no, I do not think I am learning anything new about myself.
Quote:Or are you unsure if you are learning anything new?
I am fairly sure I am not learning anything new here, SM...but if you think there is something special I ought to consider, I am willing to consider it.
Quote:Or do you think, that you see things the same as you always have?
SM, If you are asking if the conversation we are having has made me gain any insights that I have not previously had...the answer is NO.
Are you of the opinion that what we are discussing should impact my understanding of myself?