Atheists... Your life is pointless

Frank Apisa
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 07:37 am
Re: spendius (Post 5185772)
Speak for yourself Spade. Thinking what we are doing is a very dangerous occupation. And it's ******* partonising as well.

Or why not let Frank answer the question himself?

@Frank Apisa...

Did you feel like I was patronising you when I had said that to you?

If you do, I apologize Frank...


Though I am almost certain why you have brought that up....And it does not include anything to do with protecting Frank... Or I am incapable of understanding why you would think that telling us all and Frank that he lost all connection to reality is not patronising?

Try not to pay too much serious attention to Spendius when he is one of his insulting moods, SM. When he is acting like he is in these last few posts, he is just here to provide laughs.

In any case, there are moments when I do feel you are patronizing others in some of your responses that I've read. If I feel you are doing so to me, you will not have to wonder if I feel that...and certainly Spendius will not have to inform you of it. I can be very direct.
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 09:20 am
There you go Spade. Frank marking his own homework again. I think it's a reflex.

I am just having a laugh he says. Which not only saves him answering anything but saves him taking anything I say seriously. He has awarded himself a gold star and he hasn't done anything except assert that I'm only having a laugh. Which I could jest as easily assert about him if it is allowed to assert such things about a citizen of New Jersey. From the inductive evidence (this is for FBM) it might be inferred that it is against the law in New Jersey to assert that any of its citizens are only having a laugh with certain probability caveats.

The other day he asserted that he had "hit home" and I had not felt a thing nor did I know what he had hit.

He does it all the time. Have you not noticed? You will get nowhere with him and neither will you learn anything as you might have done from my good/bad post of yesterday had you taken it seriously. Frank has no reason to take it seriously because I was only having a laugh.

Which, of course, leads to the proposition that humour has no lessons to offer. Which is ridiculous.

Considering that the site is called Able 2 Know it is obvious that Frank is trolling the whole joint. All the time.

Wed 5 Dec, 2012 12:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Thanks for the honesty Frank...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 01:01 pm
I said it was nice of you to say that I'm nice.

If you were not saying that someone doing a nice act...= a nice act to do to someone else = nice = them being nice, you knowing what nice is...Them knowing what nice is...And that you both see it the same in ways that have not yet been defined...

What does this even mean when you actually say it?

Among the Buddhist goals is to be free of faith and to see for oneself, so it's not quite right to imply that all Buddhist are people of faith. Some are, some aren't. I never was, but while I was a monk, I was surrounded by monks and laypeople who were.

I wasn't trying to imply that all people who embrace Buddhism embrace faith...

I was trying to say that all people who exist who embrace anything they wish to embrace they actually are...Or have rejections about..Whether it was anatta for you personally...Or something else for me, or others...Should still also realize that we are human beings, currently...Even if they believe we can be more than that, or will be more than that one day...Because if they do not see it this way...Then there really is no reason to think we would be anything different than we already are...Ever...Cause there is nothing special about us already...Or may never be...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 01:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, I will answer your first question in a bit...Feeling sick today...Like I have a fever...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 01:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
So you are interested in knowing these answers? But do not think you will ever know these answers? Why do you think you will never know?

It would not bother me in the slightest.

Thank you...

If you are fine with whatever happens after this life...

Why do you think that you have no impact upon what a life after this one can be?

Do you KNOW that no one will ever know this answer...or is that just a guess?

I am not sure Frank...What do you think about it? Or what do you think I meant about people knowing they will cease to exist? And never know the answers they are looking for, now?

I have no idea if people are finding out anything new about me. Almost everything I've said here, I've said other times in A2K. Some might say that I have said these things too often in the past.

Do you think you are learning new things about yourself? Or are you unsure if you are learning anything new? Or do you think, that you see things the same as you always have?

Thanks Frank...
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 01:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
But those my enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay them before me.

He also says Judge not be not judged, Forgive others of there sins so that your sins be forgiven you...Do you think it could be possible that Jesus was saying this to see who would actually murder other people because of judging them on indifferences? Or do you think he litterally meant that his fallowers should murder people before him?
Frank Apisa
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:03 pm
Why do you think that you have no impact upon what a life after this one can be?

I said I do not know if there is a life after this one…and if there is…then there is. If there is not…then there is not.

What is…IS, SM.

I have no reason to suspect I can impact upon whether there is or is not an afterlife...and I have no reason to suspect I can impact on any afterlife that might exist. But if I can…then I can...and that is what IS.

SM, you stated unequivocally that "no one will ever know this answer."

Now I have asked you if you KNOW that "no one will ever know this answer"...or if it is a guess.

And you are answering that you are not sure. So...you are not sure if you know it...and you are not sure if you are just guessing it.

I guess the follow up question would be...since you do not know for sure, why are you stating it so positively?

Do you think you are learning new things about yourself?

On the subject matter being discussed...no, I do not think I am learning anything new about myself.

Or are you unsure if you are learning anything new?

I am fairly sure I am not learning anything new here, SM...but if you think there is something special I ought to consider, I am willing to consider it.

Or do you think, that you see things the same as you always have?

SM, If you are asking if the conversation we are having has made me gain any insights that I have not previously had...the answer is NO.

Are you of the opinion that what we are discussing should impact my understanding of myself?
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:03 pm
There you go Spade. Frank marking his own homework again. I think it's a reflex.

I am not willing to give up so easily on talking to people who I think can learn...And I am not so opinionated myself...That I would think that others could not teach me new things...Like you think Spendi...

@Frank Apisa...

So you think I have been patronising to others? But not yourself? What do you think I did or had done? Or what did I say to them, that was patronising? Do you remember one specific example that you thought was patronising?
Frank Apisa
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:16 pm
So you think I have been patronising to others? But not yourself? What do you think I did or had done? Or what did I say to them, that was patronising?

If you want to have a conversation with me, SM, it probably is better if you quote exactly what I write rather than paraphrasing it...and then questioning the content of your characterization.

Here is what I wrote:

In any case, there are moments when I do feel you are patronizing others in some of your responses that I've read. If I feel you are doing so to me, you will not have to wonder if I feel that...and certainly Spendius will not have to inform you of it. I can be very direct.

I will stick with that.

Do you remember one specific example that you thought was patronising?

Cannot come up with anything off the top of my head. If I notice something in the future, I'll mention it.
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you think you have no impact...Why would you be interested in knowing the answers? Are you saying you would like to know just because, but know you can't change them? Or are you saying you are not sure if you could change them yourself? But think that you would not be able too, even if you knew the answers?

The second part...I have explained it already Frank...I stated it wrong...Because I wanted to know what you thought but did not explain it as completely impartial as you like to view it...Or in the way I think you understood...

Lets go back for a second...What I was asking you...Is whether or not you thought that what I had said was a guess yourself? Do you think I was guessing myself? Or do you think I had said what I had have because of a belief I have? Or something else...? I will answer the question you have asked me...next...

Third part...When you say you do not think you learned anything new about yourself? Do you think this is something new? Or the same way you have always thought?

Fourth part...When you say you are fairly certain...Do you think you can be unsure about that? Or are fairly certain you are sure?

Last part...I answered this question in this post above...What do you think my answer is about your question?


Are you of the opinion that what we are discussing should impact my understanding of myself?

just so you understand me more clearly...
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:43 pm
I am not willing to give up so easily on talking to people who I think can learn.

But you have an interest in thinking Frank can learn Spade. It enables you to continue posting gobbledegook.

If you are asked --"Now I have asked you if you KNOW that "no one will ever know this answer". Whatever you answer--if it is that you do know that no one will ever know the answer you will be asked how do you know that you know that no one will ever know this answer and so on and so on--an infinite regress. Gobbledegook.

If you answer that you don't know you will be asked how you know you don't know and so on and so on.

It isn't a question of being opinionated. That's another example of marking your own exam paper. And of being patronising.

You might learn that Frank has a small vocabulary and a limited range of simple ideas which he enjoys running through again and again. Similar to playing golf off a high handicap.

He does not know one single thing about this God of his which he has no evidence for existing or not existing.
reasoning logic
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:45 pm
Do you think it could be possible that Jesus was saying this to see who would actually murder other people because of judging them on indifferences?

From most of what I have read about Jesus he does not seem to be the type of moral philosopher who would make such a statement to see who might murder nor would I think that someone as intellectual as him would make such a mistake "that would be recorded in a bible and many people would act out on.
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:52 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you want to have a conversation with me, SM, it probably is better if you quote exactly what I write rather than paraphrasing it...and then questioning the content of your characterization.

I can do this if you would really like me to do it...But if I am not allowed to reword what you say in my own understandings, or characteristics...Do you think I will learn anything about you? Do you think you will learn anything about me? Do you think you are interested in possibly learning something new about me? Do you think you are honestly interested in anyone learning anything new about you? Are you unsure? Or do you think you are just not interested? Or do you think everyone know everything there is to know about you? And there is no reason for me to reword what you say?
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:56 pm
You might learn that Frank has a small vocabulary and a limited range of simple ideas which he enjoys running through again and again. Similar to playing golf off a high handicap.

He does not know one single thing about this God of his which he has no evidence for existing or not existing.

It seems that spendius is seeking attention. Wink
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:57 pm
But you have an interest in thinking Frank can learn Spade

I know what I have an interest in and what I do not...

I have told you I know and understand what I am doing...

So please stop patronising me, cause you are not helping either of us...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 02:58 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do you have a belief that this is true? Or are you unsure as in a lack of belief? And it has not be proven?
Frank Apisa
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 03:05 pm
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5186273)
If you think you have no impact...Why would you be interested in knowing the answers?

Because I like to know the answers to things. I may not be able to impact on the game to be played between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants, but I do want to know everything I can about the teams and conditions of play.

I would love to know if there are intelligent beings living on the planets circling the nearest 10 star to Sol...but I think I can have no impact on them.

Are you interested only in things upon which you can have an impact?

If so, why?

Are you saying you would like to know just because, but know you can't change them?

I do not understand this question...or the reason it is being asked.

Or are you saying you are not sure if you could change them yourself? But think that you would not be able too, even if you knew the answers?

I do not understand this question...or the reason it is being asked.

The second part...I have explained it already Frank...I stated it wrong...Because I wanted to know what you thought but did not explain it as completely impartial as you like to view it...Or in the way I think you understood...

This is completely unintelligible to me. Please re-write it so I can understand what you are saying or asking.

Lets go back for a second...What I was asking you...Is whether or not you thought that what I had said was a guess yourself? Do you think I was guessing myself? Or do you think I had said what I had have because of a belief I have? Or something else...? I will answer the question you have asked me...next...

I am asking you if you know...or if you are guessing. If you know...tell me you know. If you are guessing...tell me you are guessing.

Third part...When you say you do not think you learned anything new about yourself? Do you think this is something new? Or the same way you have always thought?

Fourth part...When you say you are fairly certain...Do you think you can be unsure about that? Or are fairly certain you are sure?

Last part...I answered this question in this post above...What do you think my answer is about your question?


Are you of the opinion that what we are discussing should impact my understanding of myself?

just so you understand me more clearly...

Nothing is clear about what you are writing right now, SM...you seem to be asking questions because you like to ask questions. And you seem to be piling question upon question.

If you truly have a question that matters in you understanding me...A SINGLE QUESTION...ask it clearly and I will answer. We can discuss that question until you are sure you understand my answer...and then move on to another question.
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 03:06 pm
@reasoning logic,
It seems that spendius is seeking attention

It goes even deeper than that Logic...Where he is damaging the possibility of people even learning about themselves or this God just because Spendi says so...And I think he knows this, but does not want to stop...But I am gonna kill it every chance I get that I think he is polluting other people from thinking for themselves...Even if they wish to freely reject this God...Cause at least the will know what they think...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Dec, 2012 03:11 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Single question...

If a God came down and proved he was God, and showed you an afterlife exists...So that there is no way you were unsure of it...

Do you think you would want to go? Or do you think you would be unsure? Or do you think you would not want to go?

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