Spendius, I don’t think America is as far away from witch burnings as you might think. During Baby Bush’s term in office the religious right thought they had a mandate and the more radical elements wanted a law passed that mandated the death penalty for blasphemy. What is truth to one religion is of course blasphemy to another. The blood would have run coast to coast if the religious right got their way. Of course the Christian right would make Christianity the one true religion by law. Once all the infidels had been executed the religious right would turn to different dogma in the Christian faith and start having them executed just as they did during the Dark Ages. We may have thought that the religious cult members have come a long way since the dark ages but you have to remember the ignorance of the Dark Ages is alive and well in the written dogma which survived the Dark Ages intact.
Nobody can answer for things that happened in the long past. We can’t even be sure what you dwelt on so lovingly actually took place and is not anti-Christian propaganda made up by enemies of the church
Spendius I’ll bet you are a Holocaust denier also. These incidences took place during recorded history and the church kept detailed records. The instruments of torture are still in museums today. There is absolutely no doubt that all the murdering and torture took place. The religious right had a field day. You could stand in a mountain of bodies in a concentration camp and make belief it was just Jewish propaganda the Arabs do.
Confiscating from the rich, it was the rich that were doing the confiscating during the Inquisition, this was not a revolution where the poor were being starved this was the rich feasting on the rich.
It was religion that gave us human sacrifice a paranoid imagines a god and then they imagine that god wants a sacrifice. A biblical character who no doubt was schizophrenic and hearing voices hears god tell him to sacrifice his son and then “god” calls it off at the last minute. While we are all familiar with schizophrenia today, 2000 years ago mental illness would be called a religious experience.
Those who find themselves at the mercy of religion find themselves at the mercy of man’s imagination. The vast an abiding level of ignorance in the bible is an exact reflection of the vast ignorance of its time period.
Spendius if it was not possible to civilize the human race in 5 minutes why would there be an outcry from the religious for the death penalty for blasphemy today? Religion hasn’t changed in 2,000 years but the constraints placed on it by society has. The Arab world was at one time was the most advanced on earth and gave us the science of mathematics but religion took it kicking and screaming back into the dark ages. Religion always waits in the wings to drag a civilization back into the darkness of ignorance.
Actually at any one time in America 50 serial killers torture and kill their victims. But we understand this to be a mental illness. They are called psychopaths and a psychopath killing torturing his victims is not unusual but and organized religion that kills and tortures in the name of their imaginary god at the very least demonstrates that god does not in fact exist because no god would tolerate the torture and killing of human being done in his name. If the Dark Ages proved one thing it is that god does not exist.
Why would a god condemn people to be a victim of serial killer? These people are kidnapped off the street at random to be a victim. The parallels between the individual as serial killers and the Christianity as a serial killer are striking but even Hitler did not derive pleasure out of torturing the Jews. It is one thing to kill but it is quite different thing to derive pleasure from torturing people.
If you would turn Christianity lose from the restraints of government today it would not take very long for the killings to start again. In the Dark Ages the Church controlled the governments what changed was that churches were stripped from the control of government. That is why the killing stopped not because the religious cult followers believe any differently. We need only to look at the Arab world were religion shares secular power of government to see the reality of religion.