Atheists... Your life is pointless

Fri 24 Feb, 2012 10:53 am
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cicerone imposter
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 11:55 am
What exactly is the "purpose?" Lie to other humans about a life hereafter? LOL
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 12:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It makes a little more sense than lying to them in beauty salons, fashion houses, exam results, job titles and such like. With those there's empirical proof of the lies. With the hereafter there's always a chance.

0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 04:41 pm

First off, I never said that bowling, and spades are my greatest accomplishments...But thanks for implying I did...I said in the thread I created...It was a feat that was interesting..I said It is a hidden talent I have accomplished...Never said it was my greatest...Not only that but since you follow me around everywhere, I also said to Found Soul...in another thread, that those are not even close to my greatest feats....those are just interesting things I have done...At least in my defense, I come here, and back up being a "good Sumeritan" or "progressing humanity"...By typing to become closer, and a better understanding of others...rather than your bullshit, egotistical views you can't be wrong, and the world is your little sand box to do as you wish and speak and say what you want all the time with no filter of restraints...I bet you got your ass kicked a lot when you were a kid?? Unless, you happened to be an extremely big man...If that is the case, and you were a bully, and act like this now, you obviously lucked out...and never got taught at a young age...How to be, and acted civilized...Count your blessing, for God let you go, easily...With your type of mouth, you would have been chewed up, and spat out 20 times over for the way you speak with that tongue of yours...

Anyways...as far as the post above...

I do not care if it is a idle comment, in an idle thread...I wish to ask, and answer questions which I will continue to do...apparently others do not have such a sad, sick look, and feeling like you do about it...and had no problem talking with me...Matter of fact neither did you! So either, you find plausibility in what I say, and speak of...Or two, you truly feel I am a complete dick and a tool...But you really are just being a pest, and acting degenerative, to get under peoples skin...So which one is it?? Either way, you look like an asshole...I know your gonna say you don't care...But I do not truly believe you either...You clearly don't care about others who disagree, But if it suits your taste, your all aboard!! And you have the audacity, to talk about me being a tool? or a dick head?? Why don't you actually take a long hard look in the mirror pall, and actually take in, that your reaping what you have sown out for probably decades...

The author of this thread was a hostile christian who wanted to bad-mouth atheists.

And if that is true, with which I said I do not condone his original question...Apparently Atheists did not understand the message, nor rise above it...For it seems you have, and others have posted about threads like this, and how you were persecuted for your life having no point to it...(I'll assume you were talking about this thread??) But yet, I see that something that was posted back in 05' Is currently happening now, and while I am here, which is 7 years later...and it is the quote I originally quoted in entering this thread...that is something to the effect of...

Why are atheists so adamant about no existence? For it seems there the one preaching...and there seems to be far more atheists in spiritual threads than religious...Which is exactly spot on! and still happens today! 7 years later...So, I really do not believe that the website was very much different at all back years ago...You may have had your thread bashing here and there...But it isn't really any different than the approach of many atheists on here use...(like Spendius said...Some kind of insult dispensed, and a dodge of the questions...) It is the same **** over and over, in every thread posted on here, about theism, or atheism...

He hasn't posted at this site in many years.

Doesn't matter does it?? Same **** happens now, as it did then...As I explained above...

You seem to think that you own every thread at this site with a religious theme, so you come along and comment here. But that breaks down because nobody gives a rat's ass about this thread any longer.

I do not think I own every religious thread...and that was not my purpose in coming here, matter of fact, I did not know that Creasy doesn't post here anymore? Did I? Oh, experts of experts??

I have a right to go to any thread at this site and comment. I don't need your permission or your approval. If you don't like what i post, don't respond to it. If you do, you can bet you'll hear from me.

Good, well then I guess you can understand that that is a disgusting, distasteful way to talk and act, and associate yourself with other humans...You sociopath!!! I (unlike you) learn from my mistakes, so I already know upon posting this, that by this statement:

I don't need your permission or your approval. If you don't like what i post, don't respond to it. If you do, you can bet you'll hear from me.

That your going to give me a ear full of bullshit, and slam me left and right, like the egotistical, cynical asshole you are, and have been probably for years on here...

Sorry, if your bullying techniques do not work on me!! again, I do not care who you are, and what your affiliation is...You do not scare me, and you do not intimidate me...therefor, I am not leaving anytime soon...and I am not gonna run and flee, because of you, and your distasteful mannerism...Other faithful ones may have came and given up...I am a tough cookie, and will not do likewise...So, Either learn to cope with it...(I know, I know, it sux me thinking about being around you too!!) Or just be smart about it, and leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone...If you post your bullshit, to cause problems, then be prepared for war at times...and I am not gonna hold things back!! I will give you, what you put out...and you will reap, what you sow!!!

It's an idle comment in an idle thread.

But apparently others felt inclined to answer me?? and you felt "compelled" to voice your opinion because of pure disgust?? Stop being so disingenuous, and a degenerate...And fess up, that either, you one, feel plausibility in what I say...and that causes problems...or 2, your the one being the complete dickhead, and tool!!!

Go find someone else to pick on, and bully in your sandbox!!!

Fri 24 Feb, 2012 05:39 pm
Spades is for people who can't handle bridge .

If I wasn't so lazy I'd use that as my signature.
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:00 pm
And if you disagree, and think I am peddling nonsensical, irrational delusional bullshit...I will provide some "fact" for you...Since atheists "harp" about "evidence"...

Every time it is dropped, it is started back up by you...

Every time one walks away it is me!

Every time it is started back up, is by you, with an insult from left field!

You clearly need me, more than I need you!

You clearly, have not aired out all your dirty laundry, and have unresolved issues with me...

I am game to leave you alone for good at any point..

You continue to harass me, to start **** back up again!

I will propose another option for you...Since your the one who has unresolved problems, and are not harmonious in your surroundings...

I will start a thread, where you and I can go at it, back and forth, and argue till we both cease from existence...if that helps you...

I do not wish to air our dirty laundry in these forums any longer...

there is no reason for others to have to read our juvenile, bullshit posts back and forth...Least with our own topic, if people come in to see it, they are making the free choice as to reading it or not...

Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:04 pm
Setanta: Spades is for people who can't handle bridge .

Panzade: If I wasn't so lazy I'd use that as my signature.


It is just too bad it really isn't accurate...and no real logic to that comment! and just a personal slam for the sake of being a dick, from Setanta..

If one masters a card game, that uses a full deck...

and can count cards, think about it...If they were to practice 6 months-to 1 year...on a website...where they can play for free...and at the skill level they want, when they want, and with freedom to play and think when they're playing...and can play other skilled players...

Why would anyone think that they would not be able to master Bridge as well??
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:05 pm
.With your type of mouth, you would have been chewed up, and spat out 20 times over for the way you speak with that tongue of yours...

Yep--the only place to get away with it is a Christian place.
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:08 pm
Setanta has no clue what mastering bridge even means. I bet he has never played bridge for a $ a point.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:09 pm
I disagree, the U.S. is mostly Christian...

I don't know where Set is from...

But if he came here...or to certain areas, he is not from...(if he is from the states)

People would kick the living **** out of him, for the way he speaks...

If he lives here, I am sure he knows this...And is probably 2 faced, and much different in person!!!
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:11 pm
you guys are idiots
reasoning logic
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:13 pm
Yep--the only place to get away with it is a Christian place.

Are you suggesting that it is normal speech for Christians? Is that what they mean by speaking in tongues?
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:14 pm
Yep--the only place to get away with it is a Christian place.

The ironic thing about that post you made...Is if your right...and Setanta was getting his ass kicked...over and over...Because only place to allow it is a Christian place...But at the same time, they don't take no ****...

I wonder how long that would go on before, Setanta, was calling on Jesus to save his ass from people pistol whipping him and ****??
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:14 pm
I never said I wasn't an idiot. You won't find me making such a ridiculous statement.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:16 pm
@reasoning logic,

0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:17 pm
you guys are idiots

Who truly is not an idiot?? at least at times??
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What exactly is the "purpose?" Lie to other humans about a life hereafter? LOL

LOL, that is, if you KNOW it is a lie!! Still better to role the dice...

Without a God, there is no essence of being, or incentive to truly be real and genuine at all!! People can say they are for progressing humanity...and are able to make great choices on their own...

But the bottom line...is if a God can not compel you, than it is inconceivable to think, You have an incentive to do positive things all the time, on your own...
cicerone imposter
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:41 pm
Tell that to all those who lived before your god's time, and also all those cultures that has other religions.
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Tell that to all those who lived before your god's time, and also all those cultures that has other religions.

How do you know all those "so called" pagan religions who embrace a savior, and a Virgin Birth, are not embracing the same God, as we call Jesus today??

And for the second post...If they do not know God...then they are not held by the same standard we are...Not only that...How do you know we have not been here before? and won't come back?? (reincarnation)
cicerone imposter
Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:55 pm
That's for you to answer. Are you suggesting that all religions are based on christianity? Are you really that ignorant, or is that a foundation of believing in your god?

I don't believe in fiction, but especially those filled with errors, omissions, and contradictions. I don't use "faith" as my guide to life; I base my decisions on reality.

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