Atheists... Your life is pointless

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 12:10 pm
Promotion of either story necessitates some justification of the outcome.

Yes, but isn't that what belief does? God, evolution or any other idea about our origins are different answers to the same question. Selecting one and making it your reality is an act of faith.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 01:42 pm
You might see it the other way round Cyr.

The selecting is done to achieve, or try to, a certain reality and the belief in that reality defines the character of the selected option.

The absence of a belief in the atheist reality is so pointed in this debate that the silence on the matter makes a bigger din than ten thousand devils rolling church bells down a ravine. All at once.

A reality which merely consists of avoiding a fundie knocking on your door once in 20 years, or somesuch triviality, is not worth a moment of a grown-up's time.

Your posts are silent on the matter. It is my posts that provide a few glimpses into it.

As I said--Any fool can knock an edifice down and leave a vacant lot.

Serious atheists are planning the new structure. They have plenty of time if the clearing of the site continues at its present pace. People are not daft. They are never going to be enthusiastic about the edifice being demolished, and anybody who doesn't want it demolished is not in this game, if there is no new edifice to replace it. Hence the slow progress.

Get Satanic--tempt them. Pagan rites are good fun I gather. And what else can follow atheism but Paganism given the ineradicable superstitious nature of "the people". How does a sentinent human being resist a belief in luck. We have a lady on the NFL Pick-um game who makes her choices on the basis of the names of certain types of sandwiches. And she's won the last two weeks.

The allotment holders won't take long to start praying to the Marrow God. And the knicker elastic twangers won't run the risk of being arrested and shamed before the whole town.

Think how much the land, building materials and decor of the RC Church is worth if sold off at auction. Think of the nuns like Luther and his mates did. The novices of course.

0 Replies
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 03:30 pm
As I understand things the proposed changes in the law are to do with "aggravated homosexuality". You said that they would be brought to bear, if passed, which is not yet the case, on people "for being" homosexual

Love you trying to defend any law that make any acts of homosexuality in and out of the country by is citizens a crime.

Sound like a Christian at his or her best.

Uganda is at a different stage of political, social and economic development than we are.

Sure we are that why US Christians could go there and aid the monster of Christianity out of it chains and controls and show it true colors.

The checks are too strong in the US or the EU at least at the moment for the monster to break free.

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 03:54 pm
The "monster" eh? Da MONSTAH!!

You've got it real bad.
0 Replies
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 04:05 pm
Where have I said that homosexual acts should be made a crime.

In Nigeria, a large oil producer, 5 Christian churches have been bombed today with many casualties.

I don't know about Uganda and neither do you. One aspect of "aggravated homosexuality" is having sex with someone knowing you have Aids. Parades might be another. They must be worried about something to be even thinking about it. Something they are not ready for.

And I can't answer for "US Christians" who go there shouting their mouth off. How many are there?

You are using the tragic issue to beat Christianity with for your own reasons. As a machete. Shame on you.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 05:01 pm
You wish for an example of the Christian religion acting badly today not centuries ago and I gave you one hell of an example of evilness.

That you would defend any part of the law in question tell me 100 percents that I am right.

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 05:45 pm
Nothing has happened that I can see Bill.

Is your impatience not prepared to even wait for somebody to be executed? Or charged even? Or the vote to be taken?

In NFL you are offside.

If that's the best case you can make against Christianity no wonder it is falling on deaf ears.

Some Yank rabble-rouser, who one might presume couldn't make it in the US, goes to Uganda, makes some wild statements and gets his name up in lights and that's an argument for cancelling Christianity.

My advice is to calm down.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 06:29 pm
Every Christian should hang their heads in shame when they hear the word AIDS.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 07:10 pm
Is your impatience not prepared to even wait for somebody to be executed? Or charged even? Or the vote to be taken?

An the people who had been killed for being openly gay due to the hate the good Christians had drum up is of no account?

Sorry the evilness it there for all to see and we do not need to wait until the bodies are pile up before so stating.
0 Replies
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:02 am
spendius wrote:

Nothing has happened that I can see Bill.

Is your impatience not prepared to even wait for somebody to be executed? Or charged even? Or the vote to be taken?

You're debating with a very primitive mind here mate. He can only see things in black and white, he can only see the wrongs in those he opposes, and only the virtue in those he supports.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:15 am
Will you explain what you mean Eorl?
0 Replies
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:30 am
Yes it take a primitive mind to think that it is evil to kill people or even to imprisoned people for being gay.

Either drumming up enough hate to do it by mob violence or under the color of law.

Hell I am so backward that I even think that imprisoning and killings Jews along with homosexuals and other groups in the 1930s was a black and white issue!!!!!

Hell it take a true believer to see how killing the people who kill Jesus and then in top of it refused to convert is not a good idea along with gays who the bible stated should be kill.

Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:39 am
You're just proving my point. It takes a primitive mind to execute what could be an innocent man, just because you can't be bothered to examine forensic evidence. It also takes a primitive mind to blame all the evils in the world on religion, it was Nazi ideology, based primarily on the science of Eugenics, that killed all those people, not Hitler's Catholicism. I think you'll find that most of the killing happened in the 1940s, not the 1930s, but hey, who needs facts when you've got ideology.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:44 am
Hmm we are jumping around and did Jesus tell you directly that those two killers was innocent?

it was Nazi ideology

Good try however the mass killings of Jews had a long history in Europe that far far predate the Nazi movement by many many centuries.

The Nazis just did it on a larger scale and was the last for now who did so, but others was almost as good.

All this hate was base on Christians viewing Jews as Christ killers and Hitler just build once more on that hate,
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 05:52 am
Ha . . . ideology. . . Bill is one of those mlitant atheists who make a religion of their alleged non-belief (i find the militant atheists just make a religiously devout ideology out of a different belief set, usually a confused "understanding" of science). Personally, i'm an atheist just because i don't believe any of the god claptrap--but i don't give a rat's ass what anyone else believes so long as they are not foisting it on me--including a religious crusade of non-belief attacking organized religion.

I'm all for having at the crazies who come here to rant about their chosen god delusions--that's a good deal of what this site is about. We had our relgious wars here a few years back. However, i find the rabid anti-religion crowd to usually be as uninformed and down-right ignorant as the true believers. I've read a great deal of history, and read it in detail. Politics and economics trump relgion every time. The Pope couldn't get anyone to take up the crusade against the Cathars just on the basis of the evil of heresy, nor for a promise of a remission of sins. But when he got the collusion of the King of France, and the forfeiture of the estates of proscribed members of the nobility was offered to any leader who would step forward, de Monfort stepped right up, and finish off the Cathars in rather short order. The Thirty Years War was brought to a conclusion after Catholic France began subsidizing Protestant Sweden to fight their political enemy, Catholic Austria. Politics and economics have always been more important to the true movers and shakers than religion ever has been. Religion has just been a convenient excuse.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 06:06 am
Like you, my main problem is with preachy people. Bill, as I've said before is a zealot, and responds like a fundamentalist. His assertion that Jesus must have told me the Texan man was innocent, shows his inability to respond logically.

It is a matter of simple ethics to ensure you're punishing the right man, and to ignore evidence that could prove things one way or the other is unethical, regardless of your own spiritual beliefs. He cannot move out of the simplistic athism good/religion bad mantra, and tries to portray those who disagree with him as being every bit as fervent as he is. He constantly tries to prtray Firefly as a man-hater, and now he's trying to portray me as a fundamentalist Christian. It's very similar to JGoldman's 'uncircumcised Philistine' taunts, but no way near as articulate, or as much fun.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 06:15 am
izzythepush wrote:
He cannot move out of the simplistic athism good/religion bad mantra, and tries to portray those who disagree with him as being every bit as fervent as he is.

This is always the flaw of the zealot--the inability to see the world in terms which have no reference to their obsession.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 06:26 am
Your country still practices capital punishment Bill. It's gone in Europe. You are for persecuting Bradley Manning under mob rule or the law and many people, possibly 50% of the population, have no issue with what he is alleged to have done and often think it was a good thing.

In the case of Bin Laden you went in for administrative execution and the operation risked innocent lives. You even denied his family proper funeral rites.

Your position is posited on the idea that male homosexuality has, in certain times and places, been seen as a threat to society and that the perception was false or unjustified simply because we don't see it as a threat now. You are also presenting the notion that homosexuality was the only activity which was persecuted in those days whereas many other behaviours were also. Offering bargains for example. Prostitution. Gambling. Selling and drinking alcohol. Tobacco use. Publishing revolutionary ideas.

People have been killed and imprisoned for so many reasons that homosexuality is almost trivial.

You are attempting to persuade A2K that persecution of male homosexuals resulted from prejudice and bloody-mindedness rather than from practical politics. In effect you are telling us that the power elites of the past should have known better and you have no idea of the problems they were addressing.

You are fannying around in the indulgencies of your own subjectivity.

Do the Seals and other Special Forces units have the appropriate number of homosexuals in their number? Or the appropriate number of females? Or do your anti-discrimination practices only apply when it doesn't matter like in military cookhouses, stores, motor pools and admin?

Mon 26 Dec, 2011 06:40 am
All this hate was base on Christians viewing Jews as Christ killers...

What a gross teleology. It is much more likely that it was the way they behaved. Setting themselves apart as a chosen people and suchlike.
Mon 26 Dec, 2011 07:02 am
Lets not forget all the property they owned, that's a prime motivator in oppressing someone. It suits the power elites to have scapegoats to blame everything on, so they don't have to confront their own shortcomings. Blaming the Jews for killing Christ also let the Roman Empire off the hook, which is important when you're making Rome the capital of Christendom.

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