Atheists... Your life is pointless

Fri 23 Dec, 2011 08:49 pm
@reasoning logic,
Think about it. Someone dreamed up the idea of god and said, "I believe in this".

No one dreamed up the idea of god to say "I don't believe in this". Someone had to come up with the position to which atheism is the opposite. It's one belief. Theism says yes, atheism says no.
Without theism, no atheism.
0 Replies
Fri 23 Dec, 2011 08:58 pm
An atheists worldview LACKS theism. SOME have anti-theistic beliefs, some have none. You are wrong to say they all do.

To have anti-theistic beliefs is what it means to be an atheist. If you've never given the issue thought you are not an atheist. If you believe that the issue of god is unknowable, you are not an atheist.

I do not have theistic belief. But I am not an atheist. I do not define my worldview based on the rejection of another worldview. And I also do not believe that it has to be in terms of "either there's a god or there is not". There are other options, other ways to categorize and understand reality.
Fri 23 Dec, 2011 09:20 pm
Well, it depends on your definition then, doesn't it? If you define atheism as a belief that "There are no gods" then an awful lot of atheists are not atheists. Even Richard Dawkins would fail your test. (as would I)
Fri 23 Dec, 2011 10:23 pm
Maybe it's all just a matter of degrees of anthropomorphism.
That's how I think of it anyway.
God or mechanical universe, it's all just stories. They all mean the same things, because they are about the same thing, the biggest Question of all times.
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 12:19 am
Some philosopher once said that Christianity is a branch of atheistum. It is obviously Satanic because Satan represents the carnal lusts and the worldly carnal lusts are most muslems and Christians have to go on.
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 05:42 am
It is obviously Satanic because Satan represents the carnal lusts and the worldly carnal lusts are most muslems and Christians have to go on

Another person with a hang up concerning the human sex drive it would seems.
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 05:58 am
When I was young Bill there was always an attentive crowd around the monkey cage at the zoo. I assume the fascination was in watching animals not unlike ourselves physically which were free of sexual hang-ups.

I daresay if we probe the matter we wouldn't need to get too scientific to expose your own hang-ups and trace their derivation from Christian theology.
cicerone imposter
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 10:56 am
What makes you believe monkeys don't have sexual hangups?
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 01:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I've never seen any of them looking bashful at thieving, fornicating, wanking, scratching, picking their nose, showing their hinder-quarters, farting or eating with their fingers. I suppose atheists of the Darwinian complexion needs must have to follow their example or bring in legislation to outlaw the above mentioned personal habits in their own ranks because Christians are already bashful in those regards.

In fact being bashful about such things is the authentic mark of the Christian.
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 04:29 pm
In fact being bashful about such things is the authentic mark of the Christian.

Being willing to imposed your believes at sword point had always been a mark of a Christian.

Sat 24 Dec, 2011 06:24 pm
Where's the sword points today. How can anybody now be held responsibly for stuff that went on hundreds of years ago in a completely different world?

Put another record on willya Bill?
Sat 24 Dec, 2011 06:53 pm
The very foundation of the faith was by the sword and the sword is pull out once more when ever the society that surround it allow it.

For example good old American born again major Christians leaders with tens of thousand or more followers are calling for laws that call for the death penalty the crime of being gay in Uganda and that is happening now,

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 04:47 am
I doubt that Bill.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 07:01 am
Double what that the drive is going on back and started and supported by American Christians leaders to pass a law that will end up killing gays for being gay in in Uganda?

It not a secret and can be found with a short google search if that is what you are doubtful about.th

Of course some of those assholes are now crawling back and now claiming they did not mean it to go that far and calling for the law not to be pass.


The story of the Ugandan legislation to kill gays for being gay was intertwined with the Family and also with representatives of the wider "respectable" American Evangelical community. According to many press reports, the genesis of the antihomosexual Ugandan bill may be traced to a three-day seminar in Kampala in March 2009 called "Exposing the Truth Behind Homosexuality and the Homosexual Agenda." This seminar was led by Evangelical leader and hero to the Religious Right Scott Lively. He is best known for his Holocaust revisionist book The Pink Swastika, which claims homosexuals founded the Nazi party and were responsible for death camp atrocities.

According to sources who attended the conference (and who were later widely quoted in the press), Lively told his Kampala audience, "I know more about this [homosexuality] than almost anyone in the world. The gay movement is an evil institution. The goal of the gay movement is to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity." The results of the seminar were dramatic. "The community has become very hostile now," Frank Mugisha, executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said in an interview. "We have to watch our backs very much more than before because the community thinks if the Ugandan government is not passing the law, they will deal with [gay] people on their own."

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 07:06 am
God or mechanical universe, it's all just stories.

Yes Cyr, but there is an outcome to stories. A result. The outcomes of the two stories deriving from God and from a mechanical universe are different.

Promotion of either story necessitates some justification of the outcome. If the outcome of the story is not acceptable to the story-teller the story is better not told.

The belief in God or in a mechanical universe is neither here nor there. It is a private matter and basically unalterable.

The telling of either story has a consequence and that is not a private matter. The outcome of the stories deriving from a God we know because we live it. The outcome of the stories deriving from a mechanical universe belief we don't know so well. Creative artists have speculated about it. Real life examples in the form of regimes who adopt the belief in a mechanical universe are untrustworthy because our knowledge of them derives, in the main, from the official media and not from the people. Real life examples of people we know who believe in a mechanical universe, and live it, are very rare. Manners, etiquette, habit, tradition and moral groundswell cloud the issue. The real thing has a tendency to sing The Green Street Girls raucously whilst grace is being said before Christmas dinner. And husbands are well advised to keep him away from their wives. He has a pretty line of patter about you're only here the once my sweet one and evolution has designed you to put it about a bit and I can tell by how you are dressed that you feel the pull to do so somewhere deep down.

Aldous Huxley followed out the logic of that and arrived, as he had to do, logically, at the short-time marriage. But he was only considering the "sweet pretty things" coming as he did from that particular class of gentlefolk. His lesbian wife conducted the logistical operations to facilitate his meetings in motels with a great number of ladies who he couldn't see properly and whose names he wasn't necessarily familiar with. I suppose it got him off her back.

The consequences question is the significant one. That's why so few politicians declare for atheism.

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 08:04 am
Double what that the drive is going on back and started and supported by American Christians leaders to pass a law that will end up killing gays for being gay in in Uganda?

I doubt that Bill.

And "According to sources who attended the conference (and who were later widely quoted in the press)" and "According to many press reports",the latter being derived from the former presumably, are most unlikely to reduce my doubts.

What I have no doubt about Bill is that you will go to almost any lengths, as you just have, to discredit Christianity. Looking under carpets, opening drawers in old desks, and unreasonably stressing what you find.

Draw us a road map of the way forward without Christianity. That's what you need to do. Any fool can knock an edifice down and end up with a vacant lot.
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 08:32 am
LOL try telling that to the gay community in that nation that now live in fear of being kill by mobs actions thank to the good Christians adding hate toward them and now are facing an upcoming law so they can be imprison or kill legally for being gay.

Christianity is similar to having a monster tied up in your basement that if it get free will kill and torture your family to death and all in the name of Jesus.

In Uganda the monster is out of the basement and looking for blood.

“Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man”
Thomas Jefferson quotes (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author of the Declaration of Independence. 1762-1826)

Similar Quotes. About: Christianity quotes.

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 08:57 am
The real thing has a tendency to sing The Green Street Girls raucously whilst grace is being said before Christmas dinner. And husbands are well advised to keep him away from their wives. He has a pretty line of patter about you're only here the once my sweet one and evolution has designed you to put it about a bit and I can tell by how you are dressed that you feel the pull to do so somewhere deep down.

Aldous Huxley followed out the logic of that and arrived, as he had to do, logically, at the short-time marriage. But he was only considering the "sweet pretty things" coming as he did from that particular class of gentlefolk. His lesbian wife conducted the logistical operations to facilitate his meetings in motels with a great number of ladies who he couldn't see properly and whose names he wasn't necessarily familiar with. I suppose it got him off her back.

Christians had a history of being interested in other people sex lives and wishing to control other people sex activity under threat of severe punishment in the name of god/jesus.

Sun 25 Dec, 2011 09:19 am
BillRM wrote:
Christians had a history of being interested in other people sex lives and wishing to control other people sex activity under threat of severe punishment in the name of god/jesus.

Leave out the bits in italics, and that's you to a T.

0 Replies
Sun 25 Dec, 2011 09:52 am
Uganda is at a different stage of political, social and economic development than we are.

As I understand things the proposed changes in the law are to do with "aggravated homosexuality". You said that they would be brought to bear, if passed, which is not yet the case, on people "for being" homosexual.

There is a great difference. I can imagine that there are a few good reasons some people in Uganda think that aggravated homosexuality represents a problem in their circumstances.

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