Atheists... Your life is pointless

cicerone imposter
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:28 pm
But what makes you believe those of us who do not believe in creationism must also believe in the big bang?

Science is not 'contradiction free,' but those contradictions have a way to correcting themselves when more reliable information becomes available. Religious belief can try to rationalize the contradictions, but it becomes more laughable when they try.

I trust science over religious belief any time, 24/7.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No argument from me on that.
Scientific paradigms that turn out to be wrong can sometimes take a long time to shift, but like you say, a huge difference between those and religious beliefs is that they do shift.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Atheists don't have "organizations" like religion.

farmerman, your guide and guru in these theological deep waters, once suggested a rehabilitation camp for Christians who are reluctant to see what is perfectly obvious to him. Obviously, with the numbers involved being so large, it would needs be a short, sharp shock. A production line.

Do you not see, you silly moo, that anything that 10 year olds can see the errors, omissions, and contradictions in is hardly worth a grown man's time. I am aware that 10 year old lads can see the errors, omissions, and contradictions in the argument that they should be compelled to go to ******* school and be bored to death all day by a bunch of asswipes who are in competition with each other in some rigmarole they play and which can be subsumed under the heading of pecuniary emulation. Nobody could possibly be dedicated to trying to teach the little monsters for very long. Not from a curriculum decided up the line by some snotty-nosed asswipes to whose head getting elected has well and truly goooooone.

And it turns out here that the examining boards, a handful but in 4th down at the one offensive mode when 5 behind and 42 seconds left on the game clock, a longer time, proportionately, than the life of the earth in the infinite, have been giving teachers the nod about what to teach by telling them not only the exam questions but how they ought to be answered. Unofficial guidance so to speak. From a different set of asswipes than your lot.

And both lots are going against the grain of the material.

10 year old lads know nothing worth bothering about. Are you suggesting that 10 year olds should run things? It would be consistent with your general position concerning the ones running things now. They would shut the ******* schools for sure.

Atheists would have to have an organization similar to that of the religious. Otherwise religion would start up again naturally as it did in the beginning. The Beginning is Religion. Evolution.

In fact it already exists in the NCSE and similar bodies. They "educate". And there's an unspoken temptation in their curricula and it's to do with freeing up sexual inhibitions. Not that they wish to go all that far mind you.

0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:42 pm
We might bond with animals for reasons to do with ourselves and nothing to do with the animals

The point being higher animals had such emotions as grief, fear, happiness and on and on.

Oh and anyone who had bonded strongly with a dog or cat know that they also had feelings of love.

We share far far more with higher animals then we are difference from them and it is a matter of degree for the most part not kind.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:53 pm
Religious beliefs shift Cyr. Just more slowly. That you don't seem to know disqualifies you from pronouncing upon religion.

They are more like tectonic movements. More basic than this week's whizz-bang wonder from the madmen at CERN who are spending our beer tax, which is mighty, when we only agreed to such an imposition because we thought it was going to children's hospitals and to care for the elderly.

There have been many important shifts in religious beliefs. They shift so slowly because the paradigms are to do with a more difficult substance than ordinary science deals with. Psychiatry is infiltrating now though.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:56 pm
Yes, I know they shift, but they do not shift in the same way scientific paradigms do.
If the most fundamental truth of science turned out to be false, it would get tossed out. If the most fundamental truth of religion (god) turned out to be false, it would not get tossed out. The whole religion would instead be altered to fit a new description of god.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 03:56 pm
But there is no way for God to ever turn out to be false. The notion of the existence or non existence of God cannot be contemplated in such terms. One might as well contemplate existence as false. As some do.

But if you allow for an alteration of God you have admitted a shift and that is what you denied religion was capable of.

There are some things we can't see because they go so fast and there are other things we can't see because they go so slow. We use camera technology to bring them into our visionary range when possible.
cicerone imposter
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:03 pm
Let's see your 'camera' prove the existence of your god? I'm sure you can adjust your "lens" to see anything you want. You suffer from myopia.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:23 pm
Yes, I guess you are right about that. It doesn't really matter how much you want to believe, I suppose. At some point your intelligence catches up to you and slaps you in the face.

Someone told me that when the first astronauts traveled into space, there were some christians who were pretty disappointed when they returned and reported no sign of heaven. Smile
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 06:08 pm
I don't think "some christians" is a terribly helpful way of proceeding. And especially when it's only "somebody" told you about them being "pretty disappointed" about the unfolding of the events in question.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:14 am
wow, i am amazed to realize that about 80 percent of users on this forum are atheists. its gonna be a tough battle by the end of the world. muslims, christian vs Satanists and atheists. i wish i live that long to see the competition. what a lovely picture could that be.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:20 am
Yes, it's not a very accurate statement. But then again, the primary value of it when I heard it was that it made me laugh, and I wasn't going for more this time either. Wink
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 04:34 am
Well Cyr--"some Christians" has been a useful phrase in a great deal of similar jokes and the amount of stretching needed to arrive at them suggests to me that there is a very serious agenda at the root of them all.

Someone told me that atheists need facial surgery in order to smile genuinely and that Father Christmas had to practice his "Ho-ho-ho" to get it to sound jolly.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:25 am
You don't have to stretch that much. There are, after all, christian extremists who believe in the bible literally and who believe all scientific knowledge that contradicts it to be the work of Satan. That should make any sane person either laugh or cry. What can I say, I'm an optimist.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:27 am
wow, i am amazed to realize that about 80 percent of users on this forum are atheists.....

I don't know, sigla, whether it will help reduce your amazement or increase it but there might be a connection between people who come on these sorts of thread and the psychology of protest rather than the psychology of decision making.

Which is understandable in the case because atheists are in a permanent state of protest as it is a well established religious outfit they are trying to undermine.

It might even be that people who use computers for the purpose of having their say contain a larger proportion of atheists in a membership like ours than is found in the general population.

The medium of A2K self-selects for atheists because it provides an opportunity for the protesting voice once those within earshot have got sick of listening to it and have intimated that they have.

Unless the atheistic, scientific materialist viewpoint disappears up its own arse, which I think it will, you can be sure that long before the end of the world it will command the field.

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:33 am
Which is understandable in the case because atheists are in a permanent state of protest as it is a well established religious outfit they are trying to undermine.

Haven't you heard? Atheism is the new satanism. It is not a belief in itself so much as a rejection of another belief; the belief in deities. This is one of the most ironic things about atheism, as I see it. They may not believe in deities, but a person who calls himself an atheist certainly builds his understanding around deities. It's a kind of negative theism, but still theism.
cicerone imposter
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:40 am
So, if we don't believe in the tooth fairy, it's still about the tooth fairy....
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:53 am
@cicerone imposter,
Yes. If you say "I don't believe in god" you are still talking about god.
cicerone imposter
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 11:16 am
But that's hardly anti-religion.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 11:49 am
Some philosopher once said that atheism is a branch of Christianity. It is obviously Satanic because Satan represents the carnal lusts and the worldly carnal lusts are all atheists have to go on.

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