Atheists... Your life is pointless

cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 10:11 am
He won't; I've tried for years, and finally gave up. He's on my Ignore list.
His education ended many decades ago when he thought reading the classics was the only information necessary to be "intelligent." He uses them often in his prose, but they have no relevance to the topic under discussion. He'll never learn.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 12:25 pm
Just showing you the mirror. I like how you can criticize others for the exact same thing you do. Funny how when you do it, it is justified in your head but if someone else does it they are clearly out of place. But this is probably something that has been pointed out to you several times before, I doubt you will pick up on it this time either.

That's meaningless with no examples. What have I criticized that I do myself? Where have I said that anything about somebody else being "out of place"?

Just more blurting Krumpie.

And I don't bother about what is said to me unless it makes sense. Which your posts don't.

There's only one principle on which atheism can be justified and it is that it works better than Christianity. Get on with that and you might make some sense. An atheist can have no higher principles than materialistic ones.

I mean works for our culture and not just for a self. The latter is Baalism which didn't make it through the evolvutionary sieve. Thank goodness. Although I accept it can be a style choice as long as it remains "odd".
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 01:02 pm
spendius wrote:

I mean works for our culture and not just for a self. The latter is Baalism which didn't make it through the evolvutionary sieve. Thank goodness. Although I accept it can be a style choice as long as it remains "odd".

It exists in Newcastle, though they tend to use 'foot' as a prefix.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 01:13 pm
And now an extract from The Bible.

Noo ye aal knaa hoo Moses wuz fund in the bullrushes, be the Pharur's dowta (leastways that wuz hor story). Weel, yors laytor Moses an'ees lads wa workin' in the clarts b'the Nile myekin' bricks f' the Pharur.

Noo one iv the gards cums up an sez,"Noo theor, Moses, the Pharur wants te see ye."

So up lowps Moses from the clarts an' gans wi' the gard. "E gets t' the Pharur's tent an' knocks twice on the dower - 'feared Pharur 'ad a bit o' goods like.

"Howay in," sez Pharur, so in gans Moses.
"Mornin' Pharur," sez Moses.
"Mornin' Moses," sez Pharur.
"Noo luk heor," sez Pharur, gettin' strite t' the point. "Youse lads is not myekin' enuff bricks f'me pyramids. They wiz gan t'be geet muckle cubes, but wi' ye lot on gannin' slur, thuv aal hed t' hev pointy tops noo. Soas ye'll aal hev t' myek twice as monny bricks wi' nee straa."
"Nee straa!" sez Moses, "the lads'll nivvor agree t'thet!"
0 Replies
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 12:07 am
spendius wrote:
That's meaningless with no examples. What have I criticized that I do myself? Where have I said that anything about somebody else being "out of place"?

Just more blurting Krumpie.

And I don't bother about what is said to me unless it makes sense. Which your posts don't.

There's only one principle on which atheism can be justified and it is that it works better than Christianity. Get on with that and you might make some sense. An atheist can have no higher principles than materialistic ones.

I mean works for our culture and not just for a self. The latter is Baalism which didn't make it through the evolvutionary sieve. Thank goodness. Although I accept it can be a style choice as long as it remains "odd".

The point you don't understand is that atheism is an answer to a question. It is not an ideology or a world view as you are trying to claim when you say

[quote"spendius"] There's only one principle on which atheism can be justified and it is that it works better than Christianity.[/quote]

Works better? No, it is a response to the question, Do you believe in a god or do you believe that a god exists. If you are an atheist the answer is no. That is it. Atheism doesn't go any further than that.

Now can you be an atheist and have other beliefs? Sure but why lump them together? There are atheists who are humanists and atheists who are not humanists. There fore it is pointless and stupid to lump them together and say it works better to be an atheist. What work are you talking about? There is no work that atheism effects.

You are mistaking atheism with other aspects of social, political or world views.

Wed 27 Jul, 2011 01:04 am
Ionus wrote:

You claim to know the bible misrepresents god? You have a better source at hand?
Are you aware of the different sources for the Bible ? The authors E, J, P & D each emphasised different aspects of the history of the Jews . Every time the Jews wanted to do something immoral they blamed God for it . William is right when he rejects the God of the Old Testament but I would argue God is done a disservice by the priests and scribes who wrote it .

He told you this Himself then? So what is He really like... just like a Regular Dude? Shorter than you woulda thought?... Do tell...
0 Replies
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:21 am
Krumple wrote:

You are mistaking atheism with other aspects of social, political or world views.

Please, please, please tell us about these social, political and world aspects. Us peasants can't wait to be enlightened, you being such a clever chap and ****.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:27 am
Atheism is an ideology when it is promoted. Communist governments require it for membership of party cadres.

If you are an atheist the answer is no. That is it. Atheism doesn't go any further than that.

Right. I agree with that. Let that be "it" then.

A Christian doesn't think that an atheist's life is pointless.

What other beliefs do atheists have?

PS. You didn't provide any examples as requested to back up your assertions. Using the argument from silence I presume you have none.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:58 am
spendius wrote:

Atheism is an ideology when it is promoted. Communist governments require it for membership of party cadres.

Is this completely universal? All communist governments require atheism? But even if that were true, it really says nothing. Communism gets branded a negative or bad form of government but the funny thing is most people idealize the social programs within communism. In other words secularism is probably the aim in which people try to most neutrally support and atheism just so happens to accompany secularism.

The only problem I see with communism as a form of government is that it creates a power vacuum that is easily manipulated by anyone who wants to abuse their position of power. This is why it gets branded as a negative government model. It doesn't really say anything negative though. If you think about it the tenants of communism strive for the most equality of it's citizens, but in practice it rarely works because humans are typically selfish.

If you are an atheist the answer is no. That is it. Atheism doesn't go any further than that.

spendius wrote:

Right. I agree with that. Let that be "it" then.

It should be left at that but rarely is it, especially when it comes to theists who want to try and overload the definition with some kind of world view.

spendius wrote:

A Christian doesn't think that an atheist's life is pointless.

Some actually do, but they don't exactly phrase it like that. They say a life without belief in a god is pointless. Nothing could be further from the truth.

spendius wrote:

What other beliefs do atheists have?

A bit of a loaded question because on one hand I would have to say, none. But that is not exactly true if you are referring to a person who can hold multiple beliefs, and in that sense a person who proclaims they are atheist can also be many other things as well.

spendius wrote:

PS. You didn't provide any examples as requested to back up your assertions. Using the argument from silence I presume you have none.

I can not provide any written examples from this site, but it does not mean they don't exist. I wouldn't use the method if it didn't work. I'll leave you with a quote.

"Mockery of religion is one of the most essential things because to demystify supposedly 'holy text dictated by god' and show that they are man made and what you have to show [is] there internal inconsistencies and absurdities. One of the beginnings of human emancipation is the ability to laugh at authority... it is an indispensable thing people can call it blasphemy if they like, but if they call it that they have to assume there is something to be blasphemed - some divine work, well I don't accept the premise."
-Christopher Hitchens
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 05:13 am
Krumple wrote:

I'll leave you with a quote.

"Mockery of religion is one of the most essential things because to demystify supposedly 'holy text dictated by god' and show that they are man made and what you have to show [is] there internal inconsistencies and absurdities. One of the beginnings of human emancipation is the ability to laugh at authority... it is an indispensable thing people can call it blasphemy if they like, but if they call it that they have to assume there is something to be blasphemed - some divine work, well I don't accept the premise."
-Christopher Hitchens

No you won't. You left it with a quotation, and a quotation from a Skate. That won't convince anyone round my neck of the woods. Spendi is running rings round you, next you'll be calling him a fat lesbian.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 05:24 am
I bet it's great being a fat lesbian. At least until 30 arrives.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 06:12 am
What's it like needing someone else to make arguments for you? Oh and by the way would those woods be the kind where the people marry their sisters and cousins. Or maybe the place where you drop out of school in the 4th grade because school is too difficult? Hard to tell which one you belong to but I know it's one of those two.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 08:04 am
Krumple wrote:

What's it like needing someone else to make arguments for you? Oh and by the way would those woods be the kind where the people marry their sisters and cousins. Or maybe the place where you drop out of school in the 4th grade because school is too difficult? Hard to tell which one you belong to but I know it's one of those two.

Wow, that's me telt. We don't 'drop out of school in the 4th grade,' whatever the **** that is, over here. Marrying sisters and cousins is a 'hillbilly' practice, we don't have any of those either.

Here's a bit of news for you. The World does not end at the borders of 'thegoodoleyooessay.' Therefore it might be an idea not to use such parochial terminology, then someone may take you seriously, but I doubt it.

Internationally, our schools are rated 7th in world rankings yours are 11th. Thanks for proving that to be the case.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 08:24 am
Next time you insult someone try not using 'O Reilly's Big Book Of Predictable Responses,' because your responses are...well...predictable.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 10:05 am
The US is that high? I believe the US is behind many more countries in math and science - the areas that count for their future economy.

The GOP-tea party is making sure we drop further into oblivion; they want more cuts in government spending, and no tax increases. They might as well just commit suicide on their own rather than dragging the whole country down with them.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 11:03 am
@cicerone imposter,
My daughter read them out to me yesterday. I can get her to post a link if you want. I wasn't trying to have a UK vs USA battle, but when a fuckwit like Krummie starts becoming abusive, just because I pointed out the flaming obvious, that Mao and Stalin were motivated by power, not atheism, then the gloves are off.

I don't know what his problem is. If he's an atheist, I thought my comments would have backed him up. Still it's not often Spendi and I agree on anything, but we do agree on Krummie's stupidity.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 08:42 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Internationally, our schools are rated 7th in world rankings yours are 11th. Thanks for proving that to be the case.

Well I am not originally from the US and english is not my native language. I didn't attend school in the US so not sure how your unchecked statistics have any meaning or were you assuming things again? You don't bother to fact check that is obvious.
Wed 27 Jul, 2011 09:04 pm
spendius wrote:

I bet it's great being a fat lesbian. At least until 30 arrives.
Good one. Though I'd say only sometimes. And 26, . . . 27 tops.
0 Replies
Thu 28 Jul, 2011 03:37 am
You have accepted their terminology though. I suppose you should be congratulated for mastering language, it can't have been be easy. Well done, it won't be long before you're able to catch the bus all on your own.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2011 10:56 pm
Hitler was an atheist?
Yes he was... unless you believe him to have never lied and to be infallible . You do realise he was trying to get on side the many Christians in Germany, dont you ?

Try not to make too big a fool out of yourself . It is embarrassing to respond to...

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