Atheists... Your life is pointless

cicerone imposter
Sun 24 Jul, 2011 07:58 pm
I always do - have a nice day.
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 01:34 am
@cicerone imposter,
If you want people to read your posts, don't use that really pale blue again. Not everybody is a young whipper snapper with razor sharp vision like yourself.
cicerone imposter
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 01:40 pm
Since it's a repeat on my footnotes, I thought it would be okay, but will remember that in the future.
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 02:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
0 Replies
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 10:14 pm
You claim to know the bible misrepresents god? You have a better source at hand?
Are you aware of the different sources for the Bible ? The authors E, J, P & D each emphasised different aspects of the history of the Jews . Every time the Jews wanted to do something immoral they blamed God for it . William is right when he rejects the God of the Old Testament but I would argue God is done a disservice by the priests and scribes who wrote it .
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 10:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Why is there not more written records of jesus' or other bible characters' miracles when they were performed before thousands?
Miracles were performed everywhere by thousands . No-one chose to write about them either . Jesus was not famous till his "death" .

Are you familiar with 1 in 500 books survive through to us ?
0 Replies
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 10:19 pm
It didnt take you long to work out ci is an idiot . Perhaps it was too easy . He failed to mention Hitler, Mao, Pol and Stalin were all atheists .
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 11:48 pm
Ionus wrote:

It didnt take you long to work out ci is an idiot . Perhaps it was too easy . He failed to mention Hitler, Mao, Pol and Stalin were all atheists .

I think the only idiot here is you Ionus. Hitler was an atheist? I guess in his mein kampf writings about his god were just an error in the translations? Interesting how he mentions being raised catholic and how he felt that very few people around him lived up the catholic faith and how he was disappointed to experience it. Not to mention he was fascinated by the occult.

I'll leave you with just one of MANY quotes from his writings. You can judge for yourself. (probably not though because you wish to remain ignorant)

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Adolf Hitler

Mon 25 Jul, 2011 11:52 pm
Anus is always trying to make the study of history an art form. Why go with simple facts when a view from the ANUS always makes it more entertaining.
Mon 25 Jul, 2011 11:56 pm
farmerman wrote:

Anus is always trying to make the study of history an art form. Why go with simple facts when a view from the ANUS always makes it more entertaining.

Yeah you are right, it is probably a waste of time since he is clearly wanting to remain ignorant of reality. But perhaps there is one moment that he will finally wake up and realize that he is defending BS and might actually join the rest of us in reality.
cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 12:21 am
Nevah hoppen.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 02:36 am
farmerman wrote:

Anus is always trying to make the study of history an art form. Why go with simple facts when a view from the ANUS always makes it more entertaining.

It's what motivates violence, Mao, Stalin et al were not motivated by atheism, they were motivated by political power.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:26 am
izzythepush wrote:
It's what motivates violence, Mao, Stalin et al were not motivated by atheism, they were motivated by political power.

Do you really think this? If so, I have to ask, is there anyone on this site who is actually educated? I am beginning to wonder. Your statement is so lacking in any actual understanding that I have to wonder if you are a troll, it is that bad.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:30 am
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Adolf Hitler

Did he mean what you mean by "Almighty Creator" and "the Lord"? He might have meant Evolution.

But perhaps there is one moment that he will finally wake up and realize that he is defending BS and might actually join the rest of us in reality.

Does "the rest of us" mean the derisory percentage of atheists in the population?
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:36 am
Do you really think this? If so, I have to ask, is there anyone on this site who is actually educated? I am beginning to wonder. Your statement is so lacking in any actual understanding that I have to wonder if you are a troll, it is that bad.

I suppose that is meant to mean that you are "educated".

What was up with Io's remark. Of course they were motivated by power. Mao said "power grows out of the barrel of a gun".

You show not the slightest sign of being educated Krumpie. You even get down into calling people trolls. That's a sure sign of stupidity. It's not an argument you see. It's a girlish blurt.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:50 am
spendius wrote:

Do you really think this? If so, I have to ask, is there anyone on this site who is actually educated? I am beginning to wonder. Your statement is so lacking in any actual understanding that I have to wonder if you are a troll, it is that bad.

I suppose that is meant to mean that you are "educated".

What was up with Io's remark. Of course they were motivated by power. Mao said "power grows out of the barrel of a gun".

You show not the slightest sign of being educated Krumpie. You even get down into calling people trolls. That's a sure sign of stupidity. It's not an argument you see. It's a girlish blurt.

You never really get anything do you? Sort of like trying to discuss something with a five year old. I'm not sure if you have some sort of learning disability or perhaps some kind of mental handicap but there is no other way that something needs to be explained to you so many times and you still don't understand it.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 06:07 am
Tripe. More of the same blurting.

You asked--"is there anyone on this site who is actually educated?" . What sort of egocentric maniac asks questions like that? Now I'm a 5 year old with a learning disability. Or perhaps it's some kind of mental handicap.

You can't even write a decent sentence.

I understand that you're a silly pillock who goes around blurting insults rather than answering the point that was put to you. Of course Mao and company were motivated by power. What sort of a silly ****** could possibly think otherwise. Stalin was robbing trains as a teenager.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 07:05 am
spendius wrote:

You show not the slightest sign of being educated Krumpie. You even get down into calling people trolls. That's a sure sign of stupidity. It's not an argument you see. It's a girlish blurt.

It's more than that, it's prejudice and bigotry that has haunted me all my life, just because I live under a bridge and eat goats.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 07:46 am
spendius wrote:

Tripe. More of the same blurting.

You asked--"is there anyone on this site who is actually educated?" . What sort of egocentric maniac asks questions like that? Now I'm a 5 year old with a learning disability. Or perhaps it's some kind of mental handicap.

You can't even write a decent sentence.

I understand that you're a silly pillock who goes around blurting insults rather than answering the point that was put to you. Of course Mao and company were motivated by power. What sort of a silly ****** could possibly think otherwise. Stalin was robbing trains as a teenager.

Just showing you the mirror. I like how you can criticize others for the exact same thing you do. Funny how when you do it, it is justified in your head but if someone else does it they are clearly out of place. But this is probably something that has been pointed out to you several times before, I doubt you will pick up on it this time either.
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 08:17 am
I've met Krumbles' type before. He's very good at insulting people, just not that good at thinking.http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/tristenharris/terryfuckwitt.gif
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