Bella Dea wrote:
Why a condition? By saying that you are the one making it a bad thing to be. Saying it's wrong, without actually saying the words "it's wrong". That's like saying being a drug addict is ok because you choose it. But if you are gay by birth, you must be evil.
Well, my point is that that's what you appear to be saying. It's not a choice, it's something that just is. Which is akin to it being a condition, like downs syndrome, or diabetes. Which it isn't.
Quote:They have no choice. You aren't gay (i don't think.... ) and obviously have not gone though "coming out" with someone to know that there isn't any glory in turning your back on your family and life to feel comfortable in your own skin.
I do know about this, I promise. But you are not addressing what i'm saying, you're using similar words, but not catching my meaning. They do have a choice. Being attracted to someone is sometimes unavoidable. Deciding to act on those attractions is, thus it is a choice. They choose to come out. It's not forced upon them anymore than a beer is forced upon a potential alcoholic.
Quote: I knew my friend was gay long before he came out. I just knew it. Are you saying that he unconsicously chose to give off gay vibes? Or are you saying he chose to have to live a secret life because he is a teacher and no one can no about his partner? That he can't even talk about his love for another human being because he might be fired for it? That he has to constantly defend himself against the world? Why in god's name would anyone choose that?
I honestly don't know why someone would choose that. That doesn't alter the fact that they do choose it. I also don't know why someone would choose to shoot heroine, or to go to war, or to fling themselves out of an airplane with a bedsheet strapped to their back.
Quote:Well, at least we agree that we don't agree.
