brahmin wrote:pm me on yahoo for the "secret" to be "revealed"

I wish I could but I don't have privelage to use PM.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Have to admit that I knew next to nothing about Jainism. I found this on Beliefnet, and don't think that it is a religion with which most westerners would be comfortable.
I had a thought. If the Jains believe in not destroying anything living, including microbes, I would assume that they would not approve of antibiotics, surgery, or even cancer treatments. Anybody have any knowledge about this? They also survive through begging. I doubt that most people would find this an acceptable existence.
Quote:Main Tenets: Jains reject belief in a creator god and seek release from endless reincarnation through a life of strict self-denial. The title of Jina is given to those who are believed to have triumphed over all material existence. As all human activity accumulates karma, the force that perpetuates reincarnation, the only way to free one's jiva, or soul, from the bondage of material existence is by reducing this activity through ascetic practice. In addition, Jainism places a special emphasis on ahimsa ("non-injury") to all living beings. The concern for life is extended to all creatures, even minute microbes that are not visible. The Jain ideal is a mendicant ascetic who takes extreme measures to avoid injuring all creatures. Monks and nuns are sometimes seen with muslin cloths over their mouths to keep out flying insects, and they are enjoined to use small brooms to gently sweep away living creatures from their path, so as to not accidentally crush them.
Well they probably wouldn't approve of such medication. People are really not up-to-date with such info. Majority of Jains probably don't even know about what goes into antibiotics. They probably don't even know that by washing themselves they are killing bacteria and stuff lol

As for begging, no, I don't believe this is the case unless they are a monk.