Raised as a mild Catholic with pagan tendencies.
Became an agnostic, then an atheist, then agnostic (who sometimes feels there IS a God) with pagan tendencies, and a grain of buddhism.
I wish I did, but I don't believe in life after death.
I respect all religions (although I like some better than others), but I dislike all fundamentalism and distrust clergy.
White Anglo Saxon Heathen=W.A.S.H.
I was raised Catholic, but recently took a test that said I was neo-pagan.

I enjoy learning about different religions, but don't really subscribe to any of them.
I tend toward agnosticism. (smiles)
I could be called a Roman Catholic Neo-Pagan Daoist, which means... while I've had all the trappings of a CHRISTIAN religious experience I am at heart, an accretionist.
Here's a good description of Daoism, which ironically, seems to be written by a Christian to show why Daoism is wrong.
I belong to the Church of the Swimming Elephant. We umm... collect bugs and stuff.
Actually, I'm a minister in the Church of Jesus H. Christ!
dyslexia wrote:White Anglo Saxon Heathen=W.A.S.H.
I've been saved! Now I know what to call myself!
Hail to WASIAH!
White Anglo Saxon Italian American Heathen
Nah, I've been to Del Rio.. Wouldn't have anything to do with much from there. :p We had a brief affiliation with the "House of the BBQ'd Lamb Chop" for a while but they kept eating all the profits up..
I play with the dogs on Sundays and sometimes, with great reluctance, mow the lawn.
And that is about as close to religious practice as I get. In fact, once proseltyzing types get a look at me they usually don't even try.
This swimming elephant thing sounds kind of interesting, though...
Frank Apisa wrote:Actually, I'm a minister in the Church of Jesus H. Christ!
Just what does that H. stand for anyway?
I was born Jew-ish. After a brief stint with the Church of the "Other" Satan (a spinoff that never took on....too few people knowlegeable about Babylonian mythology), I turned my thoughts to Alchemy, but all I ever got was Green (Blackadder fans out there?). I then travelled to the Himalayas seeking knowledge, but there were so many mountains...luckily for me, at the bottom, there was a good pub. I tried Animism, but just couldn't get into Sailor Moon, or Beyblade for that matter. Next was Buddhism, which kind of appealed to me, until the monks asked me to shave my head. I said "Yeah, right. With balding men on both sides of the family, you want me to get rid of my last asset?" So that didn't work out. Tried Christianity, but I got sick of hearing about this Jesus dude. I am certain if he were alive, he would be sick of hearing about himself too. Tried Baha'i, but it turns out they don't take kindly to cynics. Hinduism was cool at first, until I had to memorize the names of all the Gods....that was a bitch....couldn't hack it. Then I discovered Digital Cable, and the internet....you know how much stuff is on the internet? Man, it's fantastic, you can even download ****!
Our father, who art in Heaven, Holloway be thy name . . .
The "H" in Jesus H. Christ stands for Holloway . . .
Feller goes over to Belfast, gets drunk with his buddies, wanders out into the night, and becomes separated from the group. They're in the Falls Road, and all he can remember is that there's Catholics on one side of the road, and Prods on the other.
Suddenly, a man jumps from an alley, points his armalite at him and demands: "What religion are ye?"
Now he's sweatin' bullets, thinks: "If i tell him i'm Catholic, he could be a Prod, then i'm a dead man. But suppose i tell him i'm Prod, and he's a Paddy--i'm still a dead man!" Suddenly, he has an inspiration:
"I'm a Jew !"
"Aye, an' i'm the luckiest Arab in Belfast."
Hee! I'm taking that one....
patiodog wrote:I play with the dogs on Sundays and sometimes, with great reluctance, mow the lawn....
That reminds me of the dyslexic bumper sticker... Dog is My Copilot.
I think the "H" stands for Holy Mackeral. c.i.