DrewDad wrote:They're running ads here, which I see as an attempt to taint the jury pool. Mentions the case against Hutchinson, and urges folks to "call Ronnie Earl and tell him that being a conservative is not a crime."
What pathetic losers. Next time I see the ad, I'm gonna get the number tell Earl what a great job he's doing.
I can only hope the judge on the case sees it for what it is and orders the ads stopped.
Of course Delay will deny he has anything to do with the ads, never mind the $190,000 he sent to the group paying for them.
Actually, he sent $190,000 to the RNC, and they just happened to send $190,000 to the group doing the ad....
These guys are getting away with highway robbery; $190,000 is pocket change.
apparently the mug shot
is he confident or stupid
you decide
He's just trying to spoil our fun by grinning like a jackass. Why couldn't be have glowered or looked messed up? Killjoy...
Maybe he plans to use it as a campaign poster.
If DeLay is stupid, it sure doesn't speak well of our congress. They gave him the power, and followed his lead. I guess the final analysis is the people who are really stupid are the American People that voted all these stupid people into power. Everything has been going south for several years, and over 30 percent of Americans still think this administration is doing a good job. Yeah, the American People aren't all that smart either.
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
-- Henry Mencken
If the little chubby ass goes to jail he will make some guy pretty happy.
I'll be happy when DeLay is indicted, then convicted of crimes. Not until then.
According to Mr. PDiddie, this is the real mug shot.
This is evidently the real one:
Smile for the camera, Mr. DeLay!
(Kinda fun, have to admit...)
Send that clown Guantanamo.
I think Al Garayb would be more appropriate.
I say we go about this bi-partisan. Lets go right down the line. Democrat, Repubilcan, Democrat, Republican. That way they can't say one side is out to get the other and try and pit us against eachother. Let's send them a real message, "The people are pissed and it's time for some heads to roll".
Rep. Tom DeLay appeared in court Friday for the first time since his indictment, but his arraignment on conspiracy and money laundering charges was delayed pending a hearing on his request for a new judge in the politically charged case.
DeLay, who has stepped aside at least for the time being as House majority leader, did not speak during the brief court session, and was not called on to make a plea. But at a news conference shortly afterward, he attacked the prosecutor in the case as politically motivated, and said, "I will absolutely be exonerated."
I guess he would like one of his buddies on the bench. So I believe would Saddam. :wink:
According to an AP report he wants a Republican Judge. He is complaining that the current judge in the case contributed to the Kerry campaign. I have seen no evidence to confirm or deny this claim.
More importantly, it's how the judge has performed as a nonpartisan on all issues brought to his court - not that he's a democrat or republican.