O oh oh, what a jolly party the Republican Party is

Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 06:14 am
flaja wrote:
Shirer's book was still in print at least up to just a few years ago when I last saw it in local book stores.

Oh, I think that it was good of you to bring two actual sources to back you up. It was a huge improvement on the other thread, where people posted an array of links, quotes and maps from historical publications and organisations commemorating the Holocaust, and you kept rejecting all of that info, instead reasserting your original two contentions without ever posting a single source that would back you up.

It's just a pity that of the two sources you brought, one - in the very quote that you posted here - reached a conclusion that actually sharply contrasts with the one you had asserted.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 07:25 am
McGentrix wrote:
The site was founded and is owned and published by Philip Gavin, who has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northeastern University and a Master of Science degree from Boston University. Except where noted, the articles and text appearing throughout The History Place Web site were written by Mr. Gavin.

Seems like a good source. You guys should write to him and explain to him that he wrong.

Or he could just have checked the Encyclopedia Brittanica before asserting such certitudes:

The supposed arsonist was a Dutchman, Marinus van der Lubbe, whom some have claimed was brought to the scene of the crime by Nazi agents. Others have contended that there was no proof of Nazi complicity in the crime, but that Hitler merely capitalized on van der Lubbe's independent act. The fire is the subject of continued debate and research.

And that's a very cautious assessment still. A good recent biography that makes a convincing case that, in light of all information now available, Marinus van der Lubbe did act alone is Martin Schouten's Marinus van der Lubbe - Eine Biographie. Only available in German (and Dutch), I'm afraid. It includes also the diary and letters of van der Lubbe.

For additional detail that the Brittanica does not provide, let me translate a bit from the Biographical Dictionary of the Netherlands, published by the Institute for Dutch History, which is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and thus ultimately falls under the responsibility of the Minister of Education.

Note that the description is based on an array of sources published between 1934 and 1992, listed at the end.

--With apologies for any mistakes made while translating!--

LUBBE, Marinus van der (1909-1934)

That evening of Monday 27 February 1933, at nine o'clock, van der Lubbe threw in a high window at the front of the parliament building and climbed through. Running through the hallways he succeeded in starting fires in several places and eventually found a door to the large assembly hall, which he set alight within a few minutes. He had taken off his overclothes to that end, using them as torches, and especially the long, cork-dry curtains behind the chairman's seat had caught fire immediately. When a little later the glass roof cupola shattered with a big bang because of the heat, it worked as a chimney and within two hours the entire hall burnt out. Wardens, who had initially been distracted by the smaller fires on their way, reached the meeting hall at after a quarter to nine, and could grab van der Lubbe there.

Nobody had to doubt that it had been arson. But it was not surprising that, with such a large fire, the thought was of more than one arsonist and a kind of political conspiracy, especially when Van der Lubbe turned out to be a kind of communist. The government, whether or not it sincerely feared an uprising, used the fire with both hands - Nazi leaders like Hitler and Hermann Göring at the forefront - to break the leftist political opposition in one go. [..] Within several weeks, no less than ten thousand leftist political prisoners were locked up in prison or in a camp. [..]

This rapid 'Machtergreifung' in turn seemed to confirm the impression that had, in its turn, immediately taken hold among non-national socialist observers that the fire had been all too convenient for the Nazi's and for that reason might well have been started by themselves. Almost immediately, the Komintern (Communist International) chose for this interpretation and made efforts to propagate it. Thus, the unscrupulous Komintern agent Willy Münzenberg compiled a "Braunbuch über Reichstagbrand und Hitler-Terror [Brown book on the Reichstagfire and Hitler terror]" in Parijs, which was to 'prove' the theory of arson by the Nazis with falsified documents and statements and was distributed in many languages and editions in August 1933. During this effort, [Dutch] communists also lent themselves to portray Van der Lubbe as a mentally handicapped and always already 'facsist'-inclined man, who with his homosexual inclinations had been persuaded by his Nazi friends to play the role of 'Allein-Täter' in the arson. In reality, again according to that Braunbuch, at least seven Nazi stormtroopers would have entered the Reichstag building with Van der Lubbe on 27 February through a subterranean heating pipes tunnel and started the fires there, in order to subsequently, leaving behind the Dutchman, escape again through that tunnel.

In the same year, Van der Lubbes [Dutch] comrades in their turn tried to show with the texts from letters and statements in a "Roodboek: Van der Lubbe en de Rijksdagbrand [Red book: Van der Lubbe and the Reichstagfire]" that he would and could never have become a voluntary tool of the national-socialists. But this did not prevent the idea that the Nazis had committed the arson to stay very much alive later too, even though over time Van der Lubbe was rather seen as victim than as accomplice. [..]

Only historical research started in the late fifties by Fritz Tobias, [..] provided this West-German journalist with the evidence that, both practically and technically, it had in fact been possible for one man to start the large fire within minutes. Furthermore he showed [in his book Der Reichstagsbrand. Legende und Wirklichkeit [The Reichstag fire. Legend and Reality.] 1962)] that Van der Lubbe consistently insisted on his solistic act during his confession and trial. His largely passive attitude during the trial should be explained from the trials of his long 'Einzelhaft' [and] his injured pride, caused by how he was not given credit - not even by the four [communist] co-defendants, whom he emphatically pleaded free - for his revolutionairy deed [..].

If one oversees Van der Lubbes life, it mostly merits the qualifications sad and pityful. If one assumes, as has been described here in the wake of Tobias' argumentation, that Van der Lubbe did started the fire on his own, by his own and out of sustained revolutionary conviction, then only one word fits: tragic. His deed after all had consequences that were directly contrary to his intentions, and facilitated and hastened the 'Machtergreifung' by the national-socialists.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 07:32 am
We ought to establish before we go any further, mr nimh, whether you are either a Hun or a Frog. To be safe, please also self-identify so that we are appraised as to whether you might be slavic, gypsy, gook or negro.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 09:10 am
nimh wrote:
And that's a very cautious assessment still. A good recent biography that makes a convincing case that, in light of all information now available, Marinus van der Lubbe did act alone is Martin Schouten's Marinus van der Lubbe - Eine Biographie. Only available in German (and Dutch), I'm afraid. It includes also the diary and letters of van der Lubbe.

Schouten's biography was published in 1986, but it was updated and republished in 1999.

The updated/reprinted version in turn used the research that was done by the team of filmmaker Joost Seelen. Seelen spent five years researching his film on van der Lubbe, Water and Fire. Seelen's archive is now stored at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.

A review in the Protestant Dutch daily Nederlands Dagblad in 1999 recounted the renewed interest in van der Lubbe and updated conclusions about his role (again, my translation):

Van der Lubbe has been wrested free from the dust of history more in the past year than in the over six decades that preceded. Expositions, art works, a documentary and a theatrical play cast new light on the figure who became well known through ten minutes of committing arson in the Reichstag, on 27 Februari 1933 [..].

The Marinus van der Lubbe year is still amply going on. Next May, the Humanist Broadcasting corporation will broadcast the documentary Water and Fire from [..] Joost Seelen. His film [..] was slashed in the reviews [artistically], but has been useful as research. Seelen used the money he had available for research to emply three researchers to explore the newly accessible archives in the former GDR and Soviet Union and track down the last contemporaries of the troublemaker from Leiden.

The research did not yield any specific news, but did cement the conclusion that Van der Lubbe started the fire all by himself. Not just did he not work together with communists, he was also not a tool in the hand of the Nazis. The Reichstag fire was a spontaneous initiative, intended as a signal. Van der Lubbe had already walked around for two days with four pieces of wood, drenched in petroleum, and started fires in three other locations before he set the German parliament on fire: the Berlin city hall, the Berlin castle, and an unemployment office in the neighbourhood of Neukölln.

He also did this all not so much against Hitler fascism, as rather for the working classes, which were supposed to interpret the sea of flames as a clarion call for mass action. To that extent his action had a counterproductive effect, in two ways: Hitler used the Reichstag fire as an excuse not just to arrest communists but also suspend the basic rights of all citizens. And the interpretations of the fire made communists, anarchists and socialists even more divided than they already were.

In fact, van der Lubbe, now seen as a kind of tragic hero rather than as naive or even malevolent tool in the hands of the Nazis, has practically been rehabilitated. In his hometown there is a Committee Marinus van der Lubbe, which took the initiative for the van der Lubbe year described above. The city named a street after him in 1984. A van der Lubbe monument - a 904 kilo block of Oberkirchner sand stone with parts of a poem he wrote in prison - was established in 1999.

The review proceeds to describe Schouten's updated biography and the consensus that has emerged among historians that van der Lubbe did indeed act alone; it also described how it's groups of leftist historians that still hold on to the theory of van der Lubbe as Nazi tool (which is what makes Flaja's position here so ironic). Again, my translation:

Martin Schouten [..] had access to the texts of the Reichstag fire trial, the letters of Van der Lubbe and the research material of the team of Seelen's. But nothing changed about his conclusion that Van der Lubbe and only he started the fire in the Reichstag.

That conclusion was also already drawn by the German historian and social-democrat Fritz Tobias in 1962 in his Der Reichstagbrand. Legende und Wirklichkeit. That book now is established as a standard work. Lou de Jong [the long-standing Dutch authority on all things WW2] took the twenty pages he devoted to Van der Lubbe in part 1 of his series about the Netherlands in the Second World War from this book.

Tobias' argumentation that Van der Lubbe acted alone was necessary. The conclusion was far from obvious. The Braunbuch [Brown book] that had been published in the spring of 1933 under the auspices of the Komintern-man Münzenberg - chief of the KPD [Communist Party of Germany] but mostly working for Stalin - portrayed Van der Lubbe as a semi-idiot, a tool in the hands of Göring and Goebbels, who in turn had engineered the fire in order to be able to clean out the communists immediately afterwards.

From Görings working palace, a system of tunnels leads to the Reichstag; SA-men had gone through those with fuel and wood. SA-chief Röhm was gay and Van der Lubbe was one of the lovers he used. That was the explanation. A 'counter trial' in Londen, supported by well-known figures, spread publicity about this communist version.

The Nazis of course had their own explanation: Van der Lubbe - a communist and a Dutchman after all, was the fuse in an international plot to set off a communist uprising. [..]

[A legal rehabilitation] will not take place anymore [now], says Schouten. Rehabilitation to him is when Van der Lubbe finds his place in history. "The Cold War is over. Nobody has a political interest in Van der Lubbe anymore. He is free, as a historic figure [..].

Rehabilitation means that 'Lubbe' can be seen as normal and as a solitary actor. That was also the argument made in the Redbook that a Trotskyite-Anarchist circle of friends of him published in 1934; but distribution was marginal, the effect nil. Partly because of that the legend of the Braunbuch remains stubborn, even now.

A loose coalition of leftist publicists (the 'Luxemburg committee') still holds to that version today. The Yugoslav historian Edouard Calic formulated this point of view - 'Lubbe' as tool of a Nazi plot, thought up by Goebbels, supportted by Göring and executed by the SA - once more in Der Reichstagbrand, which appeared in 1969 [..].

The German historians Bahar, Hofer and Fischler adopted the thesis, and the recently opened archives of the GDR and the Soviet Union also allegedly prove that the Nazis engineeered the Reichstag fire. "But that doesn't appear from anything, they didn't put concrete facts on the table," Schouten says. He finds it revealing that the website on which Fischler made his argument dissappeared from the net this year.

Schoutens book in turn includes the police report of March 3, 1933, which concludes that Van der Lubbe acted alone. That it became such a sea of flames, was not due to any helpers of 'Lubbe', as the conspiracy theorists argued, but rather to the incompetence of the German fire brigade. Van der Lubbe started a small fire in the Plenarsaalm which firefighters overlooked and which caused an enormous curtain to catch fire, after which the glass roof above snapped and the column of fire was sucked at once outside through the cupola.

P.S. By ways of a tangetially related N.B on a note of mere curiosity: filmmaker Seelen recounted an enjoyably revealing anecdote to the Filmkrant about just how fiercely bent the communists were, in particular, on maintaining the version of events that described Van der Lubbe as a mere tool of the Nazis (the version Flaja holds to so confidently as well):

Seelen: "The East-German film Der Teufelskreis from 1956 about th Nazi plot behind the Reichstag fire, for example, was never officially released in the Netherlands. But somebody turned out to have seen it as child of communist parents. Somebody from the Communist Party would come round on a scooter to show the film in the living rooms of Amsterdam communists. You can just imagine, such a dude on a scooter with that film under his arm, and those party members who then were watching the movie together and were nodding and saying afterwards, see, that Van der Lubbe... we always said so already."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:00 am
joefromchicago wrote:
flaja wrote:
I did not introduce anything new.

Yes you did.

No I did not. No historical event exists outside of its historical and contemporary context. You cannot separate an event from the situation that produced it and surrounds it. The Nazis' history prior to the Reichstag fire and their goals and at the time and their immediate reaction to it cannot be ignored.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:03 am
nimh wrote:
flaja wrote:
Shirer's book was still in print at least up to just a few years ago when I last saw it in local book stores.

Oh, I think that it was good of you to bring two actual sources to back you up. It was a huge improvement on the other thread, where people posted an array of links, quotes and maps from historical publications and organisations commemorating the Holocaust, and you kept rejecting all of that info,

I didn't reject any of what was posted. I merely rejected your interpretation of it. Your condescending attitude is uncalled for. It tells me that you are here only to argue and not to discuss.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:06 am
blatham wrote:
We ought to establish before we go any further, mr nimh, whether you are either a Hun or a Frog. To be safe, please also self-identify so that we are appraised as to whether you might be slavic, gypsy, gook or negro.

I think you may have just insulted Frogs, Huns, Slavs, Gypsies, Gooks and Negroes everywhere. Mr. Nimh is just a bombastic fool. He cannot stand to have anyone tell him he is wrong or even disagree with his opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:26 am
flaja wrote:
nimh wrote:
flaja wrote:
Shirer's book was still in print at least up to just a few years ago when I last saw it in local book stores.

Oh, I think that it was good of you to bring two actual sources to back you up. It was a huge improvement on the other thread, where people posted an array of links, quotes and maps from historical publications and organisations commemorating the Holocaust, and you kept rejecting all of that info,

I didn't reject any of what was posted. I merely rejected your interpretation of it. Your condescending attitude is uncalled for. It tells me that you are here only to argue and not to discuss.

Winner, 'sadly ironic post of the day.'

Ya simply don't know what you are talking about. Nimh is the best of us here on A2K. He's Captain Discussion. Arguments are much different.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:41 am
The Republican party is much more jovial than their counterparts across the aisle. Recent studies indicate Republicans live much more normal lives than Dems and have better mental health. Repubs also have this:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 10:53 am
McGentrix wrote:
Seems like a good source. You guys should write to him and explain to him that he wrong. (That statement is a reference to "The History Place," a site maintained by Mr. Philip Gavin.)

I agree, someone should point out his errors to him. First i would note that this site is primarily a site about American history, a subject about which it would not be unreasonable to assert that Mr. Gavin has assembled materials from reputable authors. However, Mr. Gavin does not himself have credentials as an historian, nor as a student of history--unless he were to allege that his Bachelor of Arts from Northeastern University was in history, something which he does not allege, and a significant omission, if true, for someone maintaining a site while alleging historical expertise.

To repeat, there is no reason not to trust this site with regard to American history, because Mr. Gavin has relied upon reputable scholars in that field for his articles.

However, the Reichstag fire is not a subject in American history. Therefore, mystified at this site being presented as a source for any historical topic other than American history, and mystified because it serves primarily as a resource for high school students and undergraduates interested in American history, i did a little looking around.

This is from Intute, a site which provides and rates internet source materials for the Arts and the Humanities, and which is based in the United Kingdom:

"The History Place" is an award-winning site focusing mainly on the history of the United States of America. Compiled and owned by author Philip Gavin, the site features guest essays in the points of view section from Barbara Ehrenreich, Lynne Cheney, and Philip Gourevitch. There are features on what events took place in this month in history, homework help, photo and speech of the week.This site is of use to those who wish to gain a basic knowledge of US history, from the Revolution to World War II. Although there is also a section entitled World history, it contained at the time of cataloguing, the author's own eight-part history of the Irish potato famine, and an anthology "Genocide". The site has some interesting accounts, but should be used, as all Internet sources, with caution. Events covered include: The Vietnam War; The American Civil War and World War Two. The site features advertising.

I have highlighted that portion of this review which points out the extent to which the site is less reliable on the subject of history outside the United States. As Mr. Gavin does not have (or has not stated that he has) academic credentials in history, essays on his part on world history will necessarily be far less reliable than essays posted there on American history by people who have credentials in that subject.

I have read several other reviews on the site, more than ten, although i stopped keeping count, all of which praise the site as a teacher's resource for secondary education, specifically on subjects in American history. None which i found mentioned world history, other than the UK site's review which i have posted, and it urges caution with regard to Mr. Gavin's essays. Similarly, several of the sites i visited mentioned that unless otherwise attributed, the articles are written by Mr. Gavin. Tediously, i must point out again that Mr. Gavin provides no reason to believe that he has any more credentials on the subject of world history than does any other well-read individual.

Below is precisely what is written at Mr. Gavin's site about the Reichstag fire:

By a weird coincidence, there was also in Berlin a deranged Communist conducting a one-man uprising. An arsonist named Marinus van der Lubbe, 24, from Holland, had been wandering around Berlin for a week attempting to burn government buildings to protest capitalism and start a revolt. On February 27, he decided to burn the Reichstag building.

Carrying incendiary devices, he spent all day lurking around the building, before breaking in around 9 p.m. He took off his shirt, lit it on fire, then went to work using it as his torch.

The exact sequence of events will never be known, but Nazi storm troopers under the direction of Göring were also involved in torching the place. They had befriended the arsonist and may have known or even encouraged him to burn the Reichstag that night. The storm troopers, led by SA leader Karl Ernst, used the underground tunnel that connected Göring's residence with the cellar in the Reichstag. They entered the building, scattered gasoline and incendiaries, then hurried back through the tunnel.

I find it rather amusing that he writes: The exact sequence of events will never be known . . . --and yet he immediately after states that "Nazi storm troopers" (one assumes that he refers to the SA, the Sturmabteilung, which means "storm battalion" or "storm troop"--storm in the sense of a military assault). However, in a subsequent article, Mr. Gavin writes about "the night of the Long Knives," an event during which the SS (Schutzstaffel, meaning protective squadron) rounded up the SA leadership, who were either murdered out of hand, or put in prison to be tried in camera, after which almost all of them were executed, including Röhm, who was executed in July, 1934. The reference to "long knives" comes from the ceremonial dagger which all members of the SS wore on their belts.

This is the introduction to Mr. Gavin's account of the night of the long knives:

The greatest challenge to Hitler's survival during the early years of the Third Reich came from his own brown-shirted storm troopers, the SA (Sturmabteilung) led by Chief of Staff, Ernst Röhm.

The battle-scarred Röhm was a decorated World War I combat officer and a post-war street-brawler who had been with Hitler from the start. Röhm's jack-booted storm troopers were largely responsible for putting Hitler in power. On the front lines of the Nazi political revolution, they had risked their necks battling Communists for control of the streets and squashed anyone who stood in Hitler's way.

So, on the one hand, Gavin describes the SA as largely responsible for putting Hitler in power, immediately after describing them as the greatest challenge to his survival in the early years of the Third Reich. Mr. Gavin needs to make up his mind. Most of the objections i have to Mr. Gavin's comments are matters of detail, but matters of detail are the bread and meat of an historians work, and dispute about matters of detail are crucial to the reputation of any historian. A critical omission in Mr. Gavin's account of the SA is the homosexuality of Röhm, and his promotion to positions of responsibility in the SA of well-known homosexuals. (Karl Ernst, mentioned by Mr. Gavin in his Reichstag fire article, had long been a bouncer in a gay nightclub, which is where he met Röhm, and is inferentially why Röhm gave him an important position of responsibility in the SA.) This was not only offensive to many Germans, it was in direct contravention to the NSDAP's anti-homosexual agenda--gay men were the first victims of Nazi concentration camps. Yet Mr. Gavin only mentions the disgust which the "gangster" tactics of the SA engendered in the German "man on the street," and either doesn't know about the important homosexual overtone of the SA, or is trying to suppress it.

These would still be minor objections, were it not for the fact that Mr. Gavin does not cite a single source for his statement from authority about the Reichstag fire and the place of the SA in that event..

So, if Mr. Gavin does indeed have expert testimony for his claim that "Nazi storm troopers," whom he later refers to as members of the SA lead by Karl Ernst, he has not provided it. From the point of view of the historiographer, that makes his evidence at least suspect until either Mr. Gavin provides his sources, or someone else tracks down reliable sources.

So far, in this thread, the only sources we have been presented, by Herr Flaja, are sources which he quotes and which point out that allegations about SA complicity in the Reichstag fire are rumors.

Yes, indeed, someone should contact Mr. Gavin about the quality of the information he is peddling with regard to the rise of Hitler, for however reliable the essays on American history at his site may be. That won't be me, though, because i long ago developed a habit of relying on the information provided by those who cite their sources, and, if necessary, argue persuasively for any controversial point of view which they allege. I'm happy to leave Mr. Gavin to his own devices, and otherwise ignore him.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:25 am
flaja wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
flaja wrote:
I did not introduce anything new.

Yes you did.

No I did not. No historical event exists outside of its historical and contemporary context. You cannot separate an event from the situation that produced it and surrounds it. The Nazis' history prior to the Reichstag fire and their goals and at the time and their immediate reaction to it cannot be ignored.

Let me explain this for the last time: I am criticizing your logical mistake, not your historical scholarship (although that appears to be defective as well). You are adding details in an attempt to make your argument more logically plausible, but that just means that you are disavowing the statement that you originally made. That's understandable. If I were in your position, I'd disavow it too -- your statement was simply indefensible -- although I hope I'd be more honest about it than you have been.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:30 am
for your holiday shopping pleasure; Don't go to the mall without one no matter what the law says;

Ruger SR9. Here are the specs. from the Ruger website:

** Weighs 26.5 oz., in a package of just 5.52" H x 7.55" L x 1.27" W

** Reliable, striker-fired ignition

** Easy, "Semi-Double Action" trigger-pull - 6.5 pounds.

** 17+1 Capacity. (Note: 17-round magazines are not available in all states and locales; 10-round magazines are available where required to meet state and local regulations limiting magazine capacity.)

** Chambered in 9mm Parabellum (9mm x 19).

** Short trigger reach.

** Unique reversible backstrap (flat or arched) to accommodate grip preferences.

** Slim, ergonomic grip features a 17-degree grip angle and three, 22 lpi checkered panels that provide a sure grip without being abrasive.

** Patented Ruger camblock helps absorb recoil.

** High-visibility 3-dot sight system is click adjustable for elevation and drift adjustable for windage.

** Picatinny rail accepts modern sighting devices (lights, lasers, etc.).

** Ultra-slim stainless steel slide.

** Ambidextrous magazine release.

** Ambidextrous 1911-style manual safety.

** Internal trigger bar interlock and striker blocker, trigger safety, and magazine disconnect.

** Visual and tactile loaded chamber indicator.

** Suggested retail price of just $525, including hard case, extra magazine, magazine loader, padlock, and instruction manual.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:30 am
flaja wrote:
I didn't reject any of what was posted. I merely rejected your interpretation of it.

Now you're just fibbing. You were quoted and linked a variety of sources, including historical publications and even the site of the US Holocaust Museum, that explicitly noted that the Roma were singled out for extermination because they were considered racially inferior - and that used the term Holocaust to describe what happened to them. That wasn't me interpreting - it's in there, explicitly and literally.

Yet you responded by merely restating that the Germans did not persecute the Gypsies for this reason, that you'd never heard the term Holocaust used for the persecution of the Roma, and that using it was actually tantamount to Holocaust denial and in contradiction of "historical fact". Without addressing or acknowledging the quoted sources that literally said the opposite.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:45 am
flaja wrote:
Mr. Nimh is just a bombastic fool. He cannot stand to have anyone tell him he is wrong or even disagree with his opinion.

Project much, Mr.-those-who-disagree-with-me-are-ignorant-or-bombastic-fools? :wink:

Instead, how about addressing the topic that has come to hand. You have told some of us, respectively,

  • "You must not know anything about the Reichstag fire. ... To create the crisis the Nazis set fire to the Reichstag building."

  • "By any reputable account it was" the Nazis that set fire to the Reichstag building.

  • "Anyone who thinks the Nazis didn't start the Reichstag fire is a fool."

  • The claim that the Nazis set fire to the Reichstag building is not disputed "by reasonable people".

  • "Expert testimony showed that the supposed arsonist didn't have the time or the technical ability to start as many individual fires as were started in the building"

Now my above posts cite quite a bit of research. It includes Fritz Tobias's standard work that apparently established that it was indeed possible for one person "to start as many individual fires as were started in the building".

More generally, it includes a number of sources, including both a recently updated one and one as formal as the Institute for Dutch History, that instead draw the conclusion that it is more likely that Van der Lubbe acted alone. These are the ones I am basing my take on. The opposing take, which you have so far defended, is identified in these pieces as being held to still primarily by a group of dissenting leftist historians (a claim I can not evaluate).

Even the very cautious Encyclopedia Brittanica lemma makes clear that the question, at the very least, is very much disputed by reasonable people, and that reputable accounts are in fact divided.

These all contradict what you asserted, and provide much additional information. How would you evaluate your assertions in this light?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 12:38 pm
dyslexia wrote:
for your holiday shopping pleasure; Don't go to the mall without one no matter what the law says;

Ruger SR9. Here are the specs. from the Ruger website:

** Weighs 26.5 oz., in a package of just 5.52" H x 7.55" L x 1.27" W

** Reliable, striker-fired ignition

** Easy, "Semi-Double Action" trigger-pull - 6.5 pounds.

** 17+1 Capacity. (Note: 17-round magazines are not available in all states and locales; 10-round magazines are available where required to meet state and local regulations limiting magazine capacity.)

** Chambered in 9mm Parabellum (9mm x 19).

** Short trigger reach.

** Unique reversible backstrap (flat or arched) to accommodate grip preferences.

** Slim, ergonomic grip features a 17-degree grip angle and three, 22 lpi checkered panels that provide a sure grip without being abrasive.

** Patented Ruger camblock helps absorb recoil.

** High-visibility 3-dot sight system is click adjustable for elevation and drift adjustable for windage.

** Picatinny rail accepts modern sighting devices (lights, lasers, etc.).

** Ultra-slim stainless steel slide.

** Ambidextrous magazine release.

** Ambidextrous 1911-style manual safety.

** Internal trigger bar interlock and striker blocker, trigger safety, and magazine disconnect.

** Visual and tactile loaded chamber indicator.

** Suggested retail price of just $525, including hard case, extra magazine, magazine loader, padlock, and instruction manual.

I'll take two. Too bad that mall was a "gun free zone" and people actually believed that little sticker was going to protect them. A few armed citizens could have easily made five or more family Christmases not suck.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 12:45 pm
Good point . . . if that mall had been filled with heavily armed cowboys like you, dozens and dozens of family christmas celebrations would suck right now.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 12:55 pm
Setanta wrote:
Good point . . . if that mall had been filled with heavily armed cowboys like you, dozens and dozens of family christmas celebrations would suck right now.

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 01:00 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Good point . . . if that mall had been filled with heavily armed cowboys like you, dozens and dozens of family christmas celebrations would suck right now.

Rolling Eyes

I know. Isn't it just amazing how stupid their arguments are? Beyond the pathetic.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 01:03 pm
Yeah right, Marshall Dillon. Nothing would have served better than having a half-dozen idiots pumping rounds into the crowd. That would have saved the situation. You crack me up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 01:06 pm
Wow. Just effing wow. It must suck to be you.
0 Replies

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