Re: The limits of US power - Illusion in Iraq
Brandon9000 wrote:freedom4free wrote:Are we indeed seeing the limitations on US power in Iraq? Is there valid cause to suggest that the US/UK forces will never achieve their objectives in Iraq of crushing resistance?
Quote:The limits of American power are there for all to see. Ask yourself why Iran is so confident today.
As the sickle moon rose to mark the start of Ramadan, the Americans launched their biggest offensive in Iraq this year. Insurgents control Haditha and other towns near the border with Syria.
The aim of the simultaneous operations River Gate and Iron Fist is to kill as many as possible, and then turn the area over to forces loyal to the government in Baghdad.
If that sounds familiar, it's because you've heard it before.
Channel 4 - The limits of US power
Illusion in Iraq
Quote:Iraqis have as many illusions as Bush about their country, like children closing their eyes and saying, "You can't see me".
Everyone has their fantasy Iraq, because reality is too hard to bear.
Tony Blair has an Iraq where things are gradually getting better, by way of things getting worse first - a bit like driving from London to Edinburgh via Brighton. "As we make the advance towards democracy, the terrorists will get more frenetic," explains John Reid, Secretary of State for Defence.
Their Iraq is full of democrats bravely standing up to terrorism.
Channel 4 - Illusion in Iraq
If, as you A2K libs profess, your anti-American positions are just another form of patriotism, why do you seem so exultant when you advance the idea that America is failing? Pardon me, but your form of patriotism seems to me like what is usually called disloyalty.
Your hate for this country sickens me. A person who believes that killing civilians in Iraq, because some f*cking scumbag oilman says it's the right thing to do, turns my stomach. And whenever anyone points out the things that need to be fixed in America, you argue, idiotically, in my opininion, that the topic shouldn't be brought up, in the name of patriotism. Pardon me, but patriotism has nothing to do with ignoring the truth.
If you believe that we should ignore everything that doesn't make the USA look good, you are a traitor to this country and a disgrace to the very freedoms you profess to defend. Please, if you value freedom like you say you do, kill yourself, or at least, shut the f*ck up. It's the only way to keep freedom, as those of us who truly understand it, alive.
Judging from the things you've said here, I believe you would be happy if we all had to lock ourselves indoors and had army troops check into our homes every night to make sure we weren't thinking of doing anything "anti-american." Your thinking is about on the same level as a KKK guy who says "these nigras are gittin' uppity. We need to shut them up for the good of the country."
Seriously, you are helping the enemy, so please stop being such a small-minded moron...I beg you. Our future depends on people like you either waking up and ceasing the idiocy, or leaving the country all together and joining the insurgents. Your thinking is the exact road the terrorists will take to the eventual demise and bankruptcy of America, this country that I love. Please stop being a part of the problem. Wake up before it's too late! I beg you!!!
And before you give me your idiotic patented response of, "if you don't respond to specific points I made, you admit defeat in this debate, let me say, "YOU HAVEN'T MADE ANY POINT, EXCEPT THAT PEOPLE SHOULD NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH!
Idiocy personified.