Hi to everyone. Hope you don't mind if I don't reply individually. reyn's a little stressed at the moment.
Well, it's just about 9pm as I write this. I visited my wife twice today, briefly.
She's okay, but her breathing is laboured, which is due, I understand, to the anesthetic. Apparently not too uncommon. They got her hooked up to an oxygen tube. Also, some kind of device that improves blood flow has been hooked up to her legs.
I haven't been able to talk to the operating doctor, so I don't know all the nitty gritty details of how the operation went. I suspect "okay", but I say that with caution. The nurses will only tell you so much when you ask them, which I can understand.
Past experience has shown that morphine drips for pain relief doesn't work well with Vivienne, so they've got her hooked up to an epidermal tap, which seems to be working better. I've asked them to review the dosage though, as I think she could do with a wee bit more relief tan what she's letting on. She handles pain very well (darn sight better than me), so hard to tell if she's being stoic.
I've been fending off visitors by saying she needs the rest and sleep, which is true. I was keeping my visits to 10 to 15 minutes, but I could see she wasn't up for conversation and really needed the sleep.
Oh, and the bloody hospital never did call me, by the way. I was anxiously waiting by the phone until 3pm when I finally had enough. sure enough, she had already been put in a room! Nice, eh?
As for the kitties, the news is mixed. Kira, the older female is doing great. Appetite is back to normal. The picture with Kory, the younger male, is not so rosy. He was eating fine until this morning, when he did not finish his brekky. As a matter of fact, he did not eat anything the rest of the day. Usually, by supper, he's all whiny for his evening portion, but I couldn't get him to eat for love or money. I am worried. I've decided if he doesn't eat tomorrow morning, I will phone up our vet and ask if I need to bring him in again.
I did manage to give him his 2nd dose of the day of his antibiotic. I had a good technique. I wrapped him up in a towel and put him on the floor (on his back) and between my lower legs, knealing over him. hehe, Anyone else try this technique?

Got him good!
Anyways, sorry to go on and on, but I'm feeling a bit better.
Catch youse guys tomorrow.....