Ticomaya wrote:Reyn wrote:Tico, eoe, sorry, something other than alcohol. I'm not allowed to drink, as per doctor's advice. It's a gastro-intestinal thing.
Any other suggestions? The clock's ticking down.

Unfortunately, I missed that suggestion by 3 minutes, but thanks! :wink:
Yup, I'm back. Surprisingly not too much worse for wear. Of course, the freezing hasn't gone 100% yet.
I was given a prescription for Tylenol #3. Hmmm, I wonder what they're trying to tell me.
Actually, the worst part was the 2 needles in the gum and that damn drilling! Hate the drilling!

It echoes in your head and shakes you up. Other than that, it wasn't so bad as I had figured.
I had a root canal done in the '70s by a dentist called Dr. Blond. I'm sure he's long since retired. He had an office number of......wait for it......

Can you believe it? A dentist's office yet!!
So, I think supper's going to be a little rice, or something like that.