I pulled it from my photo host a while back.
Well, my last week coming up.....
Now you have the time to become a marathon runner. You've got the endurance.
haha, Seems like I really had no choice but to put one foot in front of the other, and then again, and again....

Reyn: Aren't you excited to know your last days on the job are coming up

A whole new life is starting ! The Christmas season and your retirement both coming up are a great excuse to throw a huge party !!! No humbugishness allowed
P.S.: Has Vivienne given you a "honeydew" list for your first day of
It certainly is exciting! I have my own "to do" list of things that I've been putting off for a long time.
For example: I started painting the interior of our home in 1993....and I have still to finish it!
You don't want to rush perfection, you know. :wink:
I guess I've run out of reasons not to get it done now though.
No, no, that's not how I work. A room at a time is done. So, 2nd coat is complete.
Most of the rooms are done. Had a problem with the doors and frames, as it appears that they were done with oil-based paint, rather than latex. So, they have to be re-done.
Well, the countdown is coming quickly to an end.
Indeed, tomorrow, Friday, is my last day on this planet as a meter reader.
I will miss:
- Customers saying, "Read it low now!"
- Stepping in doggie doo-doo all day long. Those funny folks who never clean up after their canines. They're the best! <2 thumbs up>
- Gates that were made with such a tight fit, that you can't close them for nothing!
- Customers who close in a carport, "forgetting" all about the electric meter that was there.
- Being told that you've got the best and easiest job in the world. (just try it for a week and find out).
- People who absolutely insist in putting a bush directly in front of their gas meter. Of course, accurate readings are still expected.
- Better yet, tieing a rottweiller to the meter. My personal favourite.
- Opening the door, to see who's in the yard, "accidently" letting the dog out. Thanks, pal!
- In rural areas, customers who don't properly fence in their farm animals, making it unnecessary to open and shut the gate 4 times!
- The list goes on, but you get the drift....
I eagerly await tomorrow night. :wink:
lindatw wrote:
Down here in the city where I live,if the reader can't get to the meter,the utility company estimates what the reading is,I guess based on prior usage patterns.
Sure, we have that as well, but the system can only accurately estimate so many times in a row. Then, Billing gets on our backs to get an actual reading.
Some customers are extremely uncooperative is giving us access for reading. Unfortunately, so long they're paying their bill, we have little grounds (at the moment) to disconnect for non-access.
The pot people love that. So long they're using their "funny money"and paying, no probs for growing.
Quit stalling and get to work, Reyn.
Ticomaya wrote:Quit stalling and get to work, Reyn.
Yes, today's the day! A day in the making since 12 August 1974.
And, yes, I should probably actually be on time this morning, as the manager will be there to shake my hand, etc.
Feeling mighty good. Will report back later...
Well, the day has come to an end. For the most part, a day like any other....and then not.
The company was allowing us to go home early if our routes were finished. Didn't make much difference for me. About an hour or so. I still had things to attend to when I got back to the office. Clean out my company car, various paperwork, etc.
Most everybody had already gone home.
My manager had left me a card in my inbox, along with a nice "gift card" worth a fair bit of money. He was unable to see me off in person.
Shook a few hands, said my good-byes.
When I got home Vivienne had already been busy collecting and packing all my various uniform clothing. I was grateful for that, as there is quite a bit of it. A fair bit of miscellaneous gear to be returned as well. I do the on the morning of Dec 28th. Our office is closed the Mon and Tue.
All in all, 31 years of my life neatly bundled up and dealt with. Old boots thrown out.
That chapter of my life is now at an end, and a new one begins.
We're both feeling a bit weird right now. Vivienne has always been there as my help and support team to get me off to work. Without her, things would never have gone as smoothly as it had. In very much a sense, today we are both retiring. Routines will be changing.
All the work around the home will be shared, whereas Vivienne handled much of it in the past. It's the only way.
Thanks to everybody who have posted notes of support and well wishes, and the jokes made me smile, too. Big hugs to all. For some reason, as I write this, I'm feeling a little choked up.
Tonight, my family is going out for a nice dinner. Sort of a bit of Christmas-retirement-graduation for a course for one daughter, kind of thing.
Until later....
Nice speech, Reyn! <sniff>
"All the work around the home will be shared, whereas Vivienne handled much of it in the past. It's the only way."
You will be tempted, reyn, to suggest ways that the household could be run "more efficiently." Be careful, dude, not to pose any dramatic changes. You could very easily end up sleeping in the garage.
You can always pretend to be busy in the yard when there's work to be done inside.