"Things are looking positive for our San Francisco Gathering. We've reached 23 prospective attendees. Here's my list. Please let me know if I'm missing anybody.
But first, a note to PDid and the wife. You're welcome to join us for a trip to Sausalito. I promised to take Rae and mom.

Piffka, c.i., pueo, osso, babsatamelia, dek, maxdadeo, maximom, roger, Lola, Rae and mom, Ashman and Natalie, Wy, jjorge, Fiona and McTag - watching, dagmaraka, Gautam, dlowan, mikey, and dys.
I'm gonna treat the individual or couple who travel the furthest to get here to a grand meal in San Francisco.
I already promised a meal to pueo, and some people to some drinks.