Well, I suppose I should do what I said I would weeks ago, which is list those hotels on the list you supplied, CI, that are near Union Square and intrigue me. There are some I skipped since they seem to be in a slightly iffy spot, but I might be wrong on that. I picked for "charming" as opposed to many star amenities. And I'll re-mention one I stayed at, it was fine...
I may stay in Days Inn (etc) in Rohnert Park or Petaluma for about 40. a night, if I am driving, for one of the nights. But then I have to find a place to put the car in SF near the hotel there for a day or so. I will have to check out if I could leave the car in Larkspur and then take the ferry.... Hmm, I have a friend in Larkspur, and love a pasticceria there...
that would mean I just pack a duffle bag. You will see me perhaps in wrinkles.
Or I may fly, and take shuttle to Market Street and walk to hotel, among those on the list.
My own trip is complicated by late arrival re everybody else, and my nightblindness. So, we'll see. I'll go ahead here and list those hotels in the City that interested me a month or more ago.
Here's the Galleria Park link...I thought it was safe, very very convenient, beat the Y in New York City I stayed at recently for the same price, or just under, hands down -
I know there are more neat hotels...I have heard off and on of people renovating oldies and making them spiffy at accessible prices, and think some of those are missing on this list. But this is a fair idea of a certain type of in town lodging.
I didn't look into Ramada's etc. This is more my metier(!) no matter that I can't pronounce that. But a union square area Ramada might make good sense.
osso, Thank you. We'll need to remember page 19 of this forum for those that are looking for web links to some hotels in San Francisco. c.i.
CI, those are picked from the long list by my own personal criteria...relatively inexpensive, relatively charming, close to key area, not in the Tenderloin...
with more money, the sky is the limit in SF. I think the restaurants and hotels are among the finest.
CI, go ahead and look at those...most of them have places to meet..and various amenities. Maybe some of us could stay at one... or there may be some group rate.
I'll call the 800 number to see if we can get group rates. c.i.
Here's the latest info on a place to meet. I couldn't find any freebies in San Francisco. When I asked one of my friends, she laughed, and said we could use Golden Gate Park for our meets. The other suggestion she made was to meet at a huge coffee shop where we order drinks, then sit around and talk. One other option is for some of us to make a 'donation' towards rental of some small hall at a hotel or nonprofit or office. I'll wait for other suggestions. c.i.
I think you should all meet at "24" then go to a game at Pac Bell.
Golden Gate Park might be a good venue, if the weather cooperates and people unfamiliar with the park can find the particular corner we used. Coffee shops and bars may not be a good idea for those of us who are pretty deaf and need quiet environments if they are to hear what's going on. If we make it, I suppose we could contribute to some sort of rented venue. Hotels often have spaces that can be used by their guests to meet with small groups, perhaps that might work.
I don't understand "24", and we aren't interested in sporting events.
Well, who knows how many of us this is, at this point. It will be silly to rent a small hall if we have six in total. It if is six, maybe a lobby will be fine. Or an extra room, depending on the price.

(still lurking and still hoping to attend)
As of my latest count, 18 are planning to attend. I think even if 50 percent actually attend, that's going to be a pretty good gathering. I've already made committments to drive some people to Sausaliito, the wine country, Muir Woods, and Jelly Belly Candy Factory. c.i.
The lack of interest in good food and sports is another strike against A2K, IMO.
My "24" post is in error. "Twenty Four" was the name of the restaurant that opened at 24 Willy Mays Plaza (his number, and the address of Pac Bell Park), on the first opening day.
It since has gone under, and was replaced by the Acme Chop House. I knew this, but had forgotten.
Taking an impromtu trip to San Francisco next week with the family.
Me, Hub, and two teenage sons. We're staying near Fishermans Wharf, hanging, chilling doing the tourista thing.
I'll be happy if I can get some good food. Looking for good places with great food, price no object, not touristy, but must be casual dress and atmosphere. Any kind of food is okay. Any suggestions for the total San Francisco experience?
I can't think of a better group to ask!
Fealola, this is one of my all time favorite restaurants
By BumbleBeeBoogie
If you are ever in San Francisco, and want to enjoy the best authentic French souffle in the U.S., make a reservation at Café Jacqueline, 1454 Grant Avenue (at Union Street) in North Beach at the edge of China Town. Café Jacqueline, with its classic French country in décor, is one of my favorite restaurants.
The locally famous Café Jacqueline is a tiny store-front restaurant where entree and dessert souffles reign---the only items on the menu---accompanied by simple salads, the best French onion soup you will ever taste, and wine.
Allow sufficient time because this is not a fast-food restaurant. Each souffle is made to order. Sometimes you can chat with the chef (which I've done on a number of occasions) while her electric beaters create her lovely "runny in the middle" souffles. For example, entrée souffles may include black truffles, wild mushrooms, or just Gruyere. The dessert souffles are glorious.
Top off the evening with a concert or a play for a memorable San Francisco evening.
Make reservations by calling (415) 981-5565
I have the last four years worth of SF Chronicle surveys on best restaurants of lots of diff types, but they are at work in my Business Travel File, heh, heh.
Nag me if I forget to bring them home and post tomorrow.
Will you have a car or will you use bus and cabs?? Will try to center attention on areas that are reasonable to get to..
Give me a hint of what you might NOT be interested in, lest I go on and on in the wrong direction...