Lash wrote:"Squinney and Blatham, Soz and me, and Thomas ..."
All considered liberal re American politics. On this board, re political threads, that's homogenous.
Certainly, among you, there may be nuances of difference, but I find it hard to believe that you'd attempt to negate the glaring, basic similarity.
The glaring, basic similarity!? What in heaven's name are you talking about? We span the entire political spectrum!
For example: in Germany, Thomas's home country, he votes for one of the most rightwing parties. I would vote for the most leftwing one. We're at the very opposite ends.
In Thomas's list of answers to my
What would you vote thread, there is all of one choice (out of 8) that I would make too.
So what glaring, basic similarity?
I suppose if you come from far enough towards the edge of world politics, everything else may soon seem the same. Like communists famously grouped together all the other parties as "bourgeois" parties. Radicals often prefer to define the world in monochromic ways, and its easy to lose depth detection from afar.
But it is that tunnel vision that mostly chased me off the Politics forum.
In reality, of course, I'd bet that there aren't all that many countries that Blatham and I would vote for the same party in, either. Beyond a shared distaste of the American President and US neoconservatism, we disagree about at least as much as we agree on (and even our assessments of neoconservatism widely diverge).
(You once posted something about Blatham "leading the pack" into a certain direction. That betrayed a telling misperception. There is no such guided herd. If anything, Blatham's posts tend to bounce me right back into a sceptic critic of the American left. Its exactly the
other way round: its the posts of McGentrix, Foxfyre and yourself that chase me back into strident, leftist tones.)