Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 05:58 am
What did mama bear use to make tea?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 03:37 am

Tea for Three

Come and sit with me and we'll have tea
And talk of things that were and things that are to be
Of places we will go and things that we will see
Just the two of us
My dear daughter and me

A little wooden table
With chairs for two, not three
Yes, of course you may bring your bear
And place him on my knee.
No longer just the two of us
It's tea for three, I see
My dear daughter, the bedraggled bear and me

The years passed by and you grew up
Framed in memory, I still see
Cherub hands dimpled daintily, clutching ivory cup of tea
Twinkle laughter owns the moment
Baby faced & full of glee
Starshine dusted by the angels
Oh, God's precious gift to me!

If I live to be a hundred
I shall never richer be
Then when I shared your dazzling presence
And together we sipped tea.
My dear Daughter, the bedraggled bear, and Me!

Lee Scott, c. 1998

Poem for Thank You card - with teabag enclosed

 A cup of tea to say Thank You, 
For all the things you've done. 
And wishes that the day will bring,
You happiness and fun

 If I could take your Troubles, 
I would toss them in the Sea. 
But since I can't, I'm sending you,
My favorite cup of tea.

A little cup of friendship
With a bag of tea
When you drink this
Think of love from me.
source unknown

I wish we could sit down together
And have a cup of tea
But since we can't
When you have this one
I hope you'll think of me.
source unknown

I cannot sit and chat with you,
the way I'd like to do.
So brew yourself a cup of tea,
I'll think of you, you think of me.
source unknown

When you're feeling sad & blue
And have no clue what to do
Sit down and have a cup of tea
And a hug or two or maybe three
Feel those troubles melt away
And start you on a better day.
by Paulette

A cup of tea to say thank you
For all the things you've done,
And wishes that the day will bring
You happiness and fun..
Happy Mother's (or whatever) Day
©birdiekity May - 1998

Tea that helps our head and heart.
Tea medicates most every part.
Tea rejuvenates the very old.
Tea warms the hands of those who're cold.

J. Jonker, Amsterdam, circa 1670
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 03:42 am

My Fragrant Cup of Tea
by Minna Irving, 1920

When I am tired of work or play,
And all my nerves are raw
With things I did, and things I said
And things I merely saw,
I hasten home and donning mules
And flowing negligee,
Get out the spirit lamp and make
A fragrant cup of tea.

I pour the steaming amber drink
In china thin and fine,
Gold banded, bordered daintily
With wild rose flower and vine,
Add cream and sugar or condensed,
And sipping slowly see
A film of far off scenes unroll,
The drama of the tea.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 05:15 am
Tea Paintings
The Birds
by Nancy Lucas

As a child, Nancy recalled watching her grandmother, a real southern lady, follow a ritual of brewing and sipping her tea - always using her finest china. Her own morning ritual of brewing and sipping tea while watching the birds at the bluebird houses and feeders had inspired her to try to capture their beauty in watercolor paintings. The birds, who work constantly at nest building, getting food, taking care of young, inspire Nancy to be diligent while she works on her paintings. In honor of her grandmother, she painted various well known fine china pieces as well as unusual pieces to compliment her birds.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 05:22 am
Tea Paintings
by Cassatt, Matisse & Pollock

In this month's installation of the Art of Tea, we'll do a quick study of the development of art through the interpretation of tea. We'll cover three pieces by great artists from different periods, including Mary Cassatt, Henri Matisse and Jackson Pollock. While the art varies greatly from the earlier to the later pieces, each artist was equally inspired by this great beverage.
1880-Five o'clock Tea

Mary Cassatt was a painter whose work was greatly influenced by Manet and Degas, whose friendship and esteem she enjoyed. Her pictures are notable for their refreshing simplicity, vigorous treatment and pleasing color.

Henri Matisse was a painter, sculptor and lithographer. Along with Picasso, Matisse is considered one of the two foremost artists of the modern period. His contribution to 20th-century art is inestimably great.
1946-The Tea Cup

Jackson Pollock, generally known as the primary figure in the Abstract Expressionism movement, was famous for splattering or dripping paint on a canvas. Like Adagio Teas, Jackson Pollock's work has appeared in Time Magazine.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 04:25 am

Earlene Green

No Need for Armor

You and I are great souls.
And we come together for a time.
We meet over a cup of tea here on earth.

Shall we leave our shell and join with each other?
Shall we put down our shield and armor?
What will become of us if we do?
What horrible fate awaits us if we are defenseless?

Tea is a time for love and tenderness without fear.
It is a time for sharing and learning and growing.
Come now, leave the battle gear behind.
Brave with me and let's have tea.

Kym Gordon Moore

Mom's Cup

Defining a remedy that was clearly the best
as the warm fluid coated our irritated throats
Mom's cup of hot lemon tea
sang a silent lullaby for a good night's rest.
This ritual could not be rushed
for the cup of hot lemon tea
would not permit that to be.

Cradled in her floral tapestry rocking chair
she savored the hot fluid in a fine, gold rim bone china teacup
often falling asleep engulfed in tranquility
like a butcher's scale
balancing the cup on her lap
never once spilling a single drop.

Touching her gently
not to abruptly startle her
I whispered, "Mom wake up."
Opening her eyes
smiling and resuming her metrical rocking
with a pacifying look
and a calm demure reply
she stated, "I wasn't asleep, only resting my eyes."

Picking up the same habit
whether my throat was irritated or not
slowly drifting to an enticing nap
tranquilized and unable to finish that nice hot brew
on my lap I balance a cup and saucer
hearing the whisper of a yet familiar voice saying
"Wake up before you burn yourself!"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 05:59 am

On page nine of this thread you will find part one of this story.

The Second Installment of Lady Lavender and the Poison Tea, Wherein a Prologue is Attempted, with Much Thwarting

by Mike Bevel

The Second Installment of Lady Lavender and the Poison Tea

Before Lady Lavender Pekoe was Lady Lavender Pekoe, she was a woman named Agnes Hogbutter.

"Was not."

I'm sorry?

"I'm not going to sit by and let you spread scandal like marmalade on toast about me."

But I- I made you up. I think I'd know who you were before you were who you are now.

"Now you're just being ridiculous. Existentially I may have at one time been referred to as 'Agnes Hogbutter.' But I was always meant to be a Lady. And seeing how wealthy Lord Lavender Pekoe became, it only made sense that I was destined to become Lady Lavender Pekoe."

So technically I was right: you were Agnes Hogbutter. Which means you were probably the Agnes Hogbutter involved in that unfortunate business with the scullery maid and the-

"You'll need to desist with that line of talk per my lawyers orders."

You have a lawyer?

"Of course I have a lawyer. I'm a wealthy widow now."

But, according to my notes you die from drinking poisoned tea. In the first episode.

"You don't have any notes."

Do too.

"If by 'notes' you mean 'I came up with this in the shower in a panic because of a looming deadline' then fine: I'll grant it. You have notes. Which, ultimately, you ridiculous monkey, means nothing since clearly I didn't die from drinking poisoned tea. Hello? We're having a conversation here, aren't we? Besides: I'm the best thing about this story. It would be madness to kill me off."

So you're not dead.

"Well. Not now. Who knows what the future holds."

And Sebastian Grey?

"He's dead."

By Williams's hand, right?

"You're the writer."

Can I proceed, then? Being as I'm the writer?

"No one is stopping you - unless, that is, you start publishing scandal about me again. Do carry on, though. I'm intrigued."

Anyway. Agnes Hogbutter started her career on the streets of London as a call girl-

"Please. Courtesan. And what else was I supposed to do? It's Victorian England for the love of the Queen. My choices were to either be (a) born wealthy which, not so much; (b) become a governess; (c) find work as a school marm; or, (d) get a gig in a George Eliot or Thomas Hardy novel. Have you met Thomas Hardy? Do you know what happens to women in Thomas Hardy novels? I'd like to live, thankyouverymuch. And I also hate walking on the moors. I'm a city kind of gal. Oh, and my lawyer says that you should list my occupation as 'entertainer.'"

Of course he does. Was it during your entertaining that you met Lord Lavender Pekoe?

"Well, I was a consultant at the time. He needed... special attention. There are some things that, once you see, you can't un-see. Anyway, there was an accident involving a candle and Guinea fowl and the whole thing would have proved ruinous for Lord Lavender Pekoe had it got in the papers. So I offered him a deal... He makes me Lady Lavender Pekoe and I make sure his reputation stays unsullied."

But you were fairly, uh, popular, right? I mean, wouldn't it get out that you were, you know, you, and not necessarily of the right social standing for a marriage to a man like Lord Pekoe?

"I dyed my hair."

And... that kept everyone from finding out your identity?

"Fine - I killed a scullery maid and stole her identity. A word of this gets out, Bevel, and your days are numbered. Lord Pekoe marrying a scullery maid became the romantic story of the decade. He took me to the opera, where I cried. He bought me a beautiful necklace and I laughed in this loud, braying way that was totally endearing. I killed."

Both literally and figuratively, it seems. So - this prologue is a mess. I think the best plan, then, is to try this all again. You know. After I've made you some tea.

"Like I'm falling for that again. How about I write my own opening and you incorporate it later."

All right then. I'll see you next episode.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:30 am
anybody mention red bush or (rooi boos) . Its a soudefriken grass that makes a very nice aromatic cup of tea.
We also like Labrador teas , its a fern (I believe) Ive never read up on it, but it too is fragrant when steeped.
Red Bush will calm you and heal you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:34 am
I'm not sure farmerman, I don't think so. Is that your favorite tea? I will look into the Red Bush tea.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:40 am
Is this it?

Rooibos African Red Bush Tea

I'm going to try and find it here in NY.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:45 am
I got addicted to red bush when I worked over in Africa and its the only good memory of that place that I still have.It is my favorite. Although I used to drink a really smoky Lapasang Souchong (The Formosan variety) very very tarry and needs a lot of sugar, same thing with phu-er. Phu-er can be the vilest of teas next to some of the local AMish medicinal brews. (The Amish make a tea out of Mullein for bad fevers)

Phu-er tastes like a swamp asmells, but, like LApsang, once you gain a taste for it, you gotta have more. Weird. I used to get Phu-er in Taiwan also. It came in what looked like carved "Poo pets" it was always in a ball or carved into some statuary or some molded shape. I think phu-er means "this hsit tastes muddy"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:52 am
lol All the others you mentioned sound strange. Glad they did not kill you, and maybe your healthier for having tried them.

My aunt was very good with the brews, and the potions, very healthy.

I wonder if I can find a list of medicinal teas? hmmm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:29 am

Tea Ceremony

The tea ceremony is a very special event in Japanese culture. The host spends days going over every detail to make sure that the ceremony will be perfect. There are various styles of tea ceremonies and it is recognized that every human encounter is a singular occasion that will never recur again in exactly the same way, and so every aspect of the tea ceremony is savored. The ceremony takes place in a room called the chashitsu. This room is designed and designated only for this ceremony. The room is usually within a teahouse, and is located away from the residence in the garden. 

The Guests' Arrival

When guests arrive (usually four), they are led into a waiting room (machiai) by the host's assistant (the hanto). The hanto offers the guests sayu (hot water that is used in making tea). While in the machiai, the guests choose one person to act as the main guest. The guests are then lead by the hanto into a garden that is sprinkled with water. This area is called roji or dew ground. No flowers grow here. It is in this garden that the guests are to remove the dust of the world. They sit on the koshikake machiai (waiting bench) and wait for the host (teishu).

Preparing for Guests

Before receiving guests, the teishu fills a stone basin (tsukubai) with fresh water and then purifies his hands and mouth. He proceeds through the middle gate (chumon) to receive his guests. The guests are welcomed only with a bow. No words are spoken. The teishu leads the assistant host, the main guest and then the guests, in that order, through the chumon. The chumon signifies the door between the harsh physical world and the spiritual world that is symbolized by tea. At the stone basin, the guests and host's assistant purify themselves and enter the teahouse through a sliding door that is just three feet high. To enter everyone has to bow, and this signifies that all are equal regardless of status or social position. The last person to enter puts the latch on the door.

Inside the Teahouse

There are no decorations in the teahouse except for an alcove called a tokonoma, in which a scroll painting (kakemono) is hung. This hanging is carefully chosen by the host and reveals the theme of the tea ceremony. In turn, each guest admires the scroll, the kettle (kama) and the hearth. Guests are seated according to their respective positions in the ceremony. Once the host seats himself, greetings are exchanged between the host and the main guest, and then the other guests. 

The Tea Ceremony

In the tea ceremony, water represents yin. The fire in the hearth represents yang. A stoneware jar called the mizusashi holds fresh water and symbolizes purity and only the host touches it. The green tea called matcha is kept in a small ceramic container called a chaire that is covered in a fine silk pouch (shifuku) and is set in front of the mizusashi.

If tea is served during the day a gong sounds, or if it is evening a bell tolls five to seven times to summon the guests back to the teahouse. Everyone purifies their hands and mouths once again, and then re-enters the teahouse to admire the flowers, kettle and hearth before seating themselves.

The host enters carrying the tea bowl (chawan) that holds the tea whisk (chasen), the tea cloth (chakin) and the tea scoop (chashaku). The tea bowl represents the moon (yin) and is placed next to the water jar, which represents the sun (yang). The host goes to the preparation room, and returns with the waste water bowl (kensui), the bamboo water ladle (hishaku) and a green bamboo rest called a futaoki for the kettle lid.  

The host purifies the tea container and tea scoop with a fine silk cloth (fukusa).  He fills the tea bowl with hot water and rinses the whisk. He then empties the tea bowl and wipes it with a tea towel called a chakin. At this point the host lifts the tea scoop and tea container and places three scoops of tea per guest into the tea bowl. He ladles enough hot water from the kettle into the tea bowl and uses the whisk to make a thin paste. Additional water is added to the paste until it is the consistency of cream soup, returning any unused water to the kettle. The host passes the tea bowl to the main guest first who bows and accepts it. The main guest admires the bowl by raising and rotating it. He then drinks some of the tea, wipes the rim of the bowl, and passes it to the next guest who does the same thing. 

When all the guests have tasted the tea, the bowl is returned to the host who rinses it, and cleans the tea scoop and tea container. The host offers the cleaned tea scoop and tea container to the guests for examination. Afterwards the group engages in conversation about the objects used in the tea ceremony and the presentation that took place. 
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:38 am
The Japanese Tea Ceremony Scene 1
Selecting and arranging "dogu" ( dogu: utensils for tea ceremony )

Tea Ceremony Scene 2
Preparing "mizuya" in the utensil's room ( mizuya: washing place in tea ceremony ) This area is always kept in the best order.

Tea Ceremony Scene 3
The host opens the garden door leading to the teahouse and greets the guests

Tea Ceremony Scene 4
The guests proceed to the stone basin, at first fill the ladle with water, wash both hands and rinse mouth, and enter the tea room, crawling with head lowered

Tea Ceremony Scene 5
The host greeting in the reception room

Tea Ceremony Scene 6
Making a preparation for the today's tea meal

Tea Ceremony Scene 7
"Sumidemae" presentation of the charcoal ceremony

Tea Ceremony Scene 8
The host hands a lacquered tray containing a bowl of food to each guest

Tea Ceremony Scene 9
"Nakadachi" During this recess guests stay at a small chamber near the waiting bench with a sand filled area "susa setchin"

Tea Ceremony Scene 10
Arranging flowers and replacing a hanging scroll with a new one

Tea Ceremony Scene 11
Host informs guests of "goin" ringing a gong "dora" (goin: the second entering)

Tea Ceremony Scene 12
Hanging "sudare" ( sudare: blind made of split reeds or bamboo. It admits cool breeze and keeps out the sunshine )

Tea Ceremony Scene 13
"Koicha Demae" the thick tea ceremony of the most principle and formal style

Tea Ceremony Scene 14
"Usucha Temae" Presentation of thin tea usucha, weak infusion of powdered tea, or standard tea ceremony

Tea Ceremony Scene 15
Cha no yu is over, guests leave, bidding farewell
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:40 am
and people make fun of fox hunting as an anachronism. How does such a tradition survive?

Then when your done, everybody sits around and does a recap on the "tea service ". What, no cannolis?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:45 am
lol Tradition! I think we need traditions, and rights of passage for the young people. To give life more meaning and respect, yes respect for both old, and young.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:47 am
mmmmm Cannolis yummy. Darn, I'm going to have to eat some Cannolis today. Se what you did.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:00 am

Being originally a ritual of Zen Buddhist temples in ancient China, the tea ceremony has completely Japanized in its final form, and become very popular among foreigners as well as the Japanese. The fundamental spirit of the tea ceremony is exemplified in the expression of harmony, reverence, purity and tranquility. This series shows the full course (15 scenes) of "Cha no yu" captured in woodblock prints by Toshikata Mizuno ( 1866-1903 )

See above this page for the 15 scenes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 03:26 pm

We had a late lunch at our favorite chinese restaurant today. The cook came out with a basket full of fortune cookies, picked one out, and gave it to me with a smile on his face. To my surprise this is what it said:

"Stop searching forever, happiness is right next to you."

Fortune cookies are fun, should I believe it? Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 03:45 pm

Words by Irving Caesar, Music by Vincent Youmans. 1924

Picture you 
Upon my knee
Just tea for two 
And two for tea,
Just me for you 
And you for me alone.

Nobody near us 
To see us or hear us,
No friends or relations 
On weekend vacations,
We won't have it known, dear, 
That we own a telephone, dear.

Day will break 
And you'll awake
And start to bake 
A sugar cake
For me to take 
For all the boys to see.

We will raise a family,
A boy for you, 
A girl for me,
Can't you see 
How happy we would be?

Tea For Two Song Lyrics
Tea for Two
A song published in 1924, music by Vincent Youmans (b. NYC 1898, d. Colorado, 1946), words by Irving Caesar (b. NYC 1895). From the musical comedy No No Nanette, which opened in Detroit in April, 1924. This is one of the most familiar and catchy melodies in the world, and has been extensively covered, especially by jazz performers. 
Alec Wilder, in his American Popular Song: the Great Innovators , 1900-1950, says that "The phenomenal hit of "No, No, Nanette" was, of course, Tea for Two. Because of the abrupt key shift in the second section from A-flat major to C major, it is very surprising to me that the song became such a success. And not only that, but after the key change and at the end of the C-major section, the song is virtually wrenched back into A flat by means of a whole note, e flat, and its supporting chord, E-flat-dominant seventh. Irving Caesar has said that the opening section of the lyric was never intended to be more than a "dummy", one by means of which the lyricist is able to recall later on, while writing the true lyric, how the notes and accents fall. He also says that, in order to use the words he wanted in the second section, the C-major section, he persuaded Youmans to add notes which resulted in its being similar to, but not an exact imitation of, the first section. ... But for the rhythmic variance in the second section, the entire song is made of dotted quarter and eighth notes. This certainly ran the risk of monotony, yet the record stands: it was one of Youmans' biggest songs and it remains a standard forty-odd years later."
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